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Releases: r00t-3xp10it/meterpeter


24 Dec 22:29
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Version Stage Build licence Last Commit isues Repo Size Languages Forks

:octocat: Quick Jump Links

:octocat: Project Description - codename: Betelgeuse - Remote Access Tool v2.10.14

This PS1 starts a listener server on a 'Windows|Linux' attacker machine and generates PS reverse tcp shell payloads obfuscated in 'BXOR' with a random secret key
and another layer of Characters/Variables Obfuscation to be executed on target machine. You can also recive the generated reverse tcp shell connection via 'netcat'.
(in that case you will lose C2 functionalities like screenshot, upload, download files, Keylogger, AdvInfo, PostExploit, Escalation-Of-Privileges, Stream Target Desktop,)
Executing the client (payload or the dropper) with administrator privileges, unlocks ALL C2 server modules (AMSI bypass + Execution_Policy bypass ).
Remark: Meterpeter payloads | droppers are FUD ( Please dont Test\Send samples to Virus_Total\similar_websites or to $Microsoft Cloud suspicious.amsi samples )

:octocat: Meterpeter v2.10.14 codename: Betelgeuse Update Description

This update adds new modules, fixes modules being flagged by AMSI (Anti-Virus)
And review all Meterpeter C2 (server) indevidual modules for errors\bugs\fast_improvements.

:octocat: List Of Updated-New Modules

Meterpeter Prompt Module Name Module Description Module Options State
:meterpeter:Adv:Processes> kill kill process by is PID number *** new option
:meterpeter:Adv:Browser> Clean Clean major browsers temporary files *** new module
:meterpeter:Keylogger> SocialMedia capture keyboard keystrokes from fb and twitter Start, Stop, Schedule, Delay
Force, SendToPasteBin
new module
:meterpeter:Post> Msstore Manage microsoft store programs list,discover,install,uninstall new module
:meterpeter:Post:Escalate> Uacpriv use RUNAS to spawn UAC dialogbox (user->admin) *** new module
:meterpeter:Post:Passwords> DumpSam Dump hashs from registry hives. *** new module
:meterpeter:Post:Passwords> Browser Dump stored credentials. *** *AMSI bypass*
:meterpeter:Post:Passwords> Putty Leak PUTTY session(s) credentials (regedit) *** new module
:meterpeter:Post:PhishCred> Start Phish for remote credentials *** new msgbox added
:meterpeter:Post:AMSIPatch> Console Disable AMS1 within current process Console,,FilePath,PayloadUrl *AMSI bypass*
:meterpeter:Pranks> WindowsUpdate Windows fake update full screen prank (browser) *** new module
:meterpeter:Pranks> LabelDrive Rename drive letter (C:) label (display name) list,rename new module
:meterpeter:Pranks> criticalerror fake a system critical error (bsod) *** *AMSI bypass*
:meterpeter:Pranks> BallonTip Show a ballon tip in the notification bar Title,Text,IconType,AutoClose new module

:octocat: Command & Control - Modules Structure

Module Name                        Module Description
-----------------------            ----------------------
info                               Retrieve remote host system information
session                            Retrieve Meterpeter C2 connection status
advinfo                            Advanced system information sub-menu
       |__ accounts                List remote host accounts
       |__ revshell                List client rev tcp shell information
       |__ ListAppl                List remote host installed applications
       |__ Processes               Remote host processes sub-menu
                   |__ Check       List remote processe(s) running
                   |__ Query       Process name verbose information
                   |__ DllSearch   List DLLs loaded by processes
                   |__ Kill        Kill remote process from running (processname or pid)
       |__ Tasks                   Enumerate schedule tasks sub-menu
                   |__ Check       Retrieve Schedule Tasks
                   |__ Query       Retrieve single task information
                   |__ RunOnce     Create new schedule task
                   |__ LoopExec    Create new schedule task
                   |__ Delete      Delete existing schedule task
       |__ Drives                  List all remote host mounted drives
       |__ Browser                 List remote host installed browsers sub-menu
                   |__ Start       Enumerate remote browsers\versions installed
                   |__ Verbose     Verbose enumerate remote browsers installed
                   |__ Addons      Enumerate installed browsers addons installed
                   |__ Clean       Clean major browsers temporary files 
       |__ Recent                  List remote host recent directory
       |__ ListSMB                 List remote host SMB names\shares
       |__ StartUp                 List remote host startUp directory
       |__ ListRun                 List remote host startup run entrys
       |__ AntiVirus               Enumerate all EDR Products installed sub-menu
                   |__ Primary     PrimaryAV + Security processes
                   |__ FastScan    PrimaryAV + Security processes + EDR hunt
                   |__ Verbose     Full scan module ( accurate\slower ) 
       |__ FRManager               Manage remote host firewall rules sub-menu
                   |__ Query       Query 'active' firewall rules
                   |__ Create      Block application\program rule
                   |__ Delete      Delete sellected firewall rule
       |__ OutLook                 Manage OutLook Exchange Email Objects sub-menu
                   |__ Folders     Display outlook folder names
                   |__ Contacts    Display outlook contacts info
                   |__ Emails      Display outlook email objects
                   |__ SendMail    Send Email using target domain
upload                             Upload from local host to remote host
       |__ start                   Upload from lhost to rhost
download                           Download from remote host to local host
       |__ start                   Download from rhost to lhost
Screenshot                         Capture remote host desktop screenshots sub-menu
       |__ Snapshot                Capture one desktop screenshot
       |__ SpyScreen               Capture multiple screenshots (background)
keylogger                          Install remote host keylogger sub-menu
       |__ Mouse                   Start remote mouselogger
       |__ Keystrokes              Start\Stop remote keylogger 
       |__ Pastebin                Send keystrokes to pastebin
       |__ Browser                 Capture browsers active tab title
       |__ SocialMedia             Capture FB + Twitter + whatsup + instagram keyboard keystrokes
PostExploit                        Post Exploitation modules sub-menu
       |__ Stream                  Stream remote host desktop live
                   |__ Start       Stream target desktop live
       |__ Camera                  Take snapshots with remote webcam sub-menu
                   |__ Device      List all avail...
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v2.10.13 - Zaratustra

24 Dec 20:08
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Version Stage release-date Build licence Last Commit isues Repo Size Languages Forks

:octocat: Quick Jump Links

:octocat: Project Description - codename: Zaratustra - Remote Access Tool v2.10.13

This PS1 starts a listener server on a 'Windows|Linux' attacker machine and generates PS reverse tcp shell payloads obfuscated in 'BXOR' with a random secret key
and another layer of Characters/Variables Obfuscation to be executed on target machine. You can also recive the generated reverse tcp shell connection via 'netcat'.
(in that case you will lose C2 functionalities like screenshot, upload, download files, Keylogger, AdvInfo, PostExploit, Escalation-Of-Privileges, Stream Target Desktop,)
Executing the client (payload or the dropper) with administrator privileges, unlocks ALL C2 server modules (AMSI bypass + Execution_Policy bypass ).
Remark: Meterpeter payloads | droppers are FUD ( Please dont Test\Send samples to Virus_Total\similar_websites or to $Microsoft Cloud suspicious.amsi samples )

:octocat: Meterpeter v2.10.13 Update Description

This update fixes meterpeter.ps1 (server) and dropper (vbs format) flagging detection on execution (amsi).
A little bit of efford was put also on redesigning the server (meterpreter.ps1) menus \ submenus in a more
simplistic way. And review all Meterpeter C2 (server) indevidual modules for errors\bugs\fast_improvements.

