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C++ library for streams

Experimental tubez program that calculates sum of first N numbers

   | take(N) 
   | sum<uint64_t>();

Here count generates stream of numbers uint64_t from 0 toward infinity modulo 2^64. It take-s first N numbers from infinite stream and calculates sum in drain. Operator | works similar as same operator from unix pipes.

We should expect tubez expression from example to compile into something similar as code using for loop.

uint64_t sum_digits_for(uint64_t N) {
  uint64_t r = 0;
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    r += i;
  return r;

Both implementations results in exactly same binary code when comparing either clang and gcc output for each of implementations.

Minimum requirements

  1. It requires compiler supporting c++14 (tested with gcc-6 and clang-3.6).
  2. boost libraries 1.61 or better due to requrement of hana. Additionaly it requires boost::optional.


From project euler 1 problem:

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

// use N = 1000 to solve 
auto pe1(uint64_t N) {
  auto t = 
    tubez::iter(uint64_t(0), [](auto a) { return a + 1; }) |              // source
    tubez::filter([](auto n) { return (n % 3 == 0) || (n % 5 == 0); }) |  // tube
    tubez::take_while([N](auto n) { return n < N; }) |                    // tube
    tubez::sum<uint64_t>();                                               // drain
  return run(t);

Composition here works by composing

source | tube | {tube} | drain

Stream composition works in way that we compose one source than any number of tubez and finaly drain. Under the hood it results in type called capsule as closed tube on both ends.

Composition is associative

(a | b) | c == a | (b | c)

this enables making new tubez from other tubez by tubing them in tubez.

Source streams

Source streams are stream generators. They generate stream of data out of thin air.

Source count

template <typename T>
auto count(T from, T step = T(1));
// return source
// 1. argument starting number
// 2. argument step (default value is 1)

Source iter

auto iter(S state, F &&fun);
/// returns source
/// 1. argument state S
/// 2. argument function F that has type A(*S).
///      Function fun gets called for each input and creates stream of type A
/// example - implements count
template <typename T> 
static auto count(T from, T step = T(1)) {
  return iter(from, [step](T a) { return a + step; });

Source from_range

template <typename Iter>
auto from_range(Iter begin, Iter end)
/// returns source
/// 2 arguments that are `begin` and `end` from where data is generated
/// example - source stream from vector 
std::vector<int> v({1,2,3});
auto src = from_range(v.cbegin(),v.cend());

Tube streams

Tube stream can modify, limit or filter stream. In general it is something, that takes single data from source and sends it down towards drain.

Tube map

template <typename F>
auto map(F f)
/// returns tube
/// argument - function B(A)
/// transforms received elements of  A into elements of B
/// example: tube that multiply recievd elements by 2 
map([](int num)-> std::string { 
          return num * 2; 

Tube take

template <typename T> 
auto take(T n)
/// returns tube
/// argument - number n
///   closes stream when n numbers pass this tube
/// example allow only 5 elements go trough

Tube filter

template <typename P>
auto filter(P p)
/// returns *tube*
/// argument function *bool(A)* as predicate
///   when predicate evaluates true upstream elements from source are send to downstream 
/// example: only even numbers from source goes down to drain
filter([](int i)-> bool { return i % 2 == 0;})

Tube take_while

template <typename P> 
auto take_while(P p)
/// returns *tube*
/// argument function *bool(A)* as predicate
///  when predicate evaluates false tubes stops sending data and terminates stream
/// example: stops stream when number is too large
take_while([](int i)-> bool { return i <= 3;})

Drain streams

Drain is last element in strem processing chain. It can be seen as data receiver and aggregation.

Drain reducer

template <typename R, typename T> 
auto reducer(T &&t, R r)
/// returns *drain*
/// 1. argument inital state
/// 2. argument function of type void(T& state,A val) 
///         1. argument of this function is reference on state
///         2. argument is received stream element
/// final value of reduction is final state when stream terminates
/// example: make drain sum() that calculates total of received integers
static auto sum(){
   return tubez::reducer(int(0), [](int& a,const int val){
      a +=  val;

Drain reducer_pure

template <typename R, typename T> 
auto reducer_pure(T &&t, R r)
/// returns *drain*
/// 1. argument inital state
/// 2. argument function r of type T(T,A) 
///   where 1. argument is previous state
///         2. argument is received stream element
/// example: make drain sum() that calculates total of received integers
static auto sum(){
   return tubez::reducer_pure(int(0), [](int a,int val){
      return a + val;

Drain push_back

template <typename T> 
static auto push_back(T &&t)
/// returns *drain*
/// 1. argument container T that has "push_back" method 
/// make vector with elements from 0 to 9
std::vector<int> v;
auto tube = count(0) | take(10) | push_back(v);
std::vector<int> v0_9 = run(tube);

Drain push_back

template <typename T> 
static auto sum()
/// returns *drain*
/// accumulates received elements in sum
/// example - calculate sum of first 42 natural numbers 
count(1)  | take(42) | sum<int>();


Efficient C++ library for streams






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