Webcomponents with Flask and SocketIO
- Generate a restful API (inspired from Flask-Restful)
- Update html on data changes through socketio (Inspired from Angular properties reflection)
- Based on the powerful lit-element library
- Progressive Web App compatibility: Component data cached in sessionStorage
Create user webcomponent from sqlalchemy design. GET and POST API on /user
class User(db.Model):
username = db.Column(db.String(80), nullable=False)
blueprint = User.configure_blueprint("/user", "user-item", "User.html")
Define the webcomponent view in a jinja template
{% block render %}
<strong>${ this.username }</strong>
{% endblock %}
Display the second user of your database with live update:
<script type="module" src="{{url_for('user-item.webcomponent')}}"></script>
<div> user 2: <user-item index=2 ></user-item></div>
This code represent the idea behind the module, look at app.py for a working example. Project may be modeled on wtforms-alchemy
cd docs && sphinx-apidoc -o source/ ../flask_socketio_lit_html
poetry build && pip3 install dist/flask_socketio_lit_html* --force-reinstall
cd tests ; yarn ; yarn test
Webcomponent's shadow root are disabled when running testcafe (for selecting components)
cd dependencies/ && yarn && yarn build ; cd ..