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Primitive Portfolio Testing

Primitive follows test driven development and the principles described in Microsoft Unit Testing Best Practices.

For solidity, Primitive follows the Primitive Standards for Solidity.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

Portfolio has multiple layers of possible states the system can be in. There are token pairs, pool configurations, different portfolios, and multiple positions which all need to be tested. To accomplish this, the test suite was designed to be extensible as possible while keeping things as simple as they can be.


For an installation guide, check out the README in the root directory.

II. Primitive System Invariants

System invariants are tested using Foundry's invariant testing.

Thanks to horsefacts.eth for their stellar walkthrough of building an invariant test suite: Invariant Testing WETH with Foundry.



  • Token balances of Portfolio should be greater than or equal to the reserves of all tokens.
  • For every pool, reserves of the pool's tokens should always be greater than the getPoolReserves output for the pool's entire liquidity.
  • The sum of liquidity in all pools must be equal to the sum of liquidity of every position, less the BURNED_LIQUIDITY amount.
  • The lock variable must always return 1 outside of execution.
  • The __account__.settled variable must always return true outside of execution.
  • The __account__.warm variable must always be an empty array outside of execution.


  • Preconditions:
    • msg.value is greater than zero.
  • During Execution:
    • The msg.value amount of ether sent to the contract is deposited into the weth contract via deposit() payable.
  • Postconditions:
    • msg.sender's balances value of weth increased by msg.value.
    • Portfolio's address(this).balance is equal to the balance prior to calling the function.
    • Portfolio's reserves value for weth increased by msg.value.
    • Portfolio's balanceOf weth increased by msg.value.
    • The Deposit event was emitted.


  • Preconditions:
    • The pools value for poolId must have a lastPrice != 0 and a lastTimestamp != 0.
    • msg.sender must have approved Portfolio as a spender of tokens.
    • msg.sender must have a balance to spend equal to amounts returned by the function getLiquidityDeltas for deltaLiquidity for poolId, or msg.sender must have an equivalent amount in their balances for both tokens.
  • During Execution:
    • n/a
  • Postconditions:
    • The pools liquidity for poolId always increases by deltaLiquidity if not making the first allocation, if making the first allocation the BURNED_LIQUIDITY amount is lost.
    • The pools liquidity for poolId never decreases.
    • The msg.sender's positions amount for poolId increases by deltaLiquidity, less BURNED_LIQUIDITY if making the first allocation of the pool.
    • Portfolio's reserves value for the pool's tokens increased by respective amounts computed with getPoolReserves, if the msg.sender did not have enough tokens in their balances.
    • The balanceOf Portfolio for the pool's tokens increased by respective amounts computed with getPoolReserves, if the msg.sender did not have enough tokens in their balances.
    • The Allocate event is emitted.


  • Preconditions:
    • The msg.sender's positions amount for poolId is greater than zero.
  • During Execution:
    • n/a
  • Postconditions:
    • The pools liquidity for poolId always decreases by deltaLiquidity.
    • The pools liquidity for poolId never increases.
    • The msg.sender's positions amount for poolId always decreases by deltaLiquidity.
    • The msg.sender's balances value for the pool's tokens increases by respective amounts computed with getPoolReserves.
    • Portfolio's reserves value for the pool's tokens stays the same.
    • The balanceOf Portfolio for the pool's tokens stays the same.
    • The Deallocate event is emitted.


  • Preconditions:
    • For swaps with the argument sellAsset = 1 then the input token for poolId is the pair's pair.tokenAsset, else swaps with the argument sellAsset = 0 the input token for poolId is the pair's pair.tokenQuote
      • msg.sender must have approved token to be spent by Portfolio and have input of balance of tokens held by their address, or there must be a surplus of tokens in the contract from getNetBalance and useMax must be set to true.
    • The pools poolId value must return a lastTimestamp != 0, lastPrice != 0, and liquidity != 0.
    • The input amount must be greater than zero.
    • The poolId's curve.maturity value must be less than block.timestamp.
  • During Execution:
    • n/a
  • Postconditions:
    • Portfolio's reserves changed:
      • For input amount, changed by input if msg.sender paid with external tokens.
      • For output amount, changed by output amount if not used in consecutive instructions.
    • Portfolio's balanceOf value for each token remains unchanged before or after a swap.
    • The Swap event was emitted.

III. Basic Testing

Unit Tests

The unit test suite is slightly more complicated to be able to support thorough coverage across a large amount of possible states and scenarios.

Unit Test Glossary
Ghost A variable that lives in the test environment.
Actor An address that is the msg.sender for calls to the subject.
Subject The target contract being tested upon.
Asset The asset token of a pair that is used in a pool.
Quote The quotetoken of a pair that is used in a pool.
Config Set of parameters used by a pool in a Portfolio.
Objective Virtual functions to implement of a Portfolio.
Portfolio Abstract contract that inherits Objective.
{name}Portfolio Portfolio that implements the Objective virtual contract.

