Releases: pnnl/ruleset-checking-tool
Releases · pnnl/ruleset-checking-tool
Major Updates:
ASHRAE 90.1 2019
Complete rules for Service Hot Water
Complete rules for Elevators
- Enhance unit tests
- Fix rule logics.
What's Changed
- RS/JDJ/enhance schema validate by @JacksonJ-KC in #1575
- Update by @claperle in #611
- RS/JDJ/reword section22 rules and messages by @JacksonJ-KC in #1431
- Rds/kjw/function compare swh dist systems and components by @KarenWGard in #1544
- RCT/YJ/5-34 Fix (Re) by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1593
- Bugfix report error fix by @weilixu in #1594
- Update_to_19-18 by @claperle in #1480
- RCT/YJ/Update is_space_a_computer_room func logic by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1595
- RCT/YJ/get_swh_equipment_type update by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1609
- Update by @KarenWGard in #1397
- Rds/kjw/get swh equipment type by @KarenWGard in #1601
- Rs/jdj/11 10 7 8 footnote d by @JacksonJ-KC in #1613
- Rt/wx/section 11 debug by @weilixu in #1623
- All raised message fixes by @jugonzal07 in #1608
- Expected raised message logic in rule test engine by @jugonzal07 in #1556
- add section 23-17 new rule. by @weilixu in #1606
- Rule Test 23-17 by @jugonzal07 in #1628
- Ruletest 1-6 update, renumber old 1-6, 1-7 by @jugonzal07 in #1629
- Ruletest 23-1 update by @jugonzal07 in #1625
- Rs/wx/update 23 1 by @weilixu in #1605
- RS/YJ/Rule 22-17 Update by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1610
- Ruletest 22-17 update by @jugonzal07 in #1626
- Rs/wx/update 1 6 by @weilixu in #1630
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
Completed the development of service water heater section in 90.1 2019 - the last section for 90.1 2019 ruleset specification.
Added features including precious comparison and conservative failure flags.
Enhance test cases and resolve bugs.
Detail updates see below:
What's Changed
- Add is_tolerance_fail method by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1263
- RS/YJ/Rule 16-2, 3, and 4 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1342
- Rule Test 16-2 by @jugonzal07 in #1358
- Rule Test 16-3 by @jugonzal07 in #1359
- Rule Test 16-4 by @jugonzal07 in #1360
- RDS/JDJ/update section16 applicability by @JacksonJ-KC in #1386
- RS/YJ/Rule 16-5 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1364
- Rule Test JSON 16-5 by @jugonzal07 in #1383
- RS/JX/Rule16-6 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1344
- Rule Test 16-6 by @jugonzal07 in #1361
- RS/JX/Rule16-7 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1345
- RS/YJ/Rule 16-1 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1346
- Rule Test 16-1 by @jugonzal07 in #1357
- modify the print for software tests by @weilixu in #1389
- RS/YJ/Rule 16-1 Small update by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1392
- RS/YJ/Rule1-3 Fix by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1391
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 12-3 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1387
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 12-4 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1394
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 12-1 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1348
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 12-2 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1347
- Typo in fail message by @JacksonJ-KC in #1416
- Correct Fail Message Typo by @JacksonJ-KC in #1417
- Merge RMR to RMD rule test refactoring into JDJ refactor RMR branch by @jugonzal07 in #1421
- 10-14 bug fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1430
- RCT/YJ/Fix small typo by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1427
- RCT/YJ/are_all_terminal_types_VAV func update by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1419
- RS/JDJ/rule19 3 enhance by @JacksonJ-KC in #1433
- Refactor all RMR and RMI to RMD by @JacksonJ-KC in #1411
- RCT/YJ/Fix issue #1425 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1428
- RS/JDJ/Rule10-7 bugfix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1439
