Our website is currently under construction. Please email us at [email protected] for all business inquiries.
pr0xy is an NFT development and consulting firm assisting with website, backend, Discord, image generation, and smart contract development. We've deployed for nearly 30 projects; having created over 20 sites, 10 custom Discord bots, and 40 smart contracts across the projects we've helped bring to market. In aggregate, our projects have done over 200m USD in secondary volume and continue to engage with over 30,000 collectors across the NFT space.
We offer extensive and innovative Smart Contract development; with a full suite for testing and gas optimization. More so, we offer Smart Contact auditing. Looking to launch a project? Get it audited through pr0xy so you can launch confidently, with low risk.
pr0xy currently has over 60 repositories. Most repositories are private and potentially available for implementation through contact with [email protected].
Please see the following directory of links associated with pr0xy:
- pr0xy.io: pr0xy's homepage outlining offerings, team, and portfolio
- Verified OpenSea: Verified OpenSea account page with several created collections
- OpenSea: pr0xy 2.0 page developing the next generation of pr0xy projects
- Twitter: pr0xy's Twitter social media account
Check out some of our other organizations, mainly projects we've assisted or are actively working with:
- madrabbits: MRRC, take a trip down the rabbit hole.
pr0xy is not liable for the performance of any project, and solely facilitates the pre- and during-launch time periods. Unless specified, pr0xy does not support projects post-mint, and is often off-boarded for an in-house team funded by the project's initial minting raise. Occasionally, pr0xy may provide periodic updates on the existing tech-stack such as website or Discord bots until the project has taken on a full-time development team. All code developed by pr0xy is owned by pr0xy unless stated prior. pr0xy uses a number of proprietary code snippets, packages, and tools to develop its programs and scripts.