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JACOBIN-575 Commented out the unfinished code for this task. Leaving …
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…it in place, so we can pick it back up later.
platypusguy committed Jan 31, 2025
1 parent 85e1006 commit 9299092
Showing 2 changed files with 38 additions and 14 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/config/buildno.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@

package config

var BuildNo = 3438
var BuildNo = 3444
50 changes: 37 additions & 13 deletions src/jvm/interpreter.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2127,24 +2127,47 @@ func doInvokeVirtual(fr *frames.Frame, _ int64) int {
var err error
CPslot := (int(fr.Meth[fr.PC+1]) * 256) + int(fr.Meth[fr.PC+2]) // next 2 bytes point to CP entry
CP := fr.CP.(*classloader.CPool)
// The following check is now performed in codeCheck.go. It is left here for reference, but can be deleted.
// CPentry := CP.CpIndex[CPslot]
// if CPentry.Type != classloader.MethodRef { // the pointed-to CP entry must be a method reference
// globals.GetGlobalRef().ErrorGoStack = string(debug.Stack())
// errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("INVOKEVIRTUAL: Expected a method ref, but got %d in"+
// "location %d in method %s of class %s\n",
// CPentry.Type, fr.PC, fr.MethName, fr.ClName)
// status := exceptions.ThrowEx(excNames.WrongMethodTypeException, errMsg, fr)
// if status != exceptions.Caught {
// return exceptions.ERROR_OCCURRED // applies only if in test
// }
// }

className, methodName, methodType :=
classloader.GetMethInfoFromCPmethref(CP, CPslot)
/* // JACOBIN-575 reactive this code when ready to complete this task
k := classloader.MethAreaFetch(className) // we know the class is already loaded
methListEntry, ok := k.Data.MethodList[methodName+methodType]
if !ok { // if it's not in the GMT, then it's likely being called explicitly, so test for this.
methFQN := className + "." + methodName + methodType
_, ok = classloader.GMT[methFQN]
if !ok {
globals.GetGlobalRef().ErrorGoStack = string(debug.Stack())
errMsg := "INVOKEVIRTUAL: Method not found in methodList: " + methodName + methodType +
" for class: " + className
status := exceptions.ThrowEx(excNames.UnsupportedOperationException, errMsg, fr)
if status != exceptions.Caught {
return exceptions.ERROR_OCCURRED // applies only if in test
} else {
methListEntry = methFQN
gmtEntry, ok := classloader.GMT[methListEntry]
if !ok {
globals.GetGlobalRef().ErrorGoStack = string(debug.Stack())
errMsg := "INVOKEVIRTUAL: Method not found in GMT: " + methodName + methodType + "for class: " + className
status := exceptions.ThrowEx(excNames.UnsupportedOperationException, errMsg, fr)
if status != exceptions.Caught {
return exceptions.ERROR_OCCURRED // applies only if in test
mtEntry := classloader.MTentry{
Meth: gmtEntry.MethData.(classloader.MData), MType: gmtEntry.MType,

mtEntry := classloader.MTable[className+"."+methodName+methodType]
if mtEntry.Meth == nil { // if the method is not in the method table, find it
// mtEntry := classloader.MTable[className+"."+methodName+methodType]
// if !ok { // if the method is not in the method table, find it
mtEntry, err = classloader.FetchMethodAndCP(className, methodName, methodType)
if err != nil || mtEntry.Meth == nil {
// TODO: search the superclasses, then the classpath and retry
@@ -2163,6 +2186,7 @@ func doInvokeVirtual(fr *frames.Frame, _ int64) int {
if mtEntry.MType == 'G' { // so we have a native golang function
// get the parameters/args off the stack
// mtEntry.Meth = *mtEntry.Meth.(*gfunction.GMeth) // JACOBIN-575
gmethData := mtEntry.Meth.(gfunction.GMeth)
paramCount := gmethData.ParamSlots
var params []interface{}
@@ -2241,7 +2265,7 @@ func doInvokespecial(fr *frames.Frame, _ int64) int {
// if it's a call to java/lang/Object."<init>"()V, which happens frequently,
// that function simply returns. So test for it here and if it is, skip the rest
fullConstructorName := className + "." + methodName + methodType
if fullConstructorName == "java/lang/Object.<init>()V" {
if fullConstructorName == "java/lang/Object.<init>()V" { // the java/lang/Object plain constructor just returns
return 3 // 2 for the CPslot + 1 for next bytecode

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