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An engine to obscure and depersonalize user's text for russian and english languages with advanced obfuscations.


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RusTextMorpher v1.2

An engine to obscure and depersonalize user's text for russian and english languages with advanced obfuscations. Скрипт для офбускации и деперсонализации пользовательского текста.

An engine let to configure obfuscation methods and return a similararity bitween original and obscured text. Позволяет гибко настраивать методы обфускации и возвращает результат в виде процента похожести оригинального и обфусцированного текста.

Features :

  • Automatic text language detection
  • obscure by replacing Latin characters with cyrillic and reverse
  • obscure of uincode characters with analogues of characters in the text in random order
  • obscure of random substitution of characters for lower and upper case.
  • obscure of the passage of random errors in words.
  • obscure of sequential text division in random places.
  • obscure of special characters to analogues.


  • Автоматическое определение языка текста
  • Обфускация с помощью замены латинских символов на кирильские и обратно
  • Обфускация юинкодными символами аналогами символов в тексте в случайном порядке
  • Обфускация путем случайной замены символов на нижний и верхний регистр.
  • Обфускация путем помещения случайных ошибок в словах.
  • Обфускация путем разбития текста в случайных местах.
  • Обфускация спец символов на аналоги.


  • shuffle_uniqcode = True
  • shuffle_wnlines = True
  • shuffle_uppercase = True
  • shuffle_errors = True
  • shuffle_translit = True


  • Add replacements with words alternatives.


/============ Original text: =================

It may be audacious even to attempt a definition of his greatness, but it is not so difficult to describe the gifts that enabled him to create imaginative visions of pathos and mirth that, whether read or witnessed in the theatre, fill the mind and linger there. He is a writer of great intellectual rapidity, perceptiveness, and poetic power.

/============================================= Original Language detection: en /============ Obfuscated text: ===============

iТ may be audaсiоUs even То aтТEmрТ a definiТiОn оf his greaтness, buТ iТ iS nоТ Sо DIffiсulТ То DesсRibe Тhe gifТs ТHaТ enabled him То сreaТe imAginaТive vIsIоNs оf рaТHОS and mirтh ТhaТ, whEТher read оO WiтnEsseD In тhe ТheaТrP, fiLl Тhe mINd And linger Тhere. HE is a wRIТer Af GrEAТ iNТelleстual raрidiТy, рerсEрТiveneSs, and рОEтiс роweR. /============================================= Obscured Language detection: en Similararity: 0.22674418604651161 /=============================================


/============ Obfuscated text: ===============

It măy uę ăudăciōus Ęvęn Tō ĂtTęmpt ă dęFinitiōn ōf his gręătnęos, But it is Nōt sō difficult Tō dęscribę Thę gifts thăt ęnăBlĘd Him tō cręătę imăgiNătiVę viSiōns ōF păthōs ĂnD Mirth thăt, whęthĘr rĘăd ōr witnęssĘd In thę tHęătrę, filL thę mind ĂNd Lingęr thĘrę; Нę is ă writęr ōf Gręăt inTęllęcTuăl răpOditY, pęrcęPtivęnęsS, ănd pōĘtic pōwęr; /============================================= Obscured Language detection: en Similararity: 0.0377906976744186 /=============================================


/============ Original text: =================

Суперхит-инструкция к простой жизни: сказать «нет», когда нужно, сделать из неудач мост к переменам или радоваться, с легкостью решая любые проблемы. Нескучная философия: офисный работник, погрязший в рутине, забредает в кафе «Почему». Здесь он находит новый смысл жизни и осознает свои желания.

/============================================= Original Language detection: ru ============ Obfuscated text: ===============

SupeRhit-instrUktsija k pRosToj zhizNi: Skazat' «net», koGda nuzhno, sdelat' iz neuDaCh Most k PerEmEnam iLA radovFt'sja, s leGKost'ju rEshaja ljubyeSPRoblemy. neskuchnaja filOsofija: ofisnYj raBotnik, poGRjAzshij v Rutine, zABrEdaeT V Kafe «Pochemu». ZdEs' On nahodit novyj smysl zHizni i osoznaEt svoi zhElAnija. /============================================= Obscured Language detection: sl similararity: 0.05245901639344262 /============================================= ... /============ Obfuscated text: ===============

