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Direct, low-level control of Micro-Manager device adapters in Python.

If you want to use Micro-Manager devices directly in Python, you should install pymmcore (or pymmcore-plus) and instantiate an instance of pymmcore.CMMCore (or pymmcore_plus.CMMCorePlus). Then, to load a specific device adapter, you would call loadDevice('MyLabel', 'ModuleName', 'DeviceName'), and control it via the CMMCore instance.

This library is an experimental (read: broken) lower-level wrapper around the MMDevice API that gives you direct control over device adapter libraries, as python wrappers around the various subclasses of MMCore/Devices/DeviceInstance.h. This absolutely opens the possibility of using a device incorrectly, so an understanding of the MMDevice API is important, and caution is advised. Here be dragons.


pip install git+


import numpy as np

import pymmdevice as pmmd

pm = pmmd.PluginManager()
lib_dir = (
    "/Users/talley/Library/Application Support/pymmcore-plus/mm/Micro-Manager-80d5ac1"
module = pm.GetDeviceAdapter("DemoCamera")
assert "DCam" in module.GetAvailableDeviceNames()

with module.load_camera("DCam", "MyCamera") as cam:
    img = cam.GetImageArray()
    assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray)
    assert img.shape == (256, 256)


Clone the repo and initialize the submodules

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd pymmdevice

Create a virtual environment

You can do this however you prefer:

# e.g
mamba create -n pymmdevice python=3.11
mamba activate pymmdevice

# or
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install in editable mode without build isolation

Meson-python is used to build the pybind11 extension, and editable installs in meson-python currently require disabling build isolation. See meson-python docs for more information.

This means you must also install the build dependencies manually before running pip install -e .

pip install meson-python meson ninja pybind11
pip install -e ".[dev]" --no-build-isolation

Source the micro-manager libraries somewhere

The tests require a compiled libmmgr_dal_DemoCamera library from Micro-Manager. I do this by using the build-dev command from pymmcore-plus (which will have been installed in the [dev] extra above.)

mmcore build-dev DemoCamera

# or, to install all libraries from the latest release
mmcore install

However, if you would like to point to a different location, you can set the MM_LIB_DIR environment variable to the directory containing the compiled libraries. (This directory must minimally contain libmmgr_dal_DemoCamera for tests to pass.)

Run tests

Then you can run the tests:


Note that compiled files end up in build/ directory and are dynamically loaded at import time and test time. This means you can make changes to the pybind11 wrapper and simply re-run the tests without re-installing.


  • ERROR: File does not exist. when building or running pip install -e .

    You likely didn't initialize the submodules when you cloned the repo. Run:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  • General Reset

    After the initial install, one problem that can arise occasionally is a stale build/ directory. If you encounter errors during the build process, try removing the build/ directory and re-installing.

    rm -rf build && pip install -e . --no-build-isolation --force-reinstall

Generating type stubs

pybind11-stubgen pymmdevice._pymmdevice -o src


Direct Python wrapper for MMDevice API







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