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Updating the PICRUSt2 database
This page contain all commands used to make the PICRUSt2-MPGA database. Please contact the Google Group with any questions. The PICRUSt2-MPGA database can now be used by following the instructions here.
These were downloaded from The GTDB website. You should check for an updated version of GTDB before downloading them - the instructions here are from when we re-ran the commands to check that they worked using GTDB_r220.
Download all files: (bash command line)
mkdir picrust2_database
cd picrust2_database/
mkdir GTDB_r220
mkdir GTDB_r220/database_files
cd GTDB_r220/database_files
wget https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/release220/220.0/genomic_files_reps/gtdb_genomes_reps_r220.tar.gz https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/release220/220.0/ar53_r220.tree https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/release220/220.0/ar53_metadata_r220.tsv.gz https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/release220/220.0/ar53_taxonomy_r220.tsv.gz https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/release220/220.0/bac120_metadata_r220.tsv.gz https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/release220/220.0/bac120_r220.tree https://data.gtdb.ecogenomic.org/releases/release220/220.0/bac120_taxonomy_r220.tsv.gz
tar -xvf gtdb_genomes_reps_r220.tar.gz
mkdir gtdb_genomes
find gtdb_genomes_reps_r220/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t gtdb_genomes/
mkdir genomes_to_search_barrnap
mkdir genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria
mkdir genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea
(Python command line)
from ete3 import Tree
import os
tree_name_bac = 'bac120_r220.tree'
tree_name_arc = 'ar53_r220.tree'
tree_bac = Tree(tree_name_bac, format=1, quoted_node_names=True)
bac_genomes_in_tree = []
for node in tree_bac.traverse("postorder"):
if 'GB_' in node.name or 'GCA_' in node.name or 'GCF_' in node.name:
tree_arc = Tree(tree_name_arc, format=1, quoted_node_names=True)
arc_genomes_in_tree = []
for node in tree_arc.traverse("postorder"):
if 'GB_' in node.name or 'GCA_' in node.name or 'GCF_' in node.name:
genomes = os.listdir('gtdb_genomes/')
genomes = [g for g in genomes if '.decomp' not in g]
bac_genomes_in_tree = [g.split('_', 1)[1] for g in bac_genomes_in_tree]
arc_genomes_in_tree = [g.split('_', 1)[1] for g in arc_genomes_in_tree]
bac_genomes_in_tree = set(bac_genomes_in_tree)
arc_genomes_in_tree = set(arc_genomes_in_tree)
bac_genomes = []
arc_genomes = []
bac_count = 0
arc_count = 0
for genome in genomes:
if genome.replace('_genomic.fna.gz', '') in bac_genomes_in_tree:
m = os.system('mv gtdb_genomes/'+genome+' genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria')
bac_count += 1
elif genome.replace('_genomic.fna.gz', '') in arc_genomes_in_tree:
m = os.system('mv gtdb_genomes/'+genome+' genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea')
arc_count += 1
if bac_count % 1000 == 0:
print('Bacterial genomes moved: '+str(bac_count))
if arc_count % 1000 == 0:
print('Archaeal genomes moved: '+str(arc_count))
print(bac_count, arc_count)
#107235 5869
Filter to include only genomes >90% completion and <10% redundancy: (Python command line)
import pandas as pd
import os
barrnap_bacteria = os.listdir('genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria')
barrnap_archaea = os.listdir('genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea')
bac_md = pd.read_csv('bac120_metadata_r220.tsv', index_col=0, header=0, sep='\t')
arc_md = pd.read_csv('ar53_metadata_r220.tsv', index_col=0, header=0, sep='\t')
md = pd.concat([bac_md, arc_md]) #596859 genomes
md = md[md['checkm_completeness'] >= 90]
md = md[md['checkm_contamination'] <= 10] #474470 genomes
genomes = [g.replace('RS_', '').replace('GB_', '') for g in md.index.values]
barrnap_bacteria = [g.replace('_genomic.fna.gz', '') for g in barrnap_bacteria]
barrnap_archaea = [g.replace('_genomic.fna.gz', '') for g in barrnap_archaea]
genomes = set(genomes)
barrnap_bacteria = set(barrnap_bacteria)
barrnap_archaea = set(barrnap_archaea)
bac_count = 0
for genome in barrnap_bacteria:
if genome not in genomes:
m = os.system('mv genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria/'+genome+'_genomic.fna.gz gtdb_genomes/')
bac_count += 1
arc_count = 0
for genome in barrnap_archaea:
if genome not in genomes:
m = os.system('mv genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea/'+genome+'_genomic.fna.gz gtdb_genomes/')
arc_count += 1
Make a list of bacteria (Python command line):
#cd genomes_to_search_barrnap/
import os
genomes = os.listdir('bacteria')
with open('bacteria.txt', 'w') as f:
for genome in genomes:
f.write(genome.replace('.gz', '')+'\n')
This is because there are too many bacterial genomes to use a typical ls command or to just give the folder to the next parallel commands.
