A simple, straighforward .NET Standard library for the Home Assistant API.
- .NET Standard 2.0 cross-platform library
- DI-friendly client initialization (suitable for ASP.NET Core)
- Home Assistant data is represented by strongly-typed, commented model classes
- Root API (Verifies the HA API is responding)
- Automation API
- Google Calendar API (Unofficial)
- Discovery API
- Config API
- Camera Proxy API
- Entity API
- Error Log API
- Events API
- History API
- Logbook API
- Services API
- States API
- Supervisor API (Supervisor-based installations only)
- Template API
Install HADotNet.Core from NuGet:
Install-Package HADotNet.Core
Clone this repo and either include the HADotNet.Core
library in your project,
or build the project and include the DLL as a reference.
The ClientFactory
class is reponsible for initializing all other clients in a
reusable way, so you only have to define your instance URL and API key once.
To initialize the ClientFactory
, pass in your base Home Assistant URL and a
long-lived access token that you created on your profile page.
ClientFactory.Initialize("https://my-home-assistant-url/", "AbCdEf0123456789...");
First, call ClientFactory.Initialize(...);
to ensure that your Home Assistant
instance is connected. You can do this in ConfigureServices
, or using middleware.
Just be sure that the client factory has been initialized before any page/controller requests are made.
You can add individual clients to the DI container like so:
services.AddScoped(_ => ClientFactory.GetClient<EntityClient>());
services.AddScoped(_ => ClientFactory.GetClient<StatesClient>());
services.AddScoped(_ => ClientFactory.GetClient<ServiceClient>());
services.AddScoped(_ => ClientFactory.GetClient<DiscoveryClient>());
Since there are no interfaces, simply add the instance(s) directly into the container. Add as few or as many clients as you need, and then simply retrieve each client via the DI container as-needed.
public class MyController : Controller
private IOtherService SampleService { get; }
private EntityClient EntityClient { get; }
public MyController(IOtherService sampleService, EntityClient entityClient)
SampleService = sampleService;
EntityClient = entityClient;
// ...
Get a ConfigClient
and then call GetConfiguration()
var configClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<ConfigClient>();
var config = await configClient.GetConfiguration();
// config.LocationName: "Home"
// config.Version: 0.96.1
Get an EntityClient
and then call GetEntities()
var entityClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<EntityClient>();
var entityList = await entityClient.GetEntities();
Get an EntityClient
and then call GetEntities("domainName")
var entityClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<EntityClient>();
var filteredEntityList = await entityClient.GetEntities("light");
Get a StatesClient
and then call GetStates()
var statesClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<StatesClient>();
var allMyStates = await statesClient.GetStates();
Get a StatesClient
and then call GetState(entity)
var statesClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<StatesClient>();
var state = await statesClient.GetState("sun.sun");
// state.EntityId: "sun.sun"
// state.State: "below_horizon"
Get a ServiceClient
and then call GetServices()
var serviceClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<ServiceClient>();
var services = await serviceClient.GetServices();
Get a CalendarClient
and then call GetEvents(calEntity)
var calClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<CalendarClient>();
var myEvents = await calClient.GetEvents("calendar.my_calendar");
Get a ServiceClient
and then call CallService()
var serviceClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<ServiceClient>();
var resultingState = await serviceClient.CallService("homeassistant", "restart");
// Or
var resultingState = await serviceClient.CallService("light", "turn_on", new { entity_id = "light.my_light" });
// Or
var resultingState = await serviceClient.CallService("light.turn_on", new { entity_id = "light.my_light" });
// Or
var resultingState = await serviceClient.CallService("light.turn_on", @"{""entity_id"":""light.my_light""}");
Get a HistoryClient
and then call GetHistory(entityId)
var historyClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<HistoryClient>();
var historyList = await historyClient.GetHistory("sun.sun");
// historyList.EntityId: "sun.sun"
// historyList[0].State: "above_horizon"
// historyList[0].LastUpdated: 2019-07-25 07:25:00
// historyList[1].State: "below_horizon"
// historyList[1].LastUpdated: 2019-07-25 20:06:00
Get a TemplateClient
and then call RenderTemplate(templateBody)
var templateClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<TemplateClient>();
var myRenderedTemplate = await templateClient.RenderTemplate("The sun is {{ states('sun.sun') }}");
// myRenderedTemplate: The sun is above_horizon
Get a CameraProxyClient
and then call GetCameraImage
, or for a ready-to-go HTML Base64 string, GetCameraImageAsBase64
var cameraClient = ClientFactory.GetClient<CameraProxyClient>();
var myCameraImage = await cameraClient.GetCameraImageAsBase64("camera.my_camera");
// myCameraImage: "..."
To run the unit tests, you must first set two environment variables:
Fork the project, make some changes, and submit a pull request!
Be sure to follow the same coding style (generally, the standard Microsoft C# coding guidelines) and comment all publicly-visible types and members with XMLDoc comments.