Andrew Weaver, MLIS |
Masters of Library and Information Science
BA in Japan Studies
University of Washington, Media Preservation Librarian
Seattle, WA -- 09/2019-Present
WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY, Digital Infrastructure and Preservation Librarian
Pullman, WA -- 10/2017-08/2019
AMERICAN ARCHIVE OF PUBLIC BROADCASTING, National Digital Stewardship Resident at City University of New York Television
New York, NY -- 07/2016-06/2017
Seattle, WA -- 09/2015-07/2016
Seattle, WA -- 08/2014-08/2015
Seattle, WA -- 12/2013-08/2015
ART JAPAN CO. LTD., Construction Management
Kagoshima, Japan -- 2011-2013
Satsuma-Sendai, Japan -- 2007-2009
- FFmpeg, DACS, PREMIS, EAD, Git, Ruby, Bash, MySQL, XML, HTML, CSS
- High proficiency in Japanese. Spoken level: fluent. Reading/Writing: 3rd year college level
- Weaver A., Blewer A. (2023) The Forgotten Disc: Synthesis and Recommendations for Viable VCD Preservation, Code4Lib Journal, v57,
- Weaver A., Blewer A. (2019) Sustainability Through Community - ffmprovisr and the Case for Collaborative Knowledge Transfer. In M. Ras, B Sierman and Angela Puggioni (Eds.), iPRES 2019, the 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation (pp. 245-249).
- Vallier J., Weaver A. (2019) Media Services. In R.C. Roemer & V. Kern (Eds.), The Culture of Digital Scholarship in Academic Libraries. (pp 163-179). ALA Editions.
- Weaver A., Colloton E., McManus K., Chau S., Ramirez-Lopez L., Lott A., Graves T. (2017) Building a Digital Preservation Community in Public Broadcasting: A Case Study of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting’s National Digital Stewardship Residencies. IASA Journal, v47, (pp 41-47).
- Widzinski L., Mandel, D., Weaver, A., Horbal, A. (2016) Media in the Classroom. Against the Grain,v28(5), pp 32-35.
- Lee, J. H., Perti, A., Weaver, A., & Windleharth, T. (2014). UW/SIMM Video Game Metadata Schema: Controlled Vocabulary for Genre.
- Blewer, A., Cummings, S., Hockstein, D., Hopfauf, L., Martin, N., Toth, B., Weaver, A. (12/5/2024). "Degralescence 10 Years Later: Community Solutioons to a Mounting Predicament" [Conference Panel]. AMIA Annual Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
- Weaver, A. (5/9/2024). "Native Northwest Online: Quality Control Metrics and Methods for Linguistics Digitization" [Poster Presentation]. NW Archivists Annual Meeting 2024. Spokane, WA.
- Weaver, A. (12/8/2022). "Enter the Robot! A Case Study in Optical Media Migration" [Poster presentation]. AMIA Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Weaver, A. (10/28/2022). "CUE It Up! An Effective Solution for Mass CD-DA Migration" [Lightning talk]. No Time To Wait 6. The Hague, Netherlands.
- Hopfauf, L., Rice, D., Weaver, A. (9/26/2022 - 9/29/2022). "DV Rescue! Lessons Learned and Outcomes from Battling DV Obsolescence" [Conference presentation]. IASA Annual Meeting. Mexico City/Online.
- Fuqua, F., Battistella, M. F., Weaver A., Palin, H. Petersen, C., Moore, M., Lucas, C. (05/04/2022)."Visioning a Northwest Digital Video and Moving Image Repository" [Conference panel]. NW Archivists Annual Meeting 2022. Remote Event.
- Hopfauf, L., Rice, D., Weaver, A. (11/19/2021). "DVRescue: Project Conclusions & Future Work" [Conference Presentation]. AMIA Fall 2021 Conference. Remote Event.
- Weaver, A., Vallier, J. (05/13/2021)."Remote Control: Lessons learned and reflections on Audiovisual collections in COVID" [Conference Presentation]. NW Archivists Annual Meeting 2021. Remote Event.
- Hopfauf, L., Rice, D., Weaver, A. (05/12/2021) "DV Rescue! Lessons Learned and Outcomes from Battling DV Obsolescence" [Conference Presentation]. NW Archivists Annual Meeting 2021. Remote Event.
- Hopfauf, L., Rice, D., Weaver, A. (04/15/2021). "Debugging DV" [Conference presentation]. AMIA Spring 2021 Conference. Remote Event. 04/16/2021
- Weaver, A., Cummings, S. (4/15/2021). "You’ll never QC alone: applications of automated quality control aids" [Poster presentation.] AMIA Spring 2021 Conference. Remote Event.
