This is a template bootstrap. You can clone it and use it to follow the getting started tutorial.
The tutorial uses the bpmn-visualization library to visualize runtime monitoring data ⏲️.
The whole solution is available in the solution branch.
The code of this tutorial is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
To see the deployed solution:
NOTE: this tutorial was tested with Node 16 and npm 8.16.0
npm install
npm start
Open the URL mentioned in the console
Save your code systematically to see the changes in your browser.
The tutorial explains how to visualize the following information using bpmn-visualization:
- Running instances and their number ⚙️
- State of instances: whether they predefined KPIs ⏱️ are violated:
- Two KPIs are considered: completion and waiting time of activities.
- Two levels of violation are defined: risky 🟠 and critical 🔴.
animated activity stroke: to indicate that there are running instances of the corresponding activity
Overlays on activities: to indicate the number of instances
Colors meaning:
- 🟢 Green: no violation
- 🟠 Orange: violation with a risky level
- 🔴 Red: Violation with a critical level
Overlay filling color:
- 🟢 Green: number of instances running on time according to a predefined completion time KPI
- 🟠 Orange: number of instances running late (with a risky level) according to a predefined completion time KPI
- 🔴 Red: number of instances running late (with critical level) according to a predefined completion time KPI
Speed of the animated stroke: The following is applied in order:
- slow: if there exist instances running late with a critical level.
- medium: if there exist instances running late with a risky level
- fast: in case all instances are running on time
Shadow: The following is applied in order:
- 🔴 Red: if there exist instances running late with a critical level.
- 🟠 Orange: if there exist instances running late with a risky level
- 🟢 Green: in case all instances are running on time
Animation: indicates that there are instances waiting for the next activity to be executed
Overlay: indicates the number of instances waiting for the next activity to be executed
Overlay filling color: The following is applied in order:
- 🔴 Red: if there exist instances waiting late with a critical level
- 🟠 Orange: if there exist instances waiting late with a risky level
For more details on how to style BPMN elements, check out the article: All you need to know about styling BPMN elements.