To solve the problems posed by the many possible states of the system, the unit tests are designed to be extensible:

Testing problems Solutions
Portfolios with different objectives. Ghost subject var makes tests inheritable.
Pools with many possible configurations. ConfigsLib to manage configs.
Redundant inputs for each test. GhostLib helper to manage key variables.
Multiple tokens/actors. ActorsLib and SubjectsLib.
Time dependent state. Cheatcodes!

Test walkthrough

1. Setup

In Setup.sol the contracts that are being tested upon or used to test are deployed via the HelperSubjectsLib. The single subject is a Portfolio instance, and can be accessed via SubjectsState.last variable.

Ghost state is then initialized to a private variable in Setup _ghost, which sets the CURRENT actor (msg.sender) to the Test contract which inherits Setup.sol. The ghost subject variable is set to the SubjectsState.last value. Since there is no pool that exists, poolId is initialized to 0.

The setUp function can be overridden with a new subject that implements the IPortfolio interface.

function setUp() public override {
    address new_subject = address(new RMM02Portfolio(address(subjects().weth)));

This will enable the ability to make a new test file, change the subject, inherit the unit tests, and the unit tests will target the new subject.

2. Simple Testing

We are going to use an extremely simple test to show how to build unit tests for Portfolio.

Start by creating a new foundry test file and import the Setup.sol file, here's a vscode snippet to make this super easy!

> cmd + shift + p
> configure user snippets
> new snippet
> "solidity.json"

	"Template Test File": {
		"prefix": "template-sol-test",
		"body": [
			"// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only",
			"pragma solidity ^0.8.4;",
			"import './Setup.sol';",
			"contract TestTemplate is Setup {",
		"description": "Boilerplate for solidity test file."

Next, let's build a simple unit test that checks the user is credited WETH for depositing ether into Portfolio:

function test_deposit_increases_user_weth_balance() public useActor {
    uint amount = 10 ether;
    uint prev = ghost().balance(actor(), subject().WETH());
    subject().deposit{value: amount}();
    uint post = ghost().balance(actor(), subject().WETH());
    assertEq(post, prev + amount, "missing-weth-deposit");

To call the Portfolio contract, we use subject() to fetch the IPortfolio instance that was loaded during setUp.

Using the modifier useActor will call vm.prank on the current actor(). This will mean that all calls into subject() will have the msg.sender equal to the actor(). Very useful for ensuring the correct address is calling the subject! The default actor() is initialized in the setUp function to be the Unit Test contract which inherits the Setup.sol test file.

Also notice that the ghost() variable is called and we utilize it's balance method. This will call getBalance on the subject variable that is loaded into the ghost environment. This does NOT call the balanceOf function.

3. Complicated Testing

To test some functionality of Portfolio, a more complicated pre-requisite state is required. To get Portfolio to this state, modifiers are used. This is working, but we might take it out in the future since it can make the unit tests more complicated.

Here's an example of testing the allocate functionality of a Portfolio, which requires the msg.sender to approve Portfolio as a spender, msg.sender has a balance of tokens, and a pool is created to allocate to.

function test_allocate_modifies_liquidity()
  public defaultConfig useActor usePairTokens(10 ether) isArmed
        // Arguments for test.
        uint128 amount = 0.1 ether;
        // Fetch the ghost variables to interact with the target pool.
        uint64 xid = ghost().poolId;
        // Fetch the variable we are changing (pool.liquidity).
        uint256 prev = ghost().pool().liquidity;
        // Trigger the function being tested.

        bytes[] memory instructions = new bytes[](1);
        instructions[0] = abi.encodeCall(
            (false, xid, amount, type(uint128).max, type(uint128).max)

        // Fetch the variable changed.
        uint256 post = ghost().pool().liquidity;
        // Ghost assertions comparing the actual and expected deltas.
        assertEq(post, prev + amount, "pool.liquidity");
        // Direct assertions of pool state.
            ghost().pool().liquidity - BURNED_LIQUIDITY,
            "position != pool.liquidity"

Walking through the modifiers used, here's what each of them does:

modifier description
defaultConfig Creates a pool in Portfolio using default config variables.
useActor Starts a vm.prank for the current ghost().actor.
usePairTokens(uint) Mints tokens to actor() and approves subject() as the spender.
isArmed Checks newly created pool's poolId is in the ghost state.

These modifiers make it easy to setup basic state that Portfolio needs to test certain actions, but it can make it difficult to debug.

Ordering of modifiers matter! For example, the allocateSome modifier will revert if a defaultConfig modifier comes after. This is because defaultConfig will set the ghost().poolId variable, which is used by allocateSome modifier.

IV. Advanced Testing

Invariant Testing

Foundry's invariant testing covers the end-to-end system testing of Portfolio. View the tests here.

During Primitive's audit with Trail of Bits, an echidna invariant test suite was built. This test suite needs to be revisited and updated to match the latest changes in the codebase. You can view it here.

todo: Write a guide on building invariant tests for Portfolio.

Differential Testing

The solstat library dependency implements a library that is written in javascript. Differential testing is used to ensure the solidity implementation matches the javascript implementation. View the differential test suite here.