- set rulebase to add not applicable message to empty list after fliter… by @weilixu in #1467
- RS/JDJ/Rule19-16 Bug Fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1459
- RS/JDJ/Rule5-17 Bug Fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1460
- RS/JDJ/Rule5-28 Bug Fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1461
- RS/JDJ/Rule19-4 Bug Fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1466
- RS/JDJ/Section22 Applicability Updates by @JacksonJ-KC in #1469
- RS/JDJ/Section21 System8c Applicability by @JacksonJ-KC in #1468
- RS/JDJ/Rule22-41 Bug Fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1450
- RS/JDJ/Rule23-4 Bug Fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1465
- RS/JDJ/section4 TCD failure fixes by @JacksonJ-KC in #1440
- RT/JDJ/resolve na undetermined failures by @JacksonJ-KC in #1453
- RS/JDJ/Rule19-10 Bug Fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1458
- RT/JDJ/23-4 json fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1474
- RT/JDJ/section1 json fixes by @JacksonJ-KC in #1476
- RT/JDJ/5-3 json fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1478
- RT/JDJ/23 16 json fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1487
- RT/JDJ/23 6 json fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1486
- RT/JDJ/22-7 json fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1484
- correct 22-33 test json by @JacksonJ-KC in #1482
- Ruletest 23-4 fix by @jugonzal07 in #1483
- Ruletest 22-13 fix by @jugonzal07 in #1488
- RS/JDJ/Rule5 38 bugfix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1481
- RS/JDJ/22-17, 22-18, 22-28 Applicability by @JacksonJ-KC in #1485
- RT/JDJ/19-3 delete invalid test jsons temporarily by @JacksonJ-KC in #1493
- RS/JDJ/std equal bugfix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1491
- Update by @KarenWGard in #1495
- RT/JDJ/Rules 21-14 and 21-15 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1470
- RS/JDJ/Rule19-18 bug fix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1432
- Rt/wx/fix rule 18 2 by @weilixu in #1499
- Excel-to-Test-JSON : System to Zone Assignment Update by @jugonzal07 in #1494
- Ruletest 18-2 update by @jugonzal07 in #1498
- Rule test engine bug fix - sometimes fail to flag not_applicable and undetermined by @jugonzal07 in #1422
- update the rule logic to pass the test unit. by @weilixu in #1489
- RT/JDJ/Resolve Section 18 Test Fails by @JacksonJ-KC in #1504
- RS/JDJ/G3.1.1d bugfix by @JacksonJ-KC in #1506
- RT/JDJ/update section 18 ruletests by @JacksonJ-KC in #1507
- RT/JDJ/update ruletests by @JacksonJ-KC in #1508
- Rct/address test failures by @JacksonJ-KC in #1505
- RCT/YJ/get_swh_uses_associated_with_each_building_segment by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1500
- RS/YJ/Rule 12-4 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1420
- Rule test 12-4 by @jugonzal07 in #1438
- RS/JX/Rule12-1 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1412
- RCT/YJ/Rule 12-3 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1409
- Rule test 12-3 by @jugonzal07 in #1437
- RS/JDJ/get surface conditioning category dict error by @JacksonJ-KC in #1509
- RS/JX/Rule12-2 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1424
- Ruletest 12-2 by @jugonzal07 in #1436
- Feature/section12 by @weilixu in #1516
- update 5_2 by @weilixu in #1518
- RCT/YJ/Remove .keys() & Add missing $ by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1519
- Rds/kjw/function get swh bats and swh use by @KarenWGard in #1400
- Rds/kjw/function get swh uses associated with each building segment by @KarenWGard in #1401
- Rds/kjw/function get building segment swh bat by @KarenWGard in #1402
- Rds/kjw/function get swh equipment associated with each swh bat by @KarenWGard in #1403
- Create by @KarenWGard in #1404
- Create by @KarenWGard in #1405
- Create by @KarenWGard in #1406
- RCT/YJ/get swh equipment type function by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1501
- Create by @KarenWGard in #1407
- Rds/kjw/rule 11 13 by @KarenWGard in #1379
- Create by @KarenWGar...
v0.2.8: Merge pull request #1377 from pnnl/develop
update message.
