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f744cfb · May 10, 2020


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May 10, 2020
May 10, 2020
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May 10, 2020

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Fork from rodrobin's NPM package


You can install this using: npm i -g

Changes in this fork:

  • States don't matter. (My primary use case is controlling a TV with LIRC via homebridge-alexa. I generally know what state the TV is in so I want it to always send a code regardless of its current state)
  • Added ability to wait a delayed amount of time using key code DELAY followed by the pipe character | and a time in ms (example: DELAY|100)
  • Removed speaker characteristics

Plugin for controlling devices through LIRC via Homebridge. MIT License Logo MIT licensed Voice control of devices through Siri or plain Homekit apps.

Since LIRC supports an arbitrary number and types of devices not all combinations of Apple Homekit Services and Characteristics are supported out-of-the-box. However, this plugin implements two one Homekit Services (Switch and Speaker) and three one Characteristics (Power, Mute and Volume) that should hopefully provide a solid foundation for anyone needing to add more.

For a full list of Homekit supported Services and Characteristics see this.

In order to make use of this plugin the following pre-conditions must be met:

  1. Homebridge needs to be installed and configured
  2. LIRC needs to be installed and configured (with at least one working remote definition and listening on a port)
  3. IR transmitter installed and configured on the same machine as LIRC

Please note that Homebridge and LIRC don't have to be installed on the same machine since they communicate over a standard TCP socket but do mind any firewalls between them.


The following command should be familiar:

npm install -g homebridge-lirc


Add the following JSON snippet to the Homebridge configuration file ~/.homebridge/config.json (or the equivalent for Windows users) under the section accessories:

    "accessory":      "Lirc",
    "name":           "<identifier>",
    "commands":       {
        "on":       ["KEY_1"],
        "off":      ["KEY_0", "KEY_0"],
        "mute":     ["KEY_MUTE"]
    "lirc":         {
        "remote":       "<lirc-configured-remote-name>",
        "delay":        250,
        "host":         "<hostname>",
        "port":         8765

Homebridge needs to identify which plugins to load at start-up which is does by looking at the accessory value, so it is critical this is left as is. Conversely, the name value should be changed and at the very least be unique since it signifies a discreet accessory in Homebridge. Also, if voice control is essential then it should also be phonetically distinct and understandable by Siri.

The following sections will go into detail on the lirc and commands structures and expected values.

Remember to restart Homebridge after any changes.

Key: lirc

This section contains information needed for communication with the LIRC installation:

  • remote(string): a LIRC configured remote name (mandatory)
  • delay(number): refers to the necessary gap between commands in miliseconds - default is 250 (optional)
  • host(string): either hostname or IP (mandatory)
  • port(number): default is 8765 (optional)
  • test(boolean): if set to true will only connect to LIRC and not send commands (optional and not shown)

Key: commands

Commands maps a logical action, e.g. 'volumeup', to one or more commands known by LIRC. The value(s) need to map to actual keys in a remote definition file configured in LIRC. Some devices require this for normal operation such as projectors when turning them off.

The commands ('on', 'off', etc.) are referenced in the plugin for the relevant Characteristics so any changes in them will need to be reflected in the code as well.


In the likely event that the included Services and Characteristics do not cover a specific need these are the basic steps needed to extend the plugin:

  1. Identify the Service and Characteristics in this
  2. Implement the get and set methods for the required Characteristics
  3. Create a new device section to the Homebridge config.json file as described under the Configuration section
  4. Add the command key(s) to the section

Additional notes

There is a limited set of Services and Characteristics but even if the precise type of service isn't defined one with a similar set of Characteristics can be used. Note that only Services and Characteristics defined by Homekit can be used.

A projector for example isn't defined but it can be considered a Switch since it needs to turn on and off. To add input switching another Service and Characteristic would have to be found and implemented. The same device can implement more than one Service and related Characteristics.

Please note that recording remotes for use with LIRC is outside the scope of this document. Refer to the man page for irrecord or go here.


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