LocalStorage plugin inspired by Vue typed props which take a care of typecasting for Vue.js 1 and 2 with SSR support.
npm install vue-localstorage --save
bower install vue-localstorage
import VueLocalStorage from 'vue-localstorage'
// Or you can specify any other name and use it via this.$ls, this.$whatEverYouWant
Vue.use(VueLocalStorage, {
name: 'ls',
bind: true //created computed members from your variable declarations
// Use localStorage from Vue object
Vue.localStorage.set('someNumber', 123)
// Fallback value if nothing found in localStorage
Vue.localStorage.get('propertyThatNotExists', 'fallbackValue') // Will return 'fallbackValue' string
// Default type if value isn't registered in localStorage section
Vue.localStorage.get('property', null, Number)
//register localStorage variables and adds computed variables to local components
//to be used like regular computeds that are stored in the localstorage
var vm = new Vue({
localStorage: {
someObject: {
type: Object,
default: {
hello: 'world'
someNumber: {
type: Number,
someBoolean: {
type: Boolean
stringOne: '',
stringTwo: {
type: String,
default: 'helloworld!'
stringThree: {
default: 'hello'
methods: {
someMethod () {
let lsValue = this.$localStorage.get('someObject')
this.$localStorage.set('someBoolean', true)