- Hopfauf, L., Rice, D., Weaver, A. (11/19/2020)."Return of the DVRescuer" [Conference Presentation]. AMIA Annual Conference 2020. Remote Event.
- Weaver, A., Cummings, S. (09/15/2020). "Audioqc: Speedy Quality Control Through Automation." [Conference presentation] Library of Congress I\V/A\V: Informal Virtual Audio Visual Summit. Remote Event.
- Andrews, A., Levay, Hana., Weaver, A. (07/29/2020)."Improving Accessibility of Library Resources During a Pandemic" [Conference presentation]. Orbis Cascade Alliance DUX/Systems Joint Program Meeting. Remote Event.
- Weaver, A., Hopfauf, L., Lavigne., A. (05/16/2019). "You Got This! Empowering Archivists to Use Open Tools to Process A/V Materials" [Conference presentation]. Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting 2019. Bozeman, MT.
- Weaver, A., Vallier, J., Hopfauf, L., Lavigne, A., Flesch, D. (12/01/2018). "Strategies and Outcomes for Public Digitization Events: A Case Study" [Conference presentation]. AMIA Annual Conference 2018. Portland, OR.
- Schweikert, A., Campbell, S, Hopfauf, L., Weaver, A. (12/01/2018). "vrecord: An Open Source Case Study" [Conference panel]. AMIA Annual Conference 2018. Portland, OR.
- Weaver, A. Hopfauf, L., Lavigne, A. (04/27/2018)."Beyond Pressing Play: Tools and Strategies for High Quality Reformatting of Field Recorded Materials" [Conference presentation]. Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting 2018. Warm Springs, OR.
- Hopfauf, L., Weaver, A. (12/02/2017). "Collaborative Conversion: Open Tools and Workflows in AV Preservation" [Conference presentation]. AMIA Annual Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA.
- Weaver, A. (12/02/2017)."Automation and Similarity: An Introduction to Perceptual Hashing." [Conference presentation]. AMIA Annual Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA.
- Weaver, A. (07/21/2017). "Codec Encoding for Lossless Archiving and Realtime Transmission (FLAC Update)" [Working group presentation]. IETF 99. Prague, Czech Republic.
- "Preservation Showdown: Audiovisual Edition." ALA Annual Conference 2017. Chicago, IL. 06/25/2017.
- Weaver, A., Blewer, A. (06/21/2017). "How Open Source Audiovisual Tools Help Archivists (And You Too!)" [Conference presentation]. Open Source Bridge 2017. Portland, OR.
- Weaver, A., Hopfauf, L., Boyd., M, Allen, M.S., Gertz, K. (05/19/2017)."Let's Do it Together! Open Tools and Workflows in A/V Preservation" [Conference panel]. Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting 2017. Boise, ID. 05/19/2017.
- Colloton, E., McManus, K., Ramirez-Lopez, L., Weaver, A., Lott, A., Chau, S. (04/27/2017). "Building a Digital Preservation Community in Public Broadcasting: A Case Study of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting’s National Digital Stewardship Residencies" [Conference Panel]. NDSR Symposium. Washington, DC.
- Chau, S., Ramirez-Lopez, L., Colloton, E., Graves, T., Weaver, A., Lott, A. (11/12/2016). "Planning for Preservation in Public Media: An AAPB NDSR Update" [Conference panel]. AMIA Annual Conference 2016. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Weaver, A., Hopfauf L. (09/27/2016)."Expanding Access Through Music: The Adrian Cowell Films and Research Collection" [Poster presentation]. IASA Annual Conference 2016. Washington, DC.
- Fraimow, R., Chau, S., Ramirez-Lopez, L., Weaver, A., Lott, A., Colloton, E., Graves, T., McManus, K. (09/26/2016). "Building a Digital Preservation Community in Public Broadcasting" [Conference panel]. IASA Annual Conference 2016. Washington, DC.
- Lacinak, C., Rossi-Snook, E., Jenkins, J., Vallier, J., Weaver, A. (11/21/2015)."Keeping it Real: Providing Access to Physical Collections" [Conference panel]. AMIA Annual Conference 2015. Portland, OR.
- Weaver, A., Hopfauf, L. (11/19/2015). "Expanding Access Through Music: The Adrian Cowell Films and Research Collection." [Poster presentation]. AMIA Annual Conference 2015. Portland, OR.
