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EditableGrid is an open source Javascript library aimed at turning HTML tables into advanced editable components. It focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of code are required to get your first table up and running.


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Documentation below is NOT up to date as it does not contain the latest features added in EditableGrid 2.0. We currently have no time to update the documentation properly, so we chose to release version 2.0 as-is.

The best way to learn using EditableGrid is to play with the fairly complete examples (examples/index.html).

EditableGrid v1.0.11


EditableGrid is a Javascript library that allows you to make the tables in your web sites and applications editable. EditableGrid focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of code are required to get your first table up and running.

You can use the EditableGrid library in two ways:

  • Hook up to an existing HTML table. This approach can be very useful for plugging EditableGrid on an existing web application.

  • Build your grid from an XML description of the table structure and contents. This approach is recommended if you're writing a new web application (or if you are want to improve an existing web application).

This only influences the way you create your editable grid. The way you can customize and use your grid afterwards is identical in both cases.

API documentation

In directory doc/jsdoc you will find a reference documentation of all classes and functions available in this library.

A first example

This library is very simple to use, so the best way to start is just to check out an example. First, let's have a look at the result: open up examples/demo.html in your favorite browser. This example will let you edit cells of various types (string, numeric, enum, email, boolean, date). It will also let you sort columns by clicking on the column header and remove rows.

In order to get you started, we provide a simplified version of this demo, so let's start with this. In file demo.html at line 12, you just have to replace "demo.js" with "demo_simple.js" and refresh the file in your browser. What you'll see is the same editable grid, but with some features removed.

Now let's see the source code behind this demo:

  • demo.html/css: main html page and a stylesheet to make our table prettier
  • demo.xml: xml file containing the table structure and contents
  • demo_simple.js: javascript source to create our editable grid

Let's analyze each file in more details:

  1. The HTML page is very simple: all it does is include the necessary javascript and css files and create some divs. The CSS file is a very simple and classical stylesheet.

  2. The XML file contains two parts:

    a. The table structure, enclosed in the tag:

    Declaring the structure of your table consists in declaring a list of columns and give the following information for each column:

    • name: this name can for example be the name of the corresponding field in a database (or anything else you may find useful to know which data has been modified)
    • label: this label will be used in the table header (if no label is given, the name is used)
    • type: type can be one of the following: string, integer, double, boolean, date, email, website, html (if not given, "string" is assumed)
    • editable: is the column editable or not (if not specified, it won't be editable)

    For double and integer columns, the type can also provide additional information, such as the unit, the precision, and/or the symbol to use for NaN, e.g.:

    • double(m): unit is 'm'
    • double(1): precision is 1 (and unit is not specified)
    • double(m, 1): unit is 'm' and precision is 1
    • double(m, 1, n/a): unit is 'm', precision is 1 and symbol for NaN is 'n/a'
    • double(€, 2, -): unit is '€', precision is 2 and symbol for NaN is '-'

    For string and email columns, you can specify the desired length of the text field used when editing these values, like this: string(40) or email(24). The default length is 12 for string and 32 for email and website.

    A specific style will be applied to numeric columns (bold and aligned to the right). Also, when a numeric cell is edited, the user won't be able to apply its changes until he enters a valid numeric value. For emails and dates also, we check that the entered value is a valid email address, resp. date.

    You can also specify a list of predefined values for each column. In this case, when a cell is edited, the user will be presented with a drop-down list containing these predefined values.

    b. The table contents, enclosed in the tag:

    This is basically a list of rows, each row containing a value for each column. It is recommended to name your columns: this way you can declare them in any order and skip some columns if you want. But naming the columns is not mandatory: the order used in metadata must then be respected. You can also assign a unique id with each row (for example, the id of the row in a database).

    Just have a look at the XML file demo.xml: it should speak for itself.

  1. In the Javascript file demo_simple.js, all we do is to create an EditableGrid object and specify two things:

    a) A function "tableLoaded" that will be called when the grid has been fully loaded. Here we simply display a message and define a renderer for the action column in order to display a delete button (see below for more details about cell renderers). Then we render the loaded grid in our div "tablecontent" using out css style "testgrid".

    b) A function "modelChanged" that will be called each time a cell has been modified by the uses. Here we just display a message showing the new value. In real life, it's here that you can for example update your database (with an AJAX request).

    When the EditableGrid object is created with the necessary callbacks activated, we use function "loadXML" to load the XMl file demo.xml.