(Bash command line)
#cd genomes_to_search_barrnap
mkdir barrnap_bacteria
mkdir barrnap_archaea
parallel -j 24 --progress --eta 'gunzip {}' ::: archaea/*.gz
parallel -j 24 --progress --eta -a bacteria.txt 'gunzip bacteria/{}.gz'
parallel -j 8 --progress --eta 'barrnap -q -k arc {} --outseq barrnap_archaea/{/} --reject 0.8 --threads 6' ::: archaea/*.fna
parallel -j 8 --progress --eta -a bacteria.txt 'barrnap -q -k bac bacteria/{} --outseq barrnap_bacteria/{} --reject 0.8 --threads 6'
mkdir barrnap_bacteria_16S_single
mkdir barrnap_archaea_16S_single
mkdir barrnap_bacteria_16S_multiple
mkdir barrnap_archaea_16S_multiple
(Python command line)
from Bio import SeqIO
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
kingdom = 'archaea' #note that this needs to be run twice - once with 'archaea' and once with 'bacteria'
genomes = os.listdir('barrnap_'+kingdom)
copies = []
for genome in genomes:
count = 0
sequences = []
for record in SeqIO.parse('barrnap_'+kingdom+'/'+genome, "fasta"):
if '16S' in record.id:
count += 1
copies.append([genome, count])
if sequences != []:
if len(sequences) == 1:
w = SeqIO.write(sequences, 'barrnap_'+kingdom+'_16S_single/'+genome, "fasta")
w = SeqIO.write(sequences, 'barrnap_'+kingdom+'_16S_multiple/'+genome, "fasta")
with open(kingdom+'_16S_copies.txt', 'w') as f:
for copy in copies:
w = f.write(copy[0].replace('_genomic.fna', '')+'\t'+str(copy[1])+'\n')
k08 = pd.read_csv(kingdom+'_16S_copies.txt', sep='\t', header=None, index_col=0)
k08 = k08[k08.max(axis=1) > 0]
print('80%: ', k08.shape[0], np.mean(k08.iloc[:, 0].values), np.median(k08.iloc[:, 0].values), np.max(k08.iloc[:, 0].values))
# archaea
# 80% r214: 1553 1.2137797810688988 1.0
# 80% r220: 1320 1.2833333333333334 1.0 6
# bacteria
# 80% r214: 32595 1.8404663291915937 1.0 37
# 80% r220: 33229 1.962773480995516 1.0 37
(Python command line)
mkdir barrnap_bacteria_16S_clustered
parallel -j 8 --eta --progress 'vsearch --cluster_fast {} --id 0.9 --centroids barrnap_bacteria_16S_clustered/{/} --threads 6' ::: barrnap_bacteria_16S_multiple/*
mkdir barrnap_archaea_16S_clustered
parallel -j 8 --progress --eta 'vsearch --cluster_fast {} --id 0.9 --centroids barrnap_archaea_16S_clustered/{/} --threads 6' ::: barrnap_archaea_16S_multiple/*
(Python command line)
import os
from Bio import SeqIO
import random
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
kingdoms = ['archaea', 'bacteria']
for kingdom in kingdoms:
clusters = os.listdir('barrnap_'+kingdom+'_16S_clustered')
singles = []
ids = []
for genome in clusters:
records = []
for record in SeqIO.parse('barrnap_'+kingdom+'_16S_clustered/'+genome, "fasta"):
this_record = SeqRecord(record.seq, id=genome.replace('_genomic.fna', ''), description='')
if len(records) > 1:
num = int(random.choice(range(len(records))))
single_copies = os.listdir('barrnap_'+kingdom+'_16S_single/')
for genome in single_copies:
for record in SeqIO.parse('barrnap_'+kingdom+'_16S_single/'+genome, "fasta"):
this_record = SeqRecord(record.seq, id=genome.replace('_genomic.fna', ''), description='')
SeqIO.write(singles, kingdom+"_16S_genes.fasta", "fasta")
Look at these sequence lengths: (Python command line)
from Bio import SeqIO
import numpy as np
kingdom = 'bacteria'
lengths = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(kingdom+"_16S_genes.fasta", "fasta"):
print(min(lengths), max(lengths), np.mean(lengths), np.median(lengths))
#1268 1808 1510.6717626169911 1521.0
#1270 2410 1476.7363636363636 1472.0
(bash command line)
vsearch --cluster_fast archaea_16S_genes.fasta --id 1 --centroids archaea_16S_centroids.fasta --uc archaea_16S_clusters.uc --threads 24