What's Changed
- RS/JDJ/1-6 1-7 metadata by @JacksonJ-KC in #1354
- RS/JDJ/numerical comparison precision by @JacksonJ-KC in #1350
- Develop by @weilixu in #1375
Full Changelog: v0.2.6...v0.2.7
What's Changed
- RS/JDJ/10-7-CalcQ by @JacksonJ-KC in #1355
- RS/JDJ/Rule 10-14 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1298
- Fix CalcQ unit conversion by @weilixu in #1349
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 16-5 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1330
- RCT/JX/Rule1-1 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1321
- Schema and Unit Registry Update for Elevators by @jugonzal07 in #1356
- RCT/YJ/Replaced produce_ruleset_model_instance with _description by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1363
- RCT/YJ/Updating report file names by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1365
- add message generation by @weilixu in #1366
- Develop by @weilixu in #1367
Full Changelog: v0.2.5...v0.2.6
What's Changed
- Merge develop by @weilixu in #1275
- Release 0 2 0 by @weilixu in #1288
- RCT/JX/Rule4-1 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1281
- Ruletest 4-1 by @jugonzal07 in #1289
- RDS/JDJ/Rule1-2 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1215
- RDS/JDJ/Rule1-4 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1217
- RDS/JDJ/Rule1-5 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1218
- RT/JDJ/19-13 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1296
- RCT/JX/Rule4-2 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1287
- Ruletest 4-2 by @jugonzal07 in #1290
- RS/YJ/Rule4-14 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1277
- Ruletest 10-14 by @jugonzal07 in #1294
- Ruletest 4-14 by @jugonzal07 in #1292
- RS/JDJ/Zone Association Check by @JacksonJ-KC in #1299
- RS/JDJ/FluidLoop Association Check by @JacksonJ-KC in #1300
- RS/JDJ/Schedule Association Check by @JacksonJ-KC in #1301
- RS/JDJ/FluidLoop or ServiceWaterPiping Association Check by @JacksonJ-KC in #1302
- RS/JDJ/ServiceWaterHeatingDistributionSystem Association Check by @JacksonJ-KC in #1303
- RDS/JDJ/Rule1-1 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1195
- RDS/JDJ/Rule1-3 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1216
- Fix bug to use rmi function instead of building by @weilixu in #1306
- RCT/YJ/type hint addition by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1305
- RCT/JX/Rule4-11 by @Jiarongx-Xie in #1304
- Ruletest 4-11 by @jugonzal07 in #1291
- RS/YJ/Rule 1-2 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1309
- Ruletest 1-2 by @jugonzal07 in #1316
- RS/YJ/Rule 1-3 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1310
- Ruletest 1-3 by @jugonzal07 in #1317
- Rds/cml/10 14 by @claperle in #266
- RS/YJ/get_zone_BPF_BAT Function by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1307
- RCT/YJ/Fix doc string typos by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1322
- Try schema processor by @weilixu in #1278
- Ruletest 1-6 by @jugonzal07 in #1313
- Ruletest 1-7 by @jugonzal07 in #1314
- Rds/cml/rule 10 7 mod by @claperle in #1285
- Rds/kjw/rule 10 7 by @KarenWGard in #882
- Develop by @weilixu in #1333
- RS/YJ/get_BPF_building_area_types_and_zones function by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1308
- RCT/YJ/Replace RMR/RMIs with RMDs by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1325
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 16-1 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1326
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 16-2 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1327
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 16-3 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1328
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 16-4 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1329
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 16-6 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1331
- RDS/JDJ/Rule 16-7 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1332
- RS/YJ/Rule 1-4 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1311
- Ruletest 1-4 by @jugonzal07 in #1318
- RS/YJ/Rule 1-5 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1312
- Ruletest 1-5 by @jugonzal07 in #1319
- RS/YJ/Rule 1-5 quick fix by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1341
- RS/YJ/Section 1 hotfix by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1320
- RS/JDJ/Rule 10-7 by @JacksonJ-KC in #1286
- Ruletest 10-7 by @jugonzal07 in #1293
- Add rule and rule test counts to CLI by @jugonzal07 in #1323
- RCT/YJ/Fixed the wrong Rankin temp in report by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1343
- RCT/YJ/Replaced (missing) rmr/rmi with rmd by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1351
- Develop by @weilixu in #1352
- update version by @weilixu in #1353
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.5
