I am currently a Postdoc in Prof. Leonidas Guibas' lab, at Stanford. Interested in robot vision and embodied AI.
- [ICLR2025] Multiview Equivariance Improves 3D Correspondence Understanding with Minimal Feature Finetuning (arxiv/code/Project Page)
- [NeurIPS2024] ProvNeRF: Modeling per Point Provenance in NeRFs as a Stochastic Process (arxiv/Project Page)
- [Arxiv2024] Img2CAD: Reverse Engineering 3D CAD Models from Images through VLM-Assisted Conditional Factorization (arxiv/Project Page)
- [TPAMI2024] CPPF++: Uncertainty-Aware Sim2Real Object Pose Estimation by Vote Aggregation (arxiv/code/Project Page)
- [ECCV2024] PACE: Pose Annotations in Cluttered Environments (arxiv/PDF/code/Project Page)
- [IROS2024] RPMArt: Towards Robust Perception and Manipulation for Articulated Objects (arxiv/code/Project Page)
- [ICLR2024] SparseDFF: Sparse-View Feature Distillation for One-Shot Dexterous Manipulation (arxiv/Project Page)
- [RA-L2025] Make a Donut: Language-Guided Hierarchical EMD-Space Planning for Zero-shot Deformable Object Manipulation (arxiv/code/poster/Project Page)
- [ECCV2024] Bridging the Gap between Human Motion and Action Semantics via Kinematic Phrases (arxiv/Project Page)
- [CVPR2022] CPPF: Towards Robust Category-Level 9D Pose Estimation in the Wild (arxiv/code/Project Page)
- ... More publications on my Website
During my spare time, I also implemented lots of tools/algorithms/papers that I found interesting, all of which are open-source. You can find a brief listing and introduction of them at http://qq456cvb.github.io/sideprojects/.