v. 0.1.0 Bare bones version (includes Java classes and Windows executable)
Pre-releaseThis is a pre-pre-alpha release: a simple proof of concept. This release includes an executable (for Windows) and a core subset of Java classes (from the standard Java distribution). To run Jacobin:
- Extract the .zip file of classes into a directory
- Create an environmental variable, `JACOBIN_HOME', and point it to the directory
- Run the enclosed executable. If you're not on Windows, here's how you build Jacobin: install go (1.16+), download the src directory from this project, run
go build
and voila an executable. Jacobin, at present, has no other dependencies.
To run a class: jacobin nameOfClass.class
(Note that unlike the JVM, you need to use the .class extension of the file)
At present, Jacobin runs only a few simple classes. Four of them can be downloaded from the testdata folder. They do simple things: print a string 10 times (Hello.class), perform simple computations and print the result (Hello2.class, Hello3.class). If you want to see the Java source code, it's in the comments for each class in the wholeClassTests directory. For example, the Java source code to Hello3.class is in the comments in Hello3_test.go
Jacobin can be run with many command-line options that provide a lot of information about the classes being loaded (there are almost 1500 classes loaded for any given run) and you can even do instruction tracing. Those command-line options are explained in this post.