PocketMine-MP 1.4-916 beta18 "Zekkou Cake"
For Minecraft: PE v0.10.4 alpha
This version has API changes, bumping the version to 1.10.0. These changes are detailed below.
Main features:
- New version format (drops the stage part)
- Added automatic/manual IP blocking
- Increased chunk defaults
- Improved speed of several generation steps
- Fixed some memory leaks on 32-bit hosts
- Improved exception handling and trace creation
API changes
- API 1.10.0
- Changed RakLib network interface implementation
Fixes and additions:
- Bitmask block state
- New version format
- Possible workaround for some PHP bug related to resources and threads
- Players won't take damage 60 ticks after spawning / respawning.
- Fixed #2446
- Added automatic/manual RakLib IP address, block addresses when exceptions are thrown
- Move Query exceptions to debug level > 1
- Block IP addresses on ban-ip
- Added typehints to HelpCommand
- Corrected fence crafting recipes, closes #2457
- Improved Normal generator speed
- Fixed memory leak issues on chunk generation under 32-bit hosts. Closes #2419, fixes #2308
- Fixed issue with generated chunks not having a provider. Closes #2421
- Higher chunk defaults
- Improved Simplex 2D noise
- Added chunk check on Level
- Detect really big corrupted chunks, closes #2471
- Improved exception handling and trace creation
- Fixed players not calculating onGround correctly
Not implemented or known issues:
Please do not report lacking features to the bug tracker, only report bugs on implemented features.
- Entities / Entity AI
- No conversion for old levels (will be added later)
- No Minecarts
- Not all items are implemented
- Generated worlds use a basic generator