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File metadata and controls

152 lines (106 loc) · 5.84 KB



  • a user configured on the target machine
  • access via ssh


  • It is recommended to use multiplexing to speed up the processing of requests

quick tutorial

  • create the directory for controlscockets
mkdir -pv ~/.ssh/controlmasters/
  • add the following to your .ssh/config file
Host *
        ControlMaster auto
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/controlmasters/%r@%h:%p
        ControlPersist yes

The actual project

This playbook sets up a homeserver following the IaC phylosophy. The individual roles in this playbook are not solely meant to be run on their own but some can be.

This playbook runs all the roles against a group of hosts. The main role is the homeserver that hosts all the webservices and the pi group holds a set of raspberrypis for smaller tasks.

You need to edit the hosts file in the root directory of this playbook according to your infrastructure.



This projects makes use of lots of variable methods and concepts from ansible. Take a look at Ansible's "understanding variable precedence" guide.

  • There are 3 main places to declare variables

group_vars and host_vars

  • groupvars/all: secret.yml (with ansible-vault) and vars.yml
  • host_vars/host: vars.yml but host specific
├── group_vars
│   └── all
├── host_vars
│   ├── quantumhome
│   └── raspberrypi

container and homer specific variables

Default role varibales are defined in /path/to/role/defaults/main.yml These variables can be overwritten if defined somewhere else in the playbook exept for roles in the same hirarchy level.

Take a look specifically at the footnotes in Ansible's "understanding variable precedence" guide.

├── roles
│   ├── homer
│   │   ├── defaults/main.yml


Currently all container roles in /roles/webservices/<category>/<service> need to have a default/main.yml file.

Here is an example for pihole.

container_name: pihole
url: "pihole.{{ host_local }}"
homer_category: "Network"
dashboard_name: "PiHole"
ip_address: "{{ '.'.join(ipv4lan_network.split('.')[0:3]) }}.26"

This data will later be used in the homer role for the homer dashboard. The list_services.yml task will append a dictionary from this.

Set secret variables

Create an encrypted file with ansible-vault.

cd group_cars/all # or host_vars/<your hostname>/
ansible-vault create secret.yml
ansible-vault edit secret.yml
host: "" # Your cloudflare zone
host_local: "" # local hostname for example .lan
swag_interface: "" # your macvlan parent interface for local services
dmz_interface: "" # you macvlan parent interface for public services
security_ssh_port: "" # Port used on remote machine for ssh connection
cf_email: ""
cloudflare_dns_token: ""
quantumhome_sudo_password: ""
raspberrypi_sudo_password: ""
# Nextcloud
nc_mysql_root_password: ""
nc_mysql_password: ""
# Pihole
pihole_password: ""
pihole_api_token: ""


This role will set up a web interface for all the hosted webservices across your infrastructure by the help of pihole's configured DNS records.

A quick summary of what has been set up with critical information will be dumped in a webservices.json file in resources.

The actual playbook

The run.yml will run the task ssh_juggle_port in case the security ssh port is not yet cofigured on the target hosts - that means the target hosts will only allow request from the security_ssh_port and will deny all other requests. When the security_ssh_port is not configured, the playbook connects with default_ssh_port but sets sshd to expect incoming connections on the security_ssh_port in the subsequent run. Once that is done the playbook will connect to all hosts again by executing the ssh_port_juggle. This will make sure that the correct security_ssh_port is set BEFORE the iptable role will block all requests on not defined ports. This will prevent you from having to set the port manually. Allowing request from port 44 in sshd config and allowing requests from port 22 and denying requests from all other ports in iptables will lock you out of your server for ever without manually mounting the drives. As a protective measure the iptable role wont be executed if the right conditions aren't met.

The playbook will handle security and runs all roles in a specific order against the target. Consult each role for exact explanation what the role is doing.

After the environment of the infrastructure is set up it will run my role quantumfate.zsh against the hosts to apply your desired zsh configuration. It is recommended to run this role at the end because it will install antigen bundles, hotkeys and aliases based on your installed commands.

Run the playbook

  • to run the playboot execute:
ansible-playbook run.yml --ask-vault-pass
  • you can run the playbook in check-mode without actually making changes
ansible-playbook run.yml --check --ask-vault-pass