:octocat: List Of Updated-New Modules

Meterpeter Prompt Module Name Module Description Module Options State
:meterpeter:Adv> Tasks Manage remote schedule tasks Check, Query, RunOnce
LoopExec, Delete
new module (amsi bypass)
:meterpeter:Adv:Processes> kill Kill processes by processname or pid new option added (pid)
:meterpeter:Post> Exclusions Manage Windows Defender exclusions Query, Create, UrlExec, Delete new module
:meterpeter:Post:Camera> WebCamAvi Capture video (AVI) using default webcam RecTime (record time in seconds) new module
:meterpeter:Post> passwords Search for creds inside files recursive Start new module
:meterpeter:Post> DumpSAM Dump LSASS, System, Security, Sam Storage new lsass dump technic
:meterpeter:Post> HiddenDir Super\hidden directorys manager Search, Super, Create, Delete Server Sub-Menu missing fix
:meterpeter:Netscanner> PingScan List devices ip addr\ports\dnsnames on Lan Enum, PortScan, AddrScan PingSendAsync() bugfix
:meterpeter:Keylogger> Mouse record mouse clicks (psr) *** psr /output switch bugfix
:meterpeter:Post> dnsSpoof Manage remote host file *** deleted - obsolect
:meterpeter:Post> SmbSpray Smb password spray tool start deleted - amsi detected

:octocat: Command & Control - Modules Structure

Module Name                        Module Description
-----------------------            ----------------------
info                               Retrieve remote host system information
session                            Retrieve Meterpeter C2 connection status
advinfo                            Advanced system information sub-menu
       |__ accounts                List remote host accounts
       |__ revshell                List client rev tcp shell information
       |__ ListAppl                List remote host installed applications
       |__ Processes               Remote host processes sub-menu
                   |__ Check       List remote processe(s) running
                   |__ Query       Process name verbose information
                   |__ DllSearch   List DLLs loaded by processes
                   |__ Kill        Kill remote process from running (processname or pid)
       |__ Tasks                   Enumerate schedule tasks sub-menu
                   |__ Check       Retrieve Schedule Tasks
                   |__ Query       Retrieve single task information
                   |__ RunOnce     Create new schedule task
                   |__ LoopExec    Create new schedule task
                   |__ Delete      Delete existing schedule task
       |__ Drives                  List all remote host mounted drives
       |__ Browser                 List remote host installed browsers sub-menu
                   |__ Start       Enumerate remote browsers\versions installed
                   |__ Verbose     Verbose enumerate remote browsers installed
                   |__ Addons      Enumerate installed browsers addons installed
       |__ Recent                  List remote host recent directory
       |__ ListSMB                 List remote host SMB names\shares
       |__ StartUp                 List remote host startUp directory
       |__ ListRun                 List remote host startup run entrys
       |__ AntiVirus               Enumerate all EDR Products installed sub-menu
                   |__ Primary     PrimaryAV + Security processes
                   |__ FastScan    PrimaryAV + Security processes + EDR hunt
                   |__ Verbose     Full scan module ( accurate\slower ) 
       |__ OutLook                 Manage OutLook Exchange Email Objects sub-menu
                   |__ Folders     Display outlook folder names
                   |__ Contacts    Display outlook contacts info
                   |__ Emails      Display outlook email objects
                   |__ Filter      SenderName objects <Info|Body>
                   |__ SendMail    Send Email using target domain
       |__ FRManager               Manage remote host firewall rules sub-menu
                   |__ Query       Query 'active' firewall rules
                   |__ Create      Block application\program rule
                   |__ Delete      Delete sellected firewall rule
upload                             Upload from local host to remote host
       |__ start                   Upload from lhost to rhost
download                           Download from remote host to local host
       |__ start                   Download from rhost to lhost
Screenshot                         Capture remote host desktop screenshots sub-menu
       |__ Snapshot                Capture one desktop screenshot
       |__ SpyScreen               Capture multiple screenshots (background)
keylogger                          Install remote host keylogger sub-menu
       |__ Mouse                   Start remote mouselogger
       |__ Keystrokes              Start\Stop remote keylogger 
       |__ Pastebin                Send keystrokes to pastebin
       |__ Browser                 Capture browsers active tab title
       |__ Clipboard               Capture strings\files copy to clipboard
PostExploit                        Post Exploitation modules sub-menu
       |__ Stream                  Stream remote host desktop live
                   |__ Start       Stream target desktop live
       |__ Camera                  Take snapshots with remote webcam sub-menu
                   |__ Device      List all available WebCamera Devices
                   |__ Snapshot    Auto use of default webcam to take snapshot
                   |__ WebCamAvi   Capture video (AVI) using default webcam
       |__ FindEop                 Search for EOP possible entry points sub-menu
                   |__ Check       Retrieve directory permissions
                   |__ Service     Search for Unquoted Service Paths
                   |__ RottenP     Search For rotten potato vuln
                   |__ Agressive   Search for all EOP possible entrys
       |__ Escalate                Esca...
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v2.10.12 - Diógenes de Sinope