That's it for the basics of using EditableGrid.

Improving our first example

You remember we asked you to replace demo.js with demo_simple.js in demo.html. Well now that you are ready to see the real power of EditableGrid, you can use "demo.js" again.

In this part, we'll see how to further customize our editable grid, using mainly 3 mechanisms:

  • cell and header renderers that allow you to customize the way values are displayed
  • cell validators that will allow you to tell when a value entered by the user is valid or not
  • enumeration providers that will allow you to dynamically build the list of possible values for a column

The file "demo.js" will bring the following new features to our first example:

  1. show more details when a cell has been modified
  2. add a validator to check that the age must be inside the bounds [16, 100[
  3. display the unit in the HEIGHT column
  4. use a flag image to display the selected country
  5. propose a list of countries that depends on the selected continent
  6. clear the selected country when another continent is selected
  7. display an information icon in the table header for some columns
  8. possibility to attach to an existing HTML table (see file demo_attach.html)

Let's see how each feature has been implemented in our example:

  1. The modelChanged callback function receives as parameters: rowIndex, columnIndex, oldValue, newValue, row. The last parameter "row" can be used to get the row id that was specified in the XML file.
    In our example, we display a message composed as follows:

    "Value for '" + this.getColumnName(columnIndex) + "' in row " + + " has changed from '" + oldValue + "' to '" + newValue + "'"
  2. To associate a custom validation with a column, you can use the addCellValidator function which takes a CellValidator object, like this:

    addCellValidator("age", new CellValidator({
    isValid: function(value) { return value == "" || (parseInt(value) >= 16 && parseInt(value) < 100); }
  3. To customize the way cells in a particular column are displayed you must associate a CellRenderer, using the function setCellRenderer:

    setCellRenderer("height", new CellRenderer({
    render: function(cell, value) { new NumberCellRenderer().render(cell, value ? value + " m" : ""); }
  4. Here again, to display a flag for the country we associate a custom CellRenderer with the column 'country':

    setCellRenderer("country", new CellRenderer({

    render: function(cell, value) { cell.innerHTML = value ? "" + value + "" : ""; } }));

  5. To achieve this, we must associate a custom EnumProvider with our column, using the function setEnumProvider:

   setEnumProvider("country", new EnumProvider({ 
       getOptionValues: function (grid, column, rowIndex) {
           var continent = grid.getValueAt(rowIndex, 4);
           if (continent == "eu") return { "be" : "Belgique", "fr" : "France", "uk" : "Great-Britain", "nl": "Nederland"};
           else if (continent == "am") return { "br" : "Brazil", "ca": "Canada", "us" : "USA" };
           else if (continent == "af") return { "ng" : "Nigeria", "za": "South Africa", "zw" : "Zimbabwe" };
           return null;

The function getOptionValues is called each time the cell must be edited. Here we do only client-side Javascript processing, but you could use Ajax here to communicate with your server. If you do, then don't forget to use Ajax in synchronous mode.

  1. In the modeChanged function we can check the modified column: if it is the continent then we clear the country in the same row, like this:
   if (this.getColumnName(columnIndex) == "continent") 
		this.setValueAt(rowIndex, this.getColumnIndex("country"), "");
  1. To achieve this, we will use the method setHeaderRenderer that allows us to customize the way column headers are rendered. Since we want to use the same renderer for several column, we are going to declare a class InfoHeaderRenderer which extends CellRenderer, like this:
   function InfoHeaderRenderer(message) { this.message = message; };
   InfoHeaderRenderer.prototype = new CellRenderer();
   InfoHeaderRenderer.prototype.render = function(cell, value) { /* create the icon, see demo.js for the code */ }

We use this class with setHeaderRender as follows:

   setHeaderRenderer("age", new InfoHeaderRenderer("The age must be an integer between 16 and 99"));
   setHeaderRenderer("height", new InfoHeaderRenderer("The height is given in meters"));
  1. To attach to an existing HTML table you won't use the loadXML function as before. Instead you will use the function attachToHTMLTable, as follows:
		[ new Column({ name: "name", datatype: "string(24)" }),
		  new Column({ name: "firstname", datatype: "string" }),
		  new Column({ name: "age", datatype: "integer" }),
		  new Column({ name: "height", datatype: "double" }),
		  new Column({ name: "continent", datatype: "string", optionValues: {"eu": "Europa", "am": "America", "af": "Africa" }}),
		  new Column({ name: "country", datatype: "string" }),
		  new Column({ name: "email", datatype: "email(26)" }),
		  new Column({ name: "freelance", datatype: "boolean" }) ]);

As you can guess, the HTML table you're attaching to will define the contents of the table. But since we don't have the XML metadata to define the table columns, you must declare these columns using Javascript as shown above. Of course, in this case you don't have to register the callback method "tableLoaded" since nothing has to be loaded.

