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RaBe Keycloak Theme

This repository contains our opinonated theme as well as some docs related to the user experience of how we set up Keycloak at RaBe.


  • RaBe look and feel
  • Integration with our Mokey instance for password reset
  • Updated translations properties to use wording familiar to our users

Keycloak Support Matrix

Shows what version of Keycloak the theme is compatible with.

Theme Version 14.x 15.x 20.x

Language Support

We currently suppport the de and en locales of Keycloak. More locales might be added once our current strings are adapted and stable.



This project uses jgitver for managing its version.

To publish a new release, you have to create an annotated tag and push it:


git tag -a $VER

git push origin --tags

Once tagged, the ci pipeline should publish publish the jar to GitHub packages and also create a release.

Build Archive

mvn package -f ./pom.xml

Install Archive

To deploy the archive to Keycloak simply drop it into the standalone/deployments/ directory of Keycloak and it will be automatically loaded.

The rabe Theme

Login Theme

src/main/resources/theme/rabe/login/login.ftl is a copy of the base version with the small change of linking to our mokey instance for password reset.

src/main/resources/theme/rabe/login/resources/css/style.css updates css variables to replace colors and fonts.

Account Console Theme



Our theme uses the following properties:

Property Description
rabePasswordResetLink URL to our mokey instance for password reset

Auth Flows

We currently support a basic username/password form based flow and are preparing a WebAuthn passwordless flow to replace it.

Known Issues

  • KEYCLOAK-18556: "Try another way to log in" does not work if the other way is a federated login.
  • KEYCLOAK-16075: Security key prompt is not show without user interaction


This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.


Copyright (c) 2021 Radio Bern RaBe