# Reading file archaea_16S_genes.fasta 100%
# 1949292 nt in 1320 seqs, min 1270, max 2410, avg 1477
# Masking 100%
# Sorting by length 100%
# Counting unique k-mers 100%
# Clustering 100%
# Sorting clusters 100%
# Writing clusters 100%
# Clusters: 1309 Size min 1, max 3, avg 1.0
# Singletons: 1299, 98.4% of seqs, 99.2% of clusters
vsearch --cluster_fast bacteria_16S_genes.fasta --id 1 --centroids bacteria_16S_centroids.fasta --uc bacteria_16S_clusters.uc --threads 24
# 50198112 nt in 33229 seqs, min 1268, max 1808, avg 1511
# Masking 100%
# Sorting by length 100%
# Counting unique k-mers 100%
# Clustering 100%
# Sorting clusters 100%
# Writing clusters 100%
# Clusters: 31938 Size min 1, max 26, avg 1.0
# Singletons: 31119, 93.7% of seqs, 97.4% of clusters
ssu-align: (bash command line)
conda activate clustalo
export SSUALIGNDIR="/usr/local/share/ssu-align-0.1.1"
ssu-align --rfonly archaea_16S_centroids.fasta archaea_16S_centroids_ssu_align
ssu-align --rfonly bacteria_16S_centroids.fasta bacteria_16S_centroids_ssu_align
esl-reformat -o archaea_16S_centroids_ssu_align.fna afa archaea_16S_centroids_ssu_align/archaea_16S_centroids_ssu_align.archaea.stk
esl-reformat -o bacteria_16S_centroids_ssu_align.fna afa bacteria_16S_centroids_ssu_align/bacteria_16S_centroids_ssu_align.bacteria.stk
Look at these sequence lengths (unaligned): (Python command line)
from Bio import SeqIO
import numpy as np
kingdom = 'archaea' #this will need to be run twice - once with 'archaea' and once with 'bacteria'
lengths = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(kingdom+'_16S_centroids_ssu_align.fna', "fasta"):
print(min(lengths), max(lengths), np.mean(lengths), np.median(lengths))
#1582, 1582, 1582.0, 1582.0
#1508, 1508, 1508.0, 1508.0
import os
import pandas as pd
from Bio import SeqIO
import numpy as np
import random
clusters = 'genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea_16S_clusters.uc'
aligned_fasta = 'genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea_16S_centroids_ssu_align.fna'
md = pd.read_csv('ar53_metadata_r220.tsv', index_col=0, header=0, sep='\t')
md = md[md['gtdb_representative'] == 't']
genes_16S = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(aligned_fasta, "fasta"):
rename_md = {}
for row in md.index.values:
rename_md[row] = row.split('_', 1)[1]
md = md.rename(index=rename_md)
clusters_all_genomes, clusters_centroid = {}, []
for row in open(clusters, 'r'):
row = row.replace('\n', '').split('\t')
if row[-1] != '*':
genomes = row[-2:]
if genomes[0] in genes_16S:
#print('First one', genomes)
if genomes[0] in clusters_all_genomes:
clusters_all_genomes[genomes[0]] = [genomes[1]]
elif genomes[1] in genes_16S:
if genomes[1] in clusters_all_genomes:
clusters_all_genomes[genomes[1]] = [genomes[0]]
print('Neither', genomes)
#now choose best genome from all clusters
cluster_bests = {}
for cluster in clusters_all_genomes:
md_cluster = md.loc[[cluster]+clusters_all_genomes[cluster], :]
completeness = md_cluster['checkm_completeness'].values
contamination = md_cluster['checkm_contamination'].values
best = ''
if len(set(completeness)) == 1:
if len(set(contamination)) == 1:
num = int(random.choice(range(md_cluster.shape[0])))
best = md_cluster.index.values[num]
lowest, best = 100, ''
for row in md_cluster.index.values:
if md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_contamination'] < lowest:
lowest, best = md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_contamination'], row
highest, best = 0, ''
for row in md_cluster.index.values:
if md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_completeness'] > highest:
highest, best = md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_completeness'], row
cluster_bests[cluster] = best
#rename fasta file with the best of the cluster
new_records = []
all_ids = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(aligned_fasta, "fasta"):
if record.id in cluster_bests:
