Dotfiles of pxeemo!
My Linux distribution configuration files
See Catppuccin for GTK & QT theme
Needed git
to clone this repo and stow
to manage dotfiles:
git clone https://github,com/pxeemo/workflow.git
cd workflow
stow .
- zathura with
- lf → TUI file manager based on Vim
| file type | packages used for preview |
| text/* |
| | image/svg |librsvg
| | image/* |imagemagick
| | /pdf |poppler
| | video/ |ffmpegthumbnailer
| | audio/* |exiftool
- kitty → Terminal emulator
I recommend you adding choatic aur for faster installation without build.
hyprland hyprpaper hypridle hyprlock hyprpicker jq socat eww-git ncmpcpp
ffmpegthumnailer rsvg-convert imagemagick atool slurp dunst
eza bat-extras bat lf fzf wl-clipboard kitty xdg-user-dirs fish mpd mpc mpv
wofi grim libnotify nwg-drawer