24 Apr 16:39
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Version Stage release-date Build licence Last Commit isues Repo Size Languages Forks

:octocat: Quick Jump Links

:octocat: Project Description - codename: Diógenes de Sinope - Remote Access Tool v2.10.12

This PS1 starts a listener server on a 'Windows|Linux' attacker machine and generates PS reverse tcp shell payloads obfuscated in 'BXOR' with a random secret key
and another layer of Characters/Variables Obfuscation to be executed on target machine. You can also recive the generated reverse tcp shell connection via 'netcat'.
(in that case you will lose C2 functionalities like screenshot, upload, download files, Keylogger, AdvInfo, PostExploit, Escalation-Of-Privileges, Stream Target Desktop,)

Executing the client (payload) with admin privileges, unlocks ALL C2 server modules (AMSI + Execution_Policy bypasses). Droppers mimic a 'fake KB Security Update'
If executed, while in background downloads\executes the client.ps1 in '$Env:TMP' trusted location, with the intent of evading Windows Defender + Exploit Guard.
Remark: Meterpeter payloads | droppers are FUD ( Please dont Test\Send samples to Virus_Total\similar_websites or to $Microsoft Cloud suspicious.amsi samples )

:octocat: Meterpeter v2.10.12 Update Description

This version release update fixes AMSI detection in meterpeter main script ( meterpeter.ps1 ) , in payload source code ( reverse tcp shell - Update-KB5005101.ps1 )
and in some of meterpeter modules, it also comes with a redesigned menu style ( more user friendly ) and many of the existing modules have also been updated
Either to bypass AV detection, to update module (functions) or simple to improve module console output displays.

:octocat: List Of Updated-New Modules

Meterpeter Prompt Module Name Module Description Module Options State
:meterpeter> Session Meterpeter C2 connection status report updated Session updated
:meterpeter:adv> Browser Safari\Brave browsers added to browsers list Start updated
:meterpeter:adv> Browser verbose enumeration added to module verbose updated
:meterpeter:adv> Browser Enumerate installed browsers addons addons new
:meterpeter:adv> Drives List remote host mounted drives updated Start updated
:meterpeter:adv> AntiVirus Enumerate EDR products + Security processes running Primary | FastScan | Verbose updated
:meterpeter:adv> OutLook Manage remote host OutLook Exchange Email Objects Folders | Contacts | Emails | Filter | SendMail new
:meterpeter:post> DumpLsass temporary AMSI bypass => Delete lsass dump function Dumps Sam,System,Security metadata bypass av
:meterpeter:post> AMSIpatch Disable AMS1 within current process Console | FilePath | PayloadUrl new
:meterpeter:post> SMBspray Local LAN SMB protocol password spray attack Start new
:meterpeter:post> Camera Capture remote webcam snapshots snapshot | device bypass av
:meterpeter:post> Allprivs EnableAllParentPrivileges to exec cmdline demo | cmdline new
:meterpeter:pranks> Criticalerror Prank that fakes a critical system error (BSOD) Criticalerror new
:meterpeter:pranks> Googelx New google-space easter egg added to list googlespace updated
:meterpeter:keylogger> Start Capture remote host keystrokes in background Start | Stop bypass av
:meterpeter:keylogger> PasteBin Send keylogger keystrokes to sellected pastebin account PasteBin new

