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INI Configuration File

radj307 edited this page Jan 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

The program will look for the INI in the same directory as itself, with the same filename. Keep this is mind if you rename the executable!


> 3.2.7

sDefaultHost =                ; Defines the default hostname/IP, unless a hostname/IP was specified on the commandline.
sDefaultPort =                ; Defines the default port, unless a port was specified on the commandline.
sDefaultPass =                ; Defines the default password, unless a password was specified on the commandline.
bAllowNoArgs = false          ; When true, the default action with no arguments is to connect to the above target.

bDisablePrompt = false        ; When true, this is the equivalent of always specifying the --no-prompt option.
bDisableColors = false        ; When true, this is the equivalent of always specifying the -n/--no-color option.
sCustomPrompt =               ; Accepts a string to use in place of the default prompt, excluding the end, which is always "> ".
bEnableBukkitColors = false   ; Enables support for Bukkit's color syntax. This is only relevant for minecraft servers running Bukkit.

iCommandDelay = 0             ; The delay in milliseconds between sending each command when using commandline/scriptfile mode.
iReceiveDelay = 10            ; The time in milliseconds to wait after receiving packets. Raise this if multi-packet responses aren't fully received. 
iSelectTimeout = 500          ; The max amount of time to wait for packets before timing out. Raise this if your network is slow.

< 2.0.0

In version 3.0.0, the following keys were renamed by inserting "Default" between the first 's' character and the rest of the key name.

sHost = 
sPort = 
sPass = 
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