- Weaver, A., Hopfauf, L. (5/30/2015)."Odds and Sods: The Hidden Music of the Adrian Cowell Films and Research Collection" [Conference Presentation]. Fifty Years of Opium and Conflict in the Shan State of Burma: A Visual Retrospective. Seattle, WA. 5/30/2015.
- Weaver, A., Hopfauf, L. (5/5/2015). "Odds and Sods: The Hidden Music of the Adrian Cowell Films and Research Collection" [Conference Presentation]. Pacific Northwest Music Librarians Association. Eugene, OR.
- "Introduction to FFmpeg." AMIA Online Webinar series. 02/18/2025
- "A/V 102." Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting 2024. 05/08/2024
- "A/V 101." Washington State Historical Society Sponsored workshop. 05/16/2023
- "A/V 101." Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting 2023. 05/03/2023
- "Oral Histories - Planning, conducting, and preserving and using oral histories." We are History Keepers. 10/22/2022
- "Introduction to FFmpeg." AMIA Online Webinar series. 07/20/2022
- "Managing and Preserving Digital Files: Audio/Visual Outsourcing and Digital Preservation." We are History Keepers. 11/06/2021
- "Caring for and Digitizing Legacy Audio-Visual Materials." We are History Keepers. 03/27/2021
- "How to Care for and Preserve Audio/Visual Collections." We Are History Keepers. 07/25/2020
- "Collecting, Preserving, and Creating Projects with your Audio/Visual Collections." We Are History Keepers. 10/12/2019
- "Pop-up Music Memory Event Discussion." DC Public Library Memory Lab Network Webinar. 08/28/2018
- "Demystifying FFmpeg and FFplay." UCLA Moving Image Archives Studies Bootcamp. 09/20/2017
- "Tools and Resources for Multimodal Teaching and Learning." University of Washington English CIC Program. 11/13/2015.
National Film Preservation Foundation Basic Preservation Grant, "Robert Garfias American Music Film Collection," ($17,168). 2020. Primary Investigator
NEH Research and Development Grant, "DV Rescue," ($191,835). 2019-2021. Supporting Author
National Film Preservation Foundation Basic Preservation Grant, "Joseph F. Rock Ethnographic and Exploration Film Collection," ($10,495). 2016. Primary Author
Allen Signature Awards Grant, "Milo Ryan Phonoarchive Digitization Project," ($65,000). 2016-2017. Supporting Author
- Best First Time Contribution Award, iPRES 2019 (Amsterdam)
National Digital Stewardship Alliance: Digital Preservation 2023 Conference Planning Committee, 01/2023 - 11/2023
Northwest Archivists Virtual Conference Arrangements Committee 2022, 01/2022 - 05/2022.
AMIA Open Source Committee Governance Working Group, 11/2018 - Present.
Dspace Leadership Group, 06/2018 - 2019.
Codec Encoding for LossLess Archiving and Realtime Transmission (CELLAR) Working Group, 2017 - 2019.
XFR Collective NY, 2016 - 2017.
Audiovisual Open Source Projects:
Project Maintainer:
audiorecorder (
ffmprovisr (
'Archivist at Large' for Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound, 06/2017-Present.
- BIG 10 Academic Alliance Digital Preservation Peer Group 9/2024 - Present
- BIG 10 Academic Alliance Digitization Managers Community of Practice 9/2024 - Present
- BTAA Steering Group, 12/2024 - Present
- Digital Strategies Task Force, 5/2024 - 2/2025
- Library Research Award for Undergraduates Committee 3/2023, - Present
- Digital Workflows Checklist Team, University of Washington Libraries, 2020 - Present
- SLOTS (Staff Learning Opportunities for Technical Services) Working Group, University of Washington Libraries, 2020 - Present
- Student Employee Appreciation and Scholarship Committee, 8/2022 - 6/2024
- 2023 LPC Review Committee, University of Washington, Libraries
- 2023 Distinguished Librarian Award Selection Committee, University of Washington Libraries
- 2022 LPC Review Committee, University of Washington Libraries
- 2022 Distinguished Librarian Award Selection Committee, University of Washington Libraries
- Employee Engagement Working Group, Washington State University Libraries, 2018 - 2019
- Access Services Committee, University of Washington Libraries, 2015-2016
05/09/2015 "Audiovisual Surgery." Bay Area Video Coalition. San Francisco, CA.
09/2015 - 10/2015 "Copyright for Educators and Librarians." Duke University/Coursera.
- Northwest Archivists
- Association of Moving Image Archivists