Language server for Ruby.
Install both rucoa gem and vscode-rucoa extension, then open your Ruby project in VSCode.
To install rucoa gem, if your project is managed by bundler, add to your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'rucoa'
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, simply install the gem:
gem install rucoa
Displays RuboCop offenses and provides Quick Fix action for autocorrection.
Run "Format Document" command or enable "Format On Save" in the settings to autocorrect RuboCop offenses.
Highlights corresponding keywords.
Run "Expand Selection" command to select appropriate ranges.
See Outline section in the explorer panel to see document symbols in the current file, or run "Go to Symbol" command to search for symbols.
This extension supports the folowiing types of symbols:
- class
- module
- constant
- instance method
- singleton method (a.k.a. class method)
- attribute (attr_accessor, attr_reader, and attr_writer)
Provides completion items for constant names and method names.
Provides "Go to Definition" command to jump to the definition.
Shows documentation for the symbol under the cursor.
Shows method signature help when you start to type method arguments like "100".to_i(
- Semantic Tokens