./_unused: files that are not used anymore but might still be useful in the future
./am: ETL scaling tools
./cfgen: cfgen assembles the data from './config' and 'secrets' and builds BTRFS images containing host specific configuration and needed genesis modules. These images are deployed to each machine.
./config: contains all the templates, scripts and configuration details of the infrastructure. Each folder corresponds to a genesis Plugin, except 'Cluster', which contains the machine definitions. The format of the folder contents are defined in cfgen.
./dnssl: used to edit DNS entries (cloudflare) and SSL certs (Letsencrypt)
./doc: contains various usage descriptions
./genesis: all the logic, see 'genesis' below
./Libs/Core: provides a framework for an extensible interface. used by genesis and cfgen
./Libs/PSI: various small helpers that are used throughout the place
./Libs/Tree: Libraries used for Trees. The heart of Core and its extensions
./tools: various devtools
genesis consists of several parts.
'./Config' contains machine specific configuration files generated by cfgen. on devop, this is a symbolic link
'./Plugins' provide all the functionality and executable commands.