:octocat: Command & Control - Modules Structure

Module Name                        Module Description
-----------------------            ----------------------
info                               Retrieve remote host system information
session                            Retrieve Meterpeter C2 connection status
advinfo                            Advanced system information sub-menu
       |__ accounts                List remote host accounts
       |__ revshell                List client rev tcp shell information
       |__ ListAppl                List remote host installed applications
       |__ Processes               Remote host processes sub-menu
                   |__ Check       List remote processe(s) running
                   |__ Query       Process name verbose information
                   |__ DllSearch   List DLLs loaded by processes
                   |__ Kill        Kill remote process from running
       |__ ListTasks               Enumerate schedule tasks sub-menu
                   |__ Check       Retrieve Schedule Tasks
                   |__ Query       Retrieve single task information
                   |__ Create      Create new schedule task
                   |__ Delete      Delete existing schedule task
       |__ Drives                  List all remote host mounted drives
       |__ Browser                 List remote host installed browsers sub-menu
                   |__ Start       Enumerate remote browsers\versions installed
                   |__ Verbose     Verbose enumerate remote browsers installed
                   |__ Addons      Enumerate installed browsers addons installed
       |__ Recent                  List remote host recent directory
       |__ ListSMB                 List remote host SMB names\shares
       |__ StartUp                 List remote host startUp directory
       |__ ListRun                 List remote host startup run entrys
       |__ AntiVirus               Enumerate all EDR Products installed sub-menu
                   |__ Primary     PrimaryAV + Security processes
                   |__ FastScan    PrimaryAV + Security processes + EDR hunt
                   |__ Verbose     Full scan module ( accurate\slower ) 
       |__ OutLook                 Manage OutLook Exchange Email Objects sub-menu
                   |__ Folders     Display outlook folder names
                   |__ Contacts    Display outlook contacts info
                   |__ Emails      Display outlook email objects
                   |__ Filter      SenderName objects <Info|Body>
                   |__ SendMail    Send Email using target domain
       |__ FRManager               Manage remote host firewall rules sub-menu
                   |__ Query       Query 'active' firewall rules
                   |__ Create      Block application\program rule
                   |__ Delete      Delete sellected firewall rule
upload                             Upload from local host to remote host
       |__ start                   Upload from lhost to rhost
download                           Download from remote host to local host
       |__ start                   Download from rhost to lhost
Screenshot                         Capture remote host desktop screenshots sub-menu
       |__ Snapshot                Capture one desktop screenshot
       |__ SpyScreen               Capture multiple screenshots (background)
keylogger                          Install remote host keylogger sub-menu
       |__ Mouse                   Start remote mouselogger
       |__ Start                   Start remote keylogger 
       |__ Pastebin                Send keystrokes to pastebin
       |__ Stop                    Stop keylogger Process(s)
PostExploit                        Post Exploitation modules sub-menu
       |__ Stream                  Stream remote host desktop live
                   |__ Start       Stream target desktop live
       |__ Camera                  Take snapshots with remote webcam sub-menu
                   |__ Device      List all available WebCamera Devices
                   |__ Snapshot    Auto use of default webcam to take snapshot
       |__ FindEop                 Search for EOP possible entry points sub-menu
                   |__ Agressive   Search for all EOP possible entrys
                   |__ Check       Retrieve directory permissions
                   |__ WeakDir     Search weak permissions recursive
                   |__ Service     Search for Unquoted Service Paths
                   |__ RottenP     Search For rotten potato vuln
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meterpeter C2 - v2.10.11 - Sagittarius A*

17 Jan 00:45
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Version Stage release-date Build licence Last Commit isues Repo Size Languages Forks

:octocat: Quick Jump Links

:octocat: Project Description - Sagittarius_A* - Remote Access Tool v2.10.11

This PS1 starts a listener server on a 'Windows|Linux' attacker machine and generates PS reverse tcp shell payloads obfuscated in 'BXOR' with a random secret key
and another layer of Characters/Variables Obfuscation to be executed on target machine. You can also recive the generated reverse tcp shell connection via 'netcat'.
(in that case you will lose C2 functionalities like screenshot, upload, download files, Keylogger, AdvInfo, PostExploit, Escalation-Of-Privileges, Stream Target Desktop,)