print('Changing', record.id, 'to', cluster_bests[record.id])
record.id = cluster_bests[record.id]
SeqIO.write(new_records, aligned_fasta.replace('.fna', '_best.fna'), "fasta")
#make file with name of best genome in cluster and other genomes within the cluster
with open('genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea_16S_clusters_processed.txt', 'w') as f:
w = f.write('Centroid\tBest\tAll genomes\n')
for cluster in clusters_all_genomes:
w = f.write(cluster+'\t'+cluster_bests[cluster]+'\t'+cluster+','+','.join(clusters_all_genomes[cluster])+'\n')
#get reduced metadata file including only those genomes that are the best
md = md.loc[all_ids, :]
import os
import pandas as pd
from Bio import SeqIO
import numpy as np
import random
clusters = 'genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria_16S_clusters.uc'
aligned_fasta = 'genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria_16S_centroids_ssu_align.fna'
md = pd.read_csv('bac120_metadata_r220.tsv', index_col=0, header=0, sep='\t')
md = md[md['gtdb_representative'] == 't']
genes_16S = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(aligned_fasta, "fasta"):
rename_md = {}
for row in md.index.values:
rename_md[row] = row.split('_', 1)[1]
md = md.rename(index=rename_md)
clusters_all_genomes, clusters_centroid = {}, []
for row in open(clusters, 'r'):
row = row.replace('\n', '').split('\t')
if row[-1] != '*':
genomes = row[-2:]
if genomes[0] in genes_16S:
#print('First one', genomes)
if genomes[0] in clusters_all_genomes:
clusters_all_genomes[genomes[0]] = [genomes[1]]
elif genomes[1] in genes_16S:
if genomes[1] in clusters_all_genomes:
clusters_all_genomes[genomes[1]] = [genomes[0]]
neither = True #note that this means that the sequences were removed from this step because they fitted the model of a different domain the best
#now choose best genome from all clusters
cluster_bests = {}
for cluster in clusters_all_genomes:
md_cluster = md.loc[[cluster]+clusters_all_genomes[cluster], :]
completeness = md_cluster['checkm_completeness'].values
contamination = md_cluster['checkm_contamination'].values
best = ''
if len(set(completeness)) == 1:
if len(set(contamination)) == 1:
num = int(random.choice(range(md_cluster.shape[0])))
best = md_cluster.index.values[num]
lowest, best = 100, ''
for row in md_cluster.index.values:
if md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_contamination'] < lowest:
lowest, best = md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_contamination'], row
highest, best = 0, ''
for row in md_cluster.index.values:
if md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_completeness'] > highest:
highest, best = md_cluster.loc[row, 'checkm_completeness'], row
cluster_bests[cluster] = best
#rename fasta file with the best of the cluster
new_records = []
all_ids = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(aligned_fasta, "fasta"):
if record.id in cluster_bests:
print('Changing', record.id, 'to', cluster_bests[record.id])
record.id = cluster_bests[record.id]
SeqIO.write(new_records, aligned_fasta.replace('.fna', '_best.fna'), "fasta")
#make file with name of best genome in cluster and other genomes within the cluster
with open('genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria_16S_clusters_processed.txt', 'w') as f:
w = f.write('Centroid\tBest\tAll genomes\n')
for cluster in clusters_all_genomes:
w = f.write(cluster+'\t'+cluster_bests[cluster]+'\t'+cluster+','+','.join(clusters_all_genomes[cluster])+'\n')
#get reduced metadata file including only those genomes that are the best
md = md.loc[all_ids, :]
mkdir raxml
raxml-ng --check --msa genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea_16S_centroids_ssu_align_best.fna --model GTR+G --prefix raxml/archaea_raxml-check