What's Changed
- Release by @weilixu in #1284
- RCT/YJ/get_aggregated_zone_hvac_fan_operating_schedule function by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #1280
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- Add rule 5-45, add fail message in the rule engine, update 5-45 by @weilixu in #455
- Made changes for 5-48 per YJ's request. by @jugonzal07 in #459
- Rs/yj/rule5 42 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #457
- Update 5-18 + undetermined message logic (first attempt) by @weilixu in #458
- Rs/yj/rule5 48 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #445
- RS/CH/get_lighting_status_type by @charliepnnl in #452
- Rs/wx/rule5 37 by @weilixu in #437
- Rs/wx/rule5 24 by @weilixu in #464
- Envelope Ruletests for 5-24,26,40,45,47,49 with a minor fix for 5-37. by @jugonzal07 in #461
- Rs/wx/rule5 45 by @weilixu in #463
- Rs/yj/rule5-19 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #436
- Updating lighting JSON to 0.0.12 by @jugonzal07 in #467
- Rule 5-24, 26, and 49 testing JSON file updates by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #468
- Rs/yj/rule5 49 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #466
- First PR for Rule5-26 by @weilixu in #465
- Rs/wx/rule6 3 by @weilixu in #469
- Rds/cml/get fuels used in rmr by @claperle in #424
- Update Rule 5-24 by @xingcx in #448
- Create by @xingcx in #368
- Create by @xingcx in #212
- Update Rule 5-26 by @xingcx in #449
- Create by @xingcx in #343
- Create by @xingcx in #240
- Update Rule 5-37 by @xingcx in #450
- Update get_rmr_scc_window_wall_ratios() by @xingcx in #447
- Rds/cml/10 3 by @claperle in #251
- Create by @claperle in #233
- Rds/cml/10 6 by @claperle in #255
- Rds/cml/function get hvac systems 5 6 serving multiple floors b by @claperle in #265
- Rds/cml/10 7 by @claperle in #256
- Rds/cml/10 10 by @claperle in #371
- Rds/cml/10 11 by @claperle in #372
- Add 5-47 by @weilixu in #472
- Rs/wx/normalize space schedules by @weilixu in #475
- bug fix by @weilixu in #486
- Clean up old lighting ruletests by @jugonzal07 in #483
- Rs/ch/enumerations as classes by @charliepnnl in #500
- RS/CH/Rule6-4 by @charliepnnl in #476
- RS/CH/split-rule_base by @charliepnnl in #505
- RS/CH/update-black by @charliepnnl in #506
- Update 0.0 to pint ZERO and remove unncessary imports. by @weilixu in #507
- Rs/wx/rule6 3 by @weilixu in #501
- Ruletest JSON 6-3 by @jugonzal07 in #484
- Ruletest JSON 6-4 by @jugonzal07 in #509
- Update normalize schedule and compare schedule functions by @weilixu in #520
- Rs/wx/rule6-8 by @weilixu in #481
- Ruletest JSON 6-2 by @jugonzal07 in #488
- Rs/wx/rule6 9 previous 6 14) by @weilixu in #482
- Ruletest JSON 6-7 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #504
- Rds/cml/4 14 by @claperle in #396
- Rds/cml/10 13 a by @claperle in #375
- Rds/cml/10 4 by @claperle in #253
- Create by @xingcx in #344
- Create by @xingcx in #241
- Create by @xingcx in #243
- Create by @xingcx in #246
- Create by @xingcx in #471
- Ruletest 6-8 JSON by @jugonzal07 in #544
- Ruletest JSON 6-9 and Rule 9 corrections by @jugonzal07 in #545
- Replace create_context with list_filter by @weilixu in #542
- Ruletest Engine update: Manual check, undetermined, and not applicable updates by @jugonzal07 in #543
- Rs/wx/apply messages by @weilixu in #541
- RS/CH/unique-ids by @charliepnnl in #547
- Add compare standard value ruleset function by @weilixu in #487
- RS/CH/data_items by @charliepnnl in #508
- Rs/wx/apply exceptions to rules by @weilixu in #569
- RS/CH/Rule6-5 by @charliepnnl in #566
- Create by @xingcx in #199
- Create by @xingcx in #200
- Create are_all_terminal_heat_sources_hot_water( by @claperle in #524
- Create by @claperle in #557
- Create by @claperle in #555
- Rds/cml/function do all terminals have one fan by @claperle in #551
- Rds/cml/function are all terminal fan configs parallel by @claperle in #550
- Create by @claperle in #549
- Create by @claperle in #548
- Create by @claperle in #539
- Rds/cml/function is hvac sys preheat fluid loop attached to boiler by @claperle in #538
- Create by @claperle in #537
- Create by @claperle in #536
- Create by @claperle in #531
- Create by @claperle in #530
- Create by @xingcx in #197
- Create by @xingcx in #460
- Create by @xingcx in #201
- Update to 0.0.18 by @jugonzal07 in #572
- Rs/yj/rule6 7 (Previously 6-12) by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #503
- RS/CH/outcome_units by @charliepnnl in #585
- Ruletest 21-3 JSON by @jugonzal07 in #573
- mock function + 21-3 implementation by @weilixu in #578
- RCT/CH/update_github_actions by @charliepnnl in #586
- Rs/wx/rule21 4 by @weilixu in #587
- Rs/wx/is hvac sys preheat fluid loop attached to boiler by @weilixu in #592
- RS/YJ/RULE 21-11 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #588
- RS/YJ/RULE 21-12 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #589
- RS/YJ/RULE 21-13 by @yunjoonjung-PNNL in #590
- RS/YJ/Rule21-18 ...