Executing the client (payload) with admin privileges, unlocks ALL C2 server modules (AMSI + Execution_Policy bypasses). Droppers mimic a 'fake KB Security Update'
If executed, while in background downloads\executes the client.ps1 in '$Env:TMP' trusted location, with the intent of evading Windows Defender + Exploit Guard.
Remark: Meterpeter payloads | droppers are FUD ( Please dont Test\Send samples to Virus_Total\similar_websites or to $Microsoft Cloud suspicious.amsi samples )

:octocat: List Of Updated Modules

Module Name Issue Update
Info Get more information about target system (UserAccouts,RegisteredUser,BootUpTime,etc) Automated Internal Function Update
Meterpeter C2 Attack Vector TinyUrl API implementation ( obfuscate the url dropper link ) Automated Internal Function Update
Meterpeter C2 sub-menus Sub-menus displays redesigned ( more clean console outputs ) Sub-Menus displays redesigned
Advinfo -> PingSweep Enumerate \ Scan active ip address on Local Lan \ Simple Port Scanner New Module
Advinfo -> GetBrowsers AMSI string flagging detection on cmdlet auto-download \ execution AMSI string detection bypass
AdvInfo -> FRManager Silencing microsoft defender using firewall rules (SilenceDefender_ATP.ps1) New Module
AdvInfo -> GeoLocate Client (payload-target) geo location and public ip address resolver New Module
PostExploit -> Sherlock Added to PostExploit -> FindEop ( search for escalation of privileges entrys ) New Module
PostExploit -> GetAdmin Replaced old (CMSTP) AMSI DLL bypass technic by (@Oddvar_Moe) SendKeys AMSI string detection bypass
PostExploit -> Escalate Post -> Escalate -> CmdLine ( Spawn UAC gui to run cmdline elevated ) New Module
PostExploit -> CleanTracks LNK artifacts search updated to include even more locations LNK artifacts search updated
PostExploit -> hiddendir Query \ Create \ Delete super hidden system folders New Module
Dropper Id 2 ( HTA ) AMSI string flagging detection on hta Build \ Download AMSI string detection bypass
Dropper Id 3 ( EXE ) Auto-set-PS-execution-policy-to-unrestricted \ Binary.exe suspicious.amsi bypass Source Code Updated

:octocat: Meterpeter v2.10.11 release - Research - $For reverse engineerings$


:octocat: meterpeter C2 - v2.10.11 - screenshots

Stream Target Desktop Live

Elevate session from UserLand to Adminstrator

Enumerating remote host installed browsers\versions

Simple ICMP\TCP builtin port scanner

Searching for Escalation Of privileges possible entrys ( Sherlock.ps1 + findEop.bat + ACLMitreT1574.ps1 )

Enumerating remote host running tasks

Cleanning attacker system tracks ( anti-forensic )


☠ Suspicious Shell Activity (RedTeam @2022) ☠

meterpeter C2 - v2.10.10 - Sagittarius A*

17 Oct 16:12
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Version Stage Build licence Last Commit isues Repo Size Languages

:octocat: Quick Jump Links

:octocat: Project Description - Sagittarius_A*

This PS1 starts a listener server on a 'Windows|Linux' attacker machine and generates PS reverse tcp shell payloads obfuscated in 'BXOR' with a random secret key and another layer of Characters/Variables Obfuscation to be executed on target machine (The payload executes AMSI reflection bypass in current session to evade detection while working) You can also recive the generated reverse tcp shell connection via 'netcat'. ( in that case you will lose the C2 functionalities like screenshot, upload, download files, Keylogger, AdvInfo, PostExploit, etc ).

Meterpeter payloads/droppers can be executed with 'User' or 'Administrator' privileges, depending of the cenario ( executing the client as administrator will unlock ALL server modules, AMSI + ExecutionPolicy bypasses, etc. ) Droppers mimic a 'fake KB Security Update' while in background download\executes client.ps1 in '$Env:TMP' trusted location, with the intent of evading Windows Defender + Exploit Guard.
Remark: Meterpeter payloads | droppers are FUD ( please dont test\send samples to virustotal\similar_websites or $microsoft team )

:octocat: Version v2.10.10 - Update Description

This version update fixes anti-virus windows defender 'AMSI' flagging detection on 'meterpeter.ps1' main script, fixes script internal bugs
and presents two new payload droppers ( HTA | EXE ) to chose from when running the meterpeter (server) to build the reverse tcp shell.