СуПерxит-инсТрУкция к прoсТoй жизни: сказатЬ «нЕт», кOгда НУжнO, сделАТЬ ИT нzУДаЧ мoст к переменам Или раДOваться, с легкoстью РЕШая любые прoблЕмы. неСкучная филoсoфия: Oфисный рАбoтник, пoVрязшиЙ в РУтине, ЗабреДаеТ в кафЕ «пoчему». здесЬ oн наxoдит нOвыЙ смысл жизНи и oсOзнает сВoи жеЛания. /============================================= Obscured Language detection: ru Similararity: 0.3147208121827411 /=============================================


Diff details:

Delete "I" from position 0
Delete "t" from position 1
Add "i" to position 2
Add "Т" to position 3
Delete "c" from position 16
Add "с" to position 17
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Delete "t" from position 36
Delete "t" from position 37
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Add "Т" to position 40
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Add "Т" to position 46
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Add "Т" to position 57
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Add "о" to position 64
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Add "т" to position 76
Delete "t" from position 85
Add "Т" to position 86
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Add "Т" to position 90
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" to position 109
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Add "D" to position 128
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Add "Т" to position 140
Delete "t" from position 147
Add "Т" to position 148
Delete "t" from position 151
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Delete "t" from position 171
Delete "o" from position 172
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Add "о" to position 174
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Add "Т" to position 182
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Add "A" to position 188
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Add "I" to position 201
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Add "N" to position 208
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Add "о" to position 212
Delete " " from position 214
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Add "
" to position 216
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Delete "o" from position 221
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Add "H" to position 224
Add "О" to position 225
Add "S" to position 226
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Add "т" to position 236
Delete "t" from position 239
Add "Т" to position 240
Delete "t" from position 243
Add "Т" to position 244
Delete "e" from position 249
Delete "t" from position 250
Add "E" to position 251
Add "Т" to position 252
Delete "o" from position 262
Add "о" to position 263
Add "O" to position 264
Add " " to position 265
Add "W" to position 266
Add "i" to position 267
Add "т" to position 268
Add "n" to position 269
Add "E" to position 270
Add "s" to position 271
Add "s" to position 272
Add "e" to position 273
Add "D" to position 274
Add " " to position 275
Add "I" to position 276
Add "n" to position 277
Add " " to position 278
Add "т" to position 279
Add "h" to position 280
Add "e" to position 281
Add " " to position 282
Add "Т" to position 283
Add "h" to position 284
Add "e" to position 285
Add "a" to position 286
Add "Т" to position 287
Add "P" to position 289
Add "," to position 290
Add " " to position 291
Add "f" to position 292
Add "i" to position 293
Add "L" to position 294
Add "l" to position 295
Add " " to position 296
Add "Т" to position 297
Add "h" to position 298
Add "e" to position 299
Add " " to position 300
Add "m" to position 301
Add "I" to position 302
Add "N" to position 303
Add "d" to position 304
Add " " to position 305
Add "A" to position 306
Add "n" to position 307
Add "d" to position 308
Add "
" to position 309
Add "l" to position 310
Add "i" to position 311
Add "n" to position 312
Add "g" to position 313
Add "e" to position 314
Add "r" to position 315
Add " " to position 316
Add "Т" to position 317
Add "h" to position 318
Add "e" to position 319
Add "r" to position 320
Add "e" to position 321
Add "." to position 322
Add " " to position 323
Add "H" to position 324
Add "E" to position 325
Add " " to position 326
Add "i" to position 327
Add "s" to position 328
Add " " to position 329
Add "a" to position 330
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Add "I" to position 337
Add "Т" to position 338
Delete "s" from position 340
Delete "s" from position 341
Delete "e" from position 342
Delete "d" from position 343
Delete " " from position 344
Delete "i" from position 345
Delete "n" from position 346
Delete " " from position 347
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Delete "h" from position 349
Delete "e" from position 350
Delete " " from position 351
Delete "t" from position 352
Delete "h" from position 353
Delete "e" from position 354
Delete "a" from position 355
Delete "t" from position 356
Delete "e" from position 358
