Guides should work easily for unix setups.
brew install xquartz
Open xcrystal, go to security and select "Allow connections from network clients". Keep xcrystal running.
export DISPLAY=:0 # Check if DISPLAY is set locally before you do this.
xhost + $HOST # This will automatically add entries for your computer. N.B. security considerations.
# Start the machine
# For Image on
podman run -e DISPLAY=$HOST:0 --net host -it sapiolang/sapio:latest
#Docker Build
sudo docker build -t polyd/sapio .
#Docker Run
sudo docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --net host -it polyd/sapio
# Podman
podman build -t my_custom_image . # optional: if you want to build the image yourself
podman machine init --cpus 4 --disk-size 30 -m 4096 # Spin up a machine (here with 4gb ram, 30 GB disk... you can pick whatever)
podman machine start
podman run -e DISPLAY=$HOST:0 --net host -it my_custom_image