raxml-ng --check --msa genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria_16S_centroids_ssu_align_best.fna --model GTR+G --prefix raxml/bacteria_raxml-check
#this had some duplicates removed still apparently
Convert archaea alignment to phylip so we have the same for both: (Python command line)
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
from Bio import AlignIO
from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment
seq_records = []
seqs, lengths = 0, []
for record in SeqIO.parse('genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea_16S_centroids_ssu_align_best.fna', 'fasta'):
seqs += 1
with open('raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy', 'w') as f:
f.write(str(seqs)+' '+str(int(lengths[0]))+'\n')
for record in seq_records:
f.write(record.id+' '+str(record.seq)+'\n')
(Python command line)
from ete3 import Tree
import os
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Seq import Seq
#from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
fixed_alignments = ['raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy', 'raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy']
tree_files = ['ar53_r220.tree', 'bac120_r220.tree']
for f in range(len(fixed_alignments)):
fixed_alignment = fixed_alignments[f]
tree_file = tree_files[f]
genomes = []
for row in open(fixed_alignment, 'r'):
if 'GB_' in row or 'GCA_' in row or 'GCF_' in row:
genomes.append(row.split(' ')[0].replace('>', '').replace('\n', ''))
genomes = set(genomes)
#1302, 31898
tree = Tree(tree_file, format=1, quoted_node_names=True)
genome_nodes, names = [], []
all_nodes = []
for node in tree.traverse("postorder"):
if 'GB_' in node.name or 'GCA_' in node.name or 'GCF_' in node.name:
new_name = str(node.name).split('_', 1)[1]
node.name = new_name
if new_name in genomes:
node.name = ''
tree.write(outfile=tree_file.replace('.tre', '_reduced.tre'), format=1)
(bash command line)
raxml-ng --evaluate --msa raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy --tree ar53_r220_reduced.tree --prefix raxml/archaea_raxml --model GTR+G —threads 24
raxml-ng --evaluate --msa raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy --tree bac120_r220_reduced.tree --prefix raxml/bacteria_raxml --model GTR+G —threads 24
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
from Bio import AlignIO
from Bio.Align import MultipleSeqAlignment
files = ['raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy', 'raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy']
new_names = ['raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.fna', 'raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.fna']
for f in range(len(files)):
sequences = {}
seq_records = []
count = 0
for row in open(files[f], 'r'):
#if count > 10: break
if '_' in row:
name, seq = row.replace('\n', '').split(' ')
sequences[name] = seq
seq_records.append(SeqRecord(Seq(seq),id=name, description=''))
count += 1
msa = MultipleSeqAlignment(seq_records)
AlignIO.write(msa, new_names[f], "fasta")
Convert the fasta file to DNA and reformat to stockholm:
esl-reformat -d -o raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.fna afa raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.fna
esl-reformat -o raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.sto stockholm raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.fna
esl-reformat -d -o raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.fna afa raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.fna
esl-reformat -o raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.sto stockholm raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.fna
hmmbuild --cpu 24 raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.hmm raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.sto
