Manuscript title: Rate and extent of genetic diversity loss under non-equilibrium scenarios of habitat loss
In this project, we used Geonomics, a spatial explicit forward-time approach, to simulate across habitat loss scenarios with a variety of habitat amount and configuration to address the SLOSS debate in terms of genetic diversity.
The simulations were done under Genomics v.1.3.8.
This repository includes shell files, python scripts and R scripts required to perform the simulation in high-performance computation (HPC).
Create a conda environment, named "geog" to install Geonomics.
Detailed instruction, see:
Create a conda environment, named "R" to install vcftools, PLINK(v1.9) and R
Detailed instruction for installing vcftools, see:
Detailed instruction for installing PLINK, see:
Detailed instruction for installing R, see:
This repository contains two folders for simulation on virtual landscape ("Spatial") and simulation on a case study of malleefowl ("Malleefowl") respectively.