This project fetch Random API Integers to populate a Chart created with Vanilla CSS. It uses Vite, Vue3, TypeScript, Vitest, ESLint, Prettier, and Husky.
- 🚀 Fast development and build times with Vite
- 🖖 Vue 3 for UI components
- 🗄️ Pinia for state management
- 🦋 TypeScript for static type checking
- ✅ Unit Testing with Vitest
- 🧹 Linting and formatting with ESLint and Prettier
- 🐶 Pre-commit checks using Husky
- 🧭 Chart created with Vanilla CSS
yarn dev # Run the app in development mode.
yarn build # Build the app for production using type-check and build-only.
yarn preview # Serve the built app for preview.
yarn test:watch # Run Vitest in watch mode.
yarn test # Run Vitest without watch.
yarn type-check # Run vue-tsc to compile types.
yarn lint # Run ESLint to check for code issues.
yarn format # Run Prettier to format code.
yarn postinstall # Install Husky Git hooks.
yarn prepare # Prepare Husky hooks.