Dropper FileName Format AV Detection Execution
Update-KB5005101.bat Batch Undetected PS ExecutionPolicy bypass + Social Engineering cmdline (mimimized prompt)
Update-KB5005101.hta HTA Undetected PS ExecutionPolicy bypass + Social Engineering msgbox (background prompt)
Update-KB5005101.exe EXE Suspicious uac (admin) \ nouac (user) + Social Engineering msgbox (background prompt)

:octocat: Repairing bugs \ New Modules ( server )


Module Description issue Status issue
meterpeter.ps1 Main script execution Flagged by AMSI string detection Fixed ********
Post -> Escalate Escalation of privileges using SLUI.exe Flagged by AMSI string detection _NEW_EOP_ SLUI.exe
Post -> Browsers Enumerate browsers installed does not diplay outputs + opera add Fixed ********
Post -> ListDir Recursive search for hidden directorys Query search function updated update ********
Post -> SetMace Change RemoteHost File TimeStamp missing function in sourcecode Fixed ********
Post -> Pthash Pass-The-Hash (Lateral Movement) missing function in sourcecode Fixed ********
Post -> Stream Stream target desktop (MJPEG) new post-exploitation module _NEW_ ********
Post -> OpenUrl Open URL in default browser new post-exploitation module _NEW_ ********
Post -> Artifacts Delete target system artifacts + eventvwr new post-exploitation module _NEW_ ********
Post -> MsgBox Spawn remote msgbox that exec cmdline new post-exploitation module _NEW_ ********
Post -> HideUser Hidden accounts manager (Workstation) new post-exploitation module _NEW_ ********
keylogger-> Mouse Capture mouse clicks screenshots new post-exploitation module _NEW_ ********
AdvInfo -> CredPhi leak user account creds (LanManServer) validation againts DC bug workaround ********
AdvInfo -> ListAcc List user accouts does not display outputs (stdout) Fixed ********
AdvInfo -> ListSID List user accouts SID does not display outputs (stdout) Fixed ********
AdvInfo -> ListSMB List SMB accouts does not display outputs (stdout) Fixed ********
AdvInfo -> Task search for schedule tasks running does not display outputs (stdout) Fixed schtasks
webserver fake update download webpage new meterpeter download method _NEW_ ********

:octocat: Final Notes

meterpeter v2.10.10 auto-stores all files in meterpeter webroot and delivers droppers\payloads using a fake software update webpage that spawn 'Update-KB5005101.ZIP' before redirect us to the real catalog microsoft webpage. Attackers can also deliver 'dropper.ZIP' insted of using the fake software webpage (default).
For that just send the follow URL to target: http://<attacker-ipaddr>:8087/ to trigger meterpeter dropper\payload silent download\execution.

:octocat: meterpeter C2 - v2.10.10 - screenshots









☠ Suspicious Shell Activity (RedTeam @2021) ☠

meterpeter v2.10.8 - Amsi String Detection Bypasses

11 Mar 14:39
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:octocat: Project Description
meterpeter - This PS1 starts a listener Server on a Windows|Linux attacker machine and generates oneliner PS reverse shell payloads obfuscated in ASCII | BXOR with a random secret key and another layer of Characters-Variables Obfuscation to be executed on the victim machine (The payload will also execute AMSI reflection bypass in current session to evade AMSI detection while working). You can also receive the generated oneliner reverse shell connection via netcat. (in this case you will lose the C2 functionalities like screenshot, upload, download files, Keylogger, AdvInfo, PostExploitation, etc)

:octocat: Version v2.10.8 - Update Description
This update fixes anti-virus windows defender AMSI String flagging detection on 'meterpeter.ps1' main script and in 'Screenshot function'.
The follow modules have been modified to bypass detection: 'CredsPhish.ps1', 'DarkRcovery.exe', 'Keylogger.ps1' and 'GetBrowsers.ps1'.

