Communication with the Ø32 BLDC controller requires using a RS485 transceiver like MAX485 or THVD1420DRLR. Use 2-pin JST-SH cables to connect the transceiver A and B pins to the Ø32. Connect a separate microcontroller's UART to the transceiver to send RS485 commands.
Communication protocol:
- transmit command byte (control modes, whether you are requesting data)
- transmit command data byte (target speed, or what data to request)
- receive n bytes of data response (determined by firmware)
Example in Arduino IDE:
#define CMD_SET_VOLTAGE (0b10000000)
#define CMD_SET_SPEED (0b10010000)
#define CMD_SET_POSITION (0b10100000)
#define CMD_SET_CURRENT (0b10110000)
#define CMD_GET_POSITION (0b11000000)
#define CMD_GET_SPEED (0b11010000)
#define CMD_GET_CURRENT (0b11100000)
#define CMD_GET_TEMPERATURE (0b11110000)
#define RS485_DE 8 //Driver enable for the transciever, connect to a GPIO
uint8_t uart2_RX[10] = {0}; //response from Ø32
uint8_t motor_cmd(uint8_t addr, uint8_t CMD_TYPE, uint16_t data, uint8_t *rx){
while(Serial2.available()); //clear rx buffer
uint8_t uart2_TX[3] = {0}; //command RS485 to Ø32
uart2_TX[0] = CMD_TYPE | addr;
uart2_TX[1] = (data >> 7) & 0b01111111;
uart2_TX[2] = (data) & 0b01111111;
digitalWrite(RS485_DE, HIGH);
Serial2.write(uart2_TX, 3);
digitalWrite(RS485_DE, LOW);
delay(1); //delay can be reduced
int numread = Serial2.readBytes(rx, 10);
return numread;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); //UART for printing
Serial2.begin(115200); // UART for RS485 output (RX2=pin7, TX2=pin8)
pinMode(RS485_DE, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(RS485_DE, LOW);
void loop() {
// send voltage command to motor ID 6
motor_cmd(6, CMD_SET_VOLTAGE, 100, uart2_RX);
for(int i = 0; i< sizeof(uart2_RX); i++){
Hardware here: