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CheckMK docs. CheckMK is a tool we use for basic monitoring, including uptime, memory/CPU/disk usage, and more.

The staging VM for CheckMK is pulcheck-staging1. The production VM for CheckMK is pulcheck-prod1.

Useful commands

On a monitored host:

  • Run sudo cmk-agent-ctl status to check the agent status on the host.
  • Run sudo cmk-agent-ctl dump > cmk-dump.txt to verify that the agent is running successfully and see its parameters.

On the CheckMK server:

  • Switch from the 'pulsys' user to the 'pulmonitor' user (sudo su - pulmonitor to run in the new user's environment), then execute cmk --debug -vvn hostname to look at the connection to a specific host.
  • As the 'pulsys' user, do sudo nc -vz 6556 to confirm that the agent port is accessible on that host.
  • As the 'pulmonitor' user, run cmk -R to restart the checkmk service.

Checking the CheckMK server status

  • You can check the server status with sudo omd status pulmonitor

Adding a host to CheckMK

  1. Add CheckMK to the host ansible-playbook playbooks/utils/checkmk_agent.yml --ask-vault-pass --limit <host or host group> -e checkmk_folder=linux/<team name>
    1. Change the host or host group to your host or group (for example orcid_production)
    2. Change the team name, choose one: cdh, dacs, dls, or rdss (note the lowercase)
  2. Add CheckMK local rules ansible-playbook playbooks/utils/checkmk_add_local_checks.yml --ask-vault-pass --limit <host or host group> -e checkmk_folder=linux/<team name>
    1. Rule group by defailt is rails if this is not a rails project -e rule_group=group_name
      1. At the moment no other local check besides rails have been written

Source control for CheckMK with git

Our CheckMK servers are set to record all changes as git commits.

  • The setting is in Settings . . . General . . . Global Settings in the CheckMK UI.
  • The git repo is in the /omd/sites/pulmonitor/etc/check_mk directory on the server. Note that /omd/sites/pulmonitor is the home directory of the pulmonitor user.
  • To check the git history on the server and see what changes have been made:
    • sudo su pulmonitor
    • cd /omd/sites/pulmonitor/etc/check_mk
    • git log


On the host:

  • The agent seems to log to /var/log/syslog.

On the CheckMK server:

  • The server logs to /opt/omd/sites/pulmonitor/var/log/ and to /opt/omd/sites/pulmonitor/var/nagios/. The /opt/omd/sites/pulmonitor/var/log/notify.log includes records of Slack (and presumably other) notifications; /opt/omd/sites/pulmonitor/var/nagios/nagios.log logs host and service state messages. All logs are owned by the 'pulmonitor' user, but it's probably easier to view them with sudo less /path/to/log as the 'pulsys' user.

Changing the Timezone for CheckMK

We wanted to be able to update the CheckMK timezone to be 'America/NY' so that the times can better coordinate between Slack and CheckMK.

To set the timezone for CheckMK:

  • Edit /opt/omd/sites/pulmonitor/etc/environment, added TZ=America/New_York
  • Restart the service with sudo omd restart pulmonitor

Setting up SSO AuthN/AuthZ

Authentication for CheckMK is connected to the Princeton single sign-on. Authorization is controlled by two Grouper groups in Active Directory.

To set up AuthN and AuthZ on a new CheckMK server:

  • Log in as the 'cmkadmin' user
  • In the CheckMK UI, go to Setup > Users (use the search if Users does not appear as an option under Setup).
  • In the Related menu, select LDAP & ActiveDirectory.
  • Click on 'Add connection'
  • In the 'General Properties' section:
    • Add an 'ID' and 'Description' (in staging we used the name 'pu_ldap' and the Description Princeton LDAP)
  • In the 'LDAP Connection' section, set:
    • 'Directory type' to 'Active Directory'
    • 'Connect to' to 'Manually specify list of LDAP servers'
    • 'LDAP Server' to ''
    • Check the 'Bind credentials' box and enter the Bind DN, which is stored in our password manager (pattern is CN=name,OU=department,OU=People,DC=pu,DC=win,DC=princeton,DC=edu)
    • Set 'Bind password' to 'Explicit' and enter the password (also stored in our password manager) in the box - this is a read-only password for LDAP
    • Check 'TCP port' and set the value to 636
    • Check 'Use SSL'
    • Check 'Response timeout' and set the value to 5 seconds
  • In the 'Users' section:
    • For the 'User Base DN', enter 'dc=pu,dc=win,dc=princeton,dc=edu'
    • For the 'Search scope', select 'Search whole subtree below the base DN'
    • Check 'Search filter' and enter '(&(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*))'
    • Check 'UserID-attribute' and enter 'sAMAccountName'
    • Check 'Create users only on login'
  • In the 'Groups' section:
    • For the 'Group Base DN', enter 'ou=grouper,dc=pu,dc=win,dc=princeton,dc=edu'
    • For the 'Search scope', select 'Search whole subtree below the base DN'
    • Check 'Search filter' and enter '(objectclass=group)'
    • Check 'Member attribute' and enter 'member'
  • In the Attribute Sync Plugins section:
    • Check 'Alias'
    • Check 'Authentication Expiration'
    • Check 'Email address'
    • Check 'Roles', and in the new section that opens:
      • check 'Normal monitoring user'
      • click 'Add new element'
      • set the Group DN to 'cn=pu:lib:devops:users,ou=grouper,dc=pu,dc=win,dc=princeton,dc=edu'
      • set 'Search in' to 'This connection'
      • check 'Administrator'
      • click 'Add new element'
      • set the Group DN to 'cn=pu:lib:devops:admins,ou=grouper,dc=pu,dc=win,dc=princeton,dc=edu'
      • set 'Search in' to 'This connection'
  • In the 'Other' section, at the very bottom, set the 'Sync interval' to '1 days 0 hours 0 mins'
  • Click 'Save and test' at the top
  • Note that new users logging in for the first time must log in twice, and it may take some time before new users who should be admins will get the correct permissions. Once the permissions are assigned, the new admin user can (and someone must) activate the User change that made them an admin.

Setup slack notifications on a particular slack channel

Documentation from Checkmk

  1. Make sure that you are listed as a collaborator on the slack app.
  2. Go to the slack API page for the app
  3. Press Features > Incoming Webhooks
  4. Press the Add New Webhook to Workspace button
  5. Choose the channel that should receive the notifications.
  6. Copy the webhook url.
  7. In the checkmk UI, go to Setup > Events > Notifications
  8. Add a new rule
  9. Notification method should be: Slack or Mattermost
  10. Add the Webhook URL that you got from slack.
  11. Under conditions, select the appropriate criteria:
    • "Match folder": this should be the folder of VMs that you want alerts for (for example Linux > DACS)
    • "Match only during time period": this should be Active-Monitoring-2, so you don't get overwhelmed during patch tuesday