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Delete "i" from position 363
Delete "l" from position 364
Delete "l" from position 365
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Delete "t" from position 368
Delete "h" from position 369
Delete "e" from position 370
Delete " " from position 371
Delete "m" from position 372
Delete "i" from position 373
Delete "n" from position 374
Delete "d" from position 375
Delete " " from position 376
Delete "a" from position 377
Delete "n" from position 378
Delete "d" from position 379
Delete " " from position 380
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Delete "i" from position 382
Delete "n" from position 383
Delete "g" from position 384
Delete "e" from position 385
Add "E" to position 387
Add "A" to position 388
Add "Т" to position 389
Delete "t" from position 391
Delete "h" from position 392
Add "i" to position 393
Add "N" to position 394
Add "Т" to position 395
Delete "r" from position 397
Add "l" to position 398
Add "l" to position 399
Add "с" to position 401
Add "т" to position 402
Add "u" to position 403
Add "a" to position 404
Add "l" to position 405
Add " " to position 406
Add "r" to position 407
Add "a" to position 408
Add "р" to position 409
Add "i" to position 410
Add "d" to position 411
Add "i" to position 412
Add "Т" to position 413
Add "y" to position 414
Add "," to position 415
Add " " to position 416
Add "р" to position 417
Add "e" to position 418
Add "r" to position 419
Add "с" to position 420
Add "E" to position 421
Add "р" to position 422
Add "Т" to position 423
Add "i" to position 424
Add "v" to position 425
Add "e" to position 426
Add "n" to position 427
Add "e" to position 428
Add "S" to position 429
Add "s" to position 430
Add "," to position 431
Add " " to position 432
Add "a" to position 433
Add "n" to position 434
Add "d" to position 435
Add "
" to position 436
Add "р" to position 437
Add "О" to position 438
Add "E" to position 439
Add "т" to position 440
Add "i" to position 441
Add "с" to position 442
Add " " to position 443
Add "р" to position 444
Add "о" to position 445
Add "w" to position 446
Add "e" to position 447
Add "R" to position 448
Delete " " from position 450
Delete "H" from position 451
Delete "e" from position 452
Delete " " from position 453
Delete "i" from position 454
Delete "s" from position 455
Delete " " from position 456
Delete "a" from position 457
Delete " " from position 458
Delete "w" from position 459
Delete "r" from position 460
Delete "i" from position 461
Delete "t" from position 462
Delete "e" from position 463
Delete "r" from position 464
Delete " " from position 465
Delete "o" from position 466
Delete "f" from position 467
Delete " " from position 468
Delete "g" from position 469
Delete "r" from position 470
Delete "e" from position 471
Delete "a" from position 472
Delete "t" from position 473
Delete " " from position 474
Delete "i" from position 475
Delete "n" from position 476
Delete "t" from position 477
Delete "e" from position 478
Delete "l" from position 479
Delete "l" from position 480
Delete "e" from position 481
Delete "c" from position 482
Delete "t" from position 483
Delete "u" from position 484
Delete "a" from position 485
Delete "l" from position 486
Delete " " from position 487
Delete "r" from position 488
Delete "a" from position 489
Delete "p" from position 490
Delete "i" from position 491
Delete "d" from position 492
Delete "i" from position 493
Delete "t" from position 494
Delete "y" from position 495
Delete "," from position 496
Delete " " from position 497
Delete "p" from position 498
Delete "e" from position 499
Delete "r" from position 500
Delete "c" from position 501
Delete "e" from position 502
Delete "p" from position 503
Delete "t" from position 504
Delete "i" from position 505
Delete "v" from position 506
Delete "e" from position 507
Delete "n" from position 508
Delete "e" from position 509
Delete "s" from position 510
Delete "s" from position 511
Delete "," from position 512
Delete " " from position 513
Delete "a" from position 514
Delete "n" from position 515
Delete "d" from position 516
Delete " " from position 517
Delete "p" from position 518
Delete "o" from position 519
Delete "e" from position 520
Delete "t" from position 521
Delete "i" from position 522
Delete "c" from position 523
Delete " " from position 524
Delete "p" from position 525
Delete "o" from position 526
Delete "w" from position 527
Delete "e" from position 528
Delete "r" from position 529
Delete "." from position 530
Delete " " from position 531
Delete "
" from position 532
"a " -   6.38%
"y " -   0.58%
"e " -  11.01%
"c " -   2.03%
"o " -   4.35%
"p " -   2.03%
"H " -   0.29%
"\n" -   0.29%
"a " -   5.54% 
"y " -   0.58% 
"e " -   8.75% 
"с " -   2.04% 
"о " -   3.21% 
"E " -   2.04% 
"р " -   2.04% 
"О " -   0.87% 
"\n" -   1.17% 
"H " -   0.87% 
"A " -   1.17% 
"O " -   0.29% 
"P " -   0.29% 


An engine to obscure and depersonalize user's text for russian and english languages with advanced obfuscations.







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