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A Faktory Exporter written in Python for Prometheus.

In a nutshell

The faktory_exporter is a simple server that scrapes a configured Faktory instance for stats by issuing the "INFO" command and exports them via string message for Prometheus consumption.



The URL used to scrape info from faktory is by default tcp://:@localhost:7419, but can be overwritten by using the --faktory_url arg or by specifying a FAKTORY_URL environment variable.

The app will by default run in interactive mode, printing the metrics and exiting. You can activate the daemon mode by adding --daemonize or by specifying a DAEMONIZE_EXPORTER environment variable. The activated daemon will by default run on port 7423 but this can be changed by specifying --port= or by defining the PORT environment variable.

Install with pip

Fastest way is simply running (preferably in a python env):

pip install faktory-prometheus-exporter
faktory-prometheus-exporter [--faktory_url='tcp://:[password]@localhost:7419'] [--help]

Develop using uv or pip-compile

The requirements format are the ones defined by pip-compile, from pip-tools. You may also equally use uv pip compile from uv.

uv pip compile -o requirements.txt
uv pip compile -o requirements-dev.txt

Then you can either install locally to use the CLI or to run the python function:

uv pip install -e .
faktory-prometheus-exporter [--faktory_url='tcp://:[password]@localhost:7419']

Build and use as docker container

You may use the Dockerfile and run something like the following. Make sure that the exporter is in the same network than faktory, i.e. with docker-compose.

docker build -t faktory-prometheus-exporter:latest .
docker run -d [--rm] faktory-prometheus-exporter:latest [--faktory_url='tcp://:[password]@localhost:7419']

Inspiration / prior work

Inspired by this Faktory Exporter written in go, but only partially maintained and not working out of the box when we needed it, so we built our own one.