PHP helper class

If you work with PHP on the server side, you can make use of the simple class EditableGrid.php to ease the creation and rendering of the XML data.


EditableGrid allows you to create bar and pie charts from the grid data.

This makes use of OpenFlashCharts 2.0, which you should include by yourself in your client application. The following javascript files must be included (all can be found in the official OpenFlashChart 2.0 download):

  • openflashchart/js-ofc-library/open_flash_chart.min.js
  • openflashchart/js-ofc-library/ofc.js
  • openflashchart/js/swfobject.js
  • openflashchart/js/json/json2.js

If any of these files is missing, trying to use the charting methods will display an error indicating the missing library. The SWF file must be named "open-flash-chart.swf" and must be placed in the "openflashchart" directory: it will then be detected automatically.

Creating charts with EditableGrid is very easy. The first thing to do is to have some empty DIV in your page that will be used as a container for the chart. You can control the chart dimensions by setting the "width" and "height" attributes, inline or through a CSS stylesheet. Otherwise some default dimensions will be used (500*200px).

Then according to the type of chart you want, you just have to call one of the following methods:

  1. renderBarChart(divId, title, labelColumnIndexOrName, legend)

    This method will create a bar chart: labelColumnIndexOrName is the name or index of the column that will be used for the chart categories. For each category, you will have one bar per numerical column having the "bar" attribute set to true (which is the default). The 'bar' attribute can be set in the grid XML metadata when declaring a column. The 'legend' parameter is optional: by default the label of the column given by "labelColumnIndexOrName" will be used. You don't have to care about the chart's scale: it will be computed automatically to best fit the data.

    Example: Imagine you have the following data giving the number of kilometers done by person and by year

	name    2009   2010
	John    40000  30000
 	Jack    60000  20000
 	Paul    20000  50000

Calling renderBarChart(divId, "Kilometers", "name") will produce the following chart:

	# 2009  * 2010
     60,000           #
     50,000           #          *
     40,000  #        #          *
     30,000  # *      #          *
     20,000  # *      # *      # *
     10,000  # *      # *      # *
          0  John     Jack     Paul
  1. renderPieChart(divId, title, valueColumnIndexOrName, labelColumnIndexOrName, startAngle)

    This method will create a pie chart:

    • valueColumnIndexOrName is the name or index of the column that will be used as the value for each pie part
    • labelColumnIndexOrName is the name or index of the column that will be used as the label for each pie part

    In other words, you can display the distribution of the values of "valueColumnIndexOrName" as a pie, using "labelColumnIndexOrName" to label each value. The percentage of each value w.r.t. the column's total will also be displayed in the label. The startAngle parameter is optional: it gives the angle of the first pie part (default is 0). If no title is given (i.e. title is null) the label of the column given by "valueColumnIndexOrName" will be used.

Both methods renderPieChart and renderBarChart can be called any number of times: if the chart already exists it will be updated (ie. not rebuilt). For example, you can call one of these methods each time the table is sorted (tableSorted) or edited (modelChanged), in order to update the chart to match the new data. Updating a chart is very fast, which gives a very nice effect: when sorting or editing the grid, the chart "follows" beautifully.

If your grid has a row displaying e.g. the total, you can ignore it in the charts by setting EditableGrid.ignoreLastRow to true. In this case, this last row will also be ignored when sorting the grid data.


The directory "extensions" is there for interesting cell editors, renderers and validators. It contains a subdirectory "jquery" with the jQuery library v1.4.2. Extensions may indeed be based on jQuery, unlike the core library which stays jQuery-independent.

Current extensions:

  • two variants of "AutocompleteCellEditor", each based on a different autocomplete jQuery plugin


EditableGrid is an open source Javascript library aimed at turning HTML tables into advanced editable components. It focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of code are required to get your first table up and running.







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  • JavaScript 97.2%
  • PHP 1.8%
  • Other 1.0%