hmmbuild --cpu 24 raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.hmm raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.sto
These were a little tricky to figure out. They are required for use with SEPP (by pplacer, a dependency of SEPP), and it seems that the expectation is that they would have been created with a RAxML tree building run. This may or may not be the case if you are building files for a different database. From what I can tell, they could be made from an older version of a RAxML call to an --evaluate
equivalent. It seems as though this difficulty may be here to stay as pplacer is no longer maintained, and I think that the older versions of RAxML are also no longer maintained. I managed to figure out how to put the information required into the format expected by pplacer, although it feels a little hacky.
Some notes on making this manually:
- Base frequencies - these are already in the order required (ACGT) according to the details on the RAxML log output
- Overall time for tree evaluation can be replaced with Elapsed time - I doubt the time matters, just required with the format?
- Substitution rates - these are also already in the order required
- GAMMA likelihood is probably LogLikelihood?
Blank version:
This is RAxML version 7.7.2 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on July 31 2013.
This is a RAxML_info file from an --evaluate run, manually reformatted
Partition: 0
Alignment Patterns: ####
Name: No Name Provided
DataType: DNA
Substitution Matrix: GTR
RAxML-NG was called at ######### as follows:
raxml-ng --evaluate --msa ####### --tree ####### --prefix ####### --model GTR+G --threads 24
Base frequencies: #### #### #### ####
Inference[0]: Time #### CAT-based likelihood -0000, best rearrangement setting 5
alpha[0]: 1.000000 rates[0] ac ag at cg ct gt: # # # # # #
NOT conducting any final model optimizations on all 1 trees under CAT-based
model ....
Final GAMMA likelihood: ########
Taking the information from raxml/archaea_raxml.raxml.log and making raxml/archaea_raxml.raxml_info:
This is RAxML version 7.7.2 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on July 31 2013.
This is a RAxML_info file from an --evaluate run, manually reformatted
Partition: 0
Alignment Patterns: 1409
Name: No Name Provided
DataType: DNA
Substitution Matrix: GTR
RAxML-NG was called at 24-Jan-2025 19:14:01 as follows:
raxml-ng --evaluate --msa raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy --tree ar53_r220_fixed.tree --prefix raxml/archaea_raxml --model GTR+G --threads 24
Base frequencies: 0.220090 0.249290 0.290844 0.239776
Inference[0]: Time 16.044 CAT-based likelihood -0000, best rearrangement setting 5
alpha[0]: 1.000000 rates[0] ac ag at cg ct gt: 1.222614 4.378139 1.877652 0.999680 5.988560 1.000000
NOT conducting any final model optimizations on all 1 trees under CAT-based
model ....
Final GAMMA likelihood: -282040.011309
Taking the information from raxml/bacteria_raxml.raxml.log and making raxml/bacteria_raxml.raxml_info:
This is RAxML version 7.7.2 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on July 31 2013.
This is a RAxML_info file from an --evaluate run, manually reformatted
Partition: 0
Alignment Patterns: 1580
Name: No Name Provided
DataType: DNA
Substitution Matrix: GTR
RAxML-NG was called at 24-Jan-2025 19:16:30 as follows:
raxml-ng --evaluate --msa raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced.phy --tree bac120_r220_reduced.tree --prefix raxml/bacteria_raxml --model GTR+G --threads 24
Base frequencies: 0.209478 0.233565 0.312776 0.244181
Inference[0]: Time 1617.080 CAT-based likelihood -0000, best rearrangement setting 5
alpha[0]: 1.000000 rates[0] ac ag at cg ct gt: 1.047126 2.926184 1.654626 0.822619 3.735054 1.000000
NOT conducting any final model optimizations on all 1 trees under CAT-based
model ....