:octocat: Project Quick Jump Links

:octocat: Repairing Bug Reports (issues)

Module Description issue Status
meterpeter.ps1 Main script Flagged by AMSI String Detection Fixed
Keylogger.ps1 Capture system keystrokes Flagged by AMSI String Detection Fixed
GetBrowsers.ps1 Enumerate Installed Browsers Flagged by AMSI String Detection Fixed
CredsPhish.ps1 Spawn user for valid credentials Flagged by AMSI String Detection Fixed
DarkRcovery.exe Dump browsers credentials Flagged by AMSI String Detection Still Flagging Detection

meterpeter v2.10.3 Video tutorial


📟 ⚡ meterpeter - v2.10.3 release - Video Tutorial (Under Windows Distro) ⚡ 📟

☠ Suspicious Shell Activity (RedTeam @2021) ☠

meterpeter - v2.10.3 - Dev Release

20 May 20:35
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:octocat: Project Description
meterpeter - This PS1 starts a listener Server on a Windows|Linux attacker machine and generates oneliner PS reverse shell payloads obfuscated in ASCII | BXOR with a random secret key and another layer of Characters-Variables Obfuscation to be executed on the victim machine (The payload will also execute AMSI reflection bypass in current session to evade AMSI detection while working). You can also recive the generated oneliner reverse shell connection via netcat. (in this case you will lose the C2 functionalities like screenshot, upload, download files, Keylogger, AdvInfo, PostExploitation, etc)

:octocat: Project Quick Jump Links

Source Code Updates {Version 2.10.3 Dev Release}


:octocat: Server Automatic Completion Of Settings

meterpeter C2 Now allow users to skip most of Server inputs, We just need to leave the 'input empty'
[press enter] that meterpeter will auto-compleat the Inputs with 'recomended' settings (If Available).

Some source code examples

:octocat: Improving (Server) Output Displays

Module Description Wiki Pages
CamSnap Manipulate Remote WebCam Function Output Displays Review/Improved wiki CamSnap
GetSystem Escalate Privileges Function Output Displays Review/Improved wiki GetSystem
Beacon Beacon Persistence Function Output Displays Review/Improved wiki Beacon
Dnspoof Dnspoof Sub-Menu Function Output Displays Review/Improved wiki Dnspoof
ListPriv ListPriv Sub-Menu Function Output Displays Review/Improved wiki ListPriv
ListTask ListTask Sub-Menu Function Output Displays Review/Improved wiki ListTask

:octocat: Repairing Bug Reports (issues)

Module Description issue Wiki
Beacon Persistence Module now beacons home from xx to xx sec (set by attacker)
This allow attacker to have a better change to grab the rev connection
issue 2 wiki
Download Function Review/Improved to allow empty spaces in remote path inputs
The use of single quotes its a requirement for this fix to work remotelly
issue 3
Upload Function Review/Improved to allow empty spaces in remote path inputs
The use of single quotes its a requirement for this fix to work remotelly
issue 3

:octocat: Recent Updates to New|Existing Modules

Module Description Commit
Settings New module to help attacker to remember active Server/Client settings commit
DumpSam Function Review/Improved to dump also security LSA secrets (Remote) commit
Beacon Persistence function updated to write Server/Client settings logfile (Locally)
This allows the attacker to store the settings from the previous day(s)
RegACL Search for weak Service Permissions on Registry added to ListPriv (Menu) commit
ListDriv Module Updated to Display also the drives found Used and Free space commit
CredPhi Module for phishing remote credentials using Windows PromptForCredential commit
Manual Manual sellection of target webcam device Name commit

meterpeter v2.10.3 Video tutorial


📟 ⚡ meterpeter - v2.10.3 Dev release - Video Tutorial (Under Windows Distro) ⚡ 📟

☠ Suspicious Shell Activity (RedTeam @2020) ☠