Tooling for metablock cloud.
- @metablock/core: a Metablock API client for both node and the browser.
- @metablock/cli: command line client for interacting with metablock API
- @metablock/server: a dev server for HTML metablocks
- @metablock/store: stores for metablock authentication plugin
- @metablock/react: reusable react components
- @metablock/notebook: experimental notebook app
To create a new release
- edit the version in the package.json file
- run
make version
, this will update the version in all the sub-packages - run
yarn install
to update the lock file - commit with the
Release <version>
message and push to main - to force commit after a merge to main you can use
git commit -m "Release <version>" --allow-empty
- the publish job will publish to npm and create a github tag
As of Aug 2023
make cloc
28063 text files.
1225 unique files.
88908 files ignored. v 1.90 T=2.83 s (78.9 files/s, 3210.3 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
TypeScript 195 833 109 7135
JSON 14 0 0 332
Markdown 7 125 0 279
JavaScript 7 27 0 238
SUM: 223 985 109 7984