Final GAMMA likelihood: -5582296.255705
mkdir gtdb_r220_picrust_ref
mkdir gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bac_ref
mkdir gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/arc_ref
cp raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.fna gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bac_ref/bac_ref.fna
cp raxml/bacteria_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.hmm gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bac_ref/bac_ref.hmm
cp bac120_r220_reduced.tree gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bac_ref/bac_ref.tre
cp raxml/bacteria_raxml.raxml.bestModel gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bac_ref/bac_ref.model
cp raxml/bacteria_raxml.raxml_info gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bac_ref/bac_ref.raxml_info
cp raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.fna gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/arc_ref/arc_ref.fna
cp raxml/archaea_raxml-check.raxml.reduced_dna.hmm gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/arc_ref/arc_ref.hmm
cp ar53_r220_reduced.tree gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/arc_ref/arc_ref.tre
cp raxml/archaea_raxml.raxml.bestModel gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/arc_ref/arc_ref.model
cp raxml/archaea_raxml.raxml_info gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/arc_ref/arc_ref.raxml_info
Filter 16S copy files to only include genomes in the files:
from Bio import SeqIO
import pandas as pd
files = ['genomes_to_search_barrnap/bacteria_16S_copies.txt', 'genomes_to_search_barrnap/archaea_16S_copies.txt']
fasta_files = ['gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bac_ref/bac_ref.fna', 'gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/arc_ref/arc_ref.fna']
new_files = ['gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/bacteria_16S_copies.txt', 'gtdb_r220_picrust_ref/archaea_16S_copies.txt']
for f in range(len(files)):
included_genomes = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_files[f], 'fasta'):
copies = pd.read_csv(files[f], index_col=0, header=None, sep='\t')
copies = copies.loc[included_genomes, :]
copies = copies.reset_index()
copies.columns = ['assembly', '16S_rRNA_Count']
for row in copies.index.values:
if copies.loc[row, '16S_rRNA_Count'] > 10:
copies.loc[row, '16S_rRNA_Count'] = 10
copies.to_csv(new_files[f], index=False, sep='\t')
Install eggnog and get databases:
#conda create -n eggnog
#conda activate eggnog
#conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge eggnog-mapper
#conda doesn't work well with compute canada
#having issues unzipping things on compute canada. Downloading to vulcan and then copying folder across
#wget https://github.com/eggnogdb/eggnog-mapper/archive/refs/tags/2.1.12.zip
#unzip 2.1.12.zip
#scp -r eggnog-mapper-2.1.12/ [email protected]:/home/rwright/scratch/
cp -r scratch/eggnog-mapper-2.1.12/ tools/ #been having issues with not much storage space available - asked Ben to move his things
python setup.py install
cd ..
cd ..
cd scratch
mkdir eggnog_data
download_eggnog_data.py --data_dir eggnog_data
create_dbs.py -m diamond --dbname bacteria --taxa Bacteria --data_dir eggnog_data
create_dbs.py -m diamond --dbname archaea --taxa Archaea --data_dir eggnog_data
Run Eggnog on all genomes (e.g.):
mkdir eggnog_out
emapper.py -m diamond --itype genome --genepred prodigal --data_dir /home/rwright/scratch/eggnog_data -i /home/rwright/scratch/gtdb_genomes/gtdb_genomes/GCA_000007325.1_genomic.fna.gz -o test2 --output_dir /home/rwright/scratch/eggnog_out --cpu 12
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For other general questions and comments about PICRUSt2 please search the PICRUSt google group. If the question has not been previously answered then please make a new thread.
To report a bug or to make a feature request please make a new issue at the top of this page.