Python toolset for decompression and decompilation Python frozen binaries
. Support unpyc3
and uncompyle2
decompilers only.
unfrozen_binary contains:
- works on py2exe binaries,
- works on cx_Freeze binaries,
- works on bbfreeze binaries,
- works on PyInstaller binaries.
- pefile - Portable Executable reader module,
- unpyc3 - Decompiler for Python 3.3,
- uncompyle2 - Decompiler for Python 2.7.
How to use the toolset:
chmod +x unfrozen_binary_<name>.py
./unfrozen_binary_<name>.py binary_file_based_on_<name>.exe
More about the decompresion and decompilation Python frozen binaries you can read in my presentation about hacking Python binaries (sorry, polish only).