ATTENTION This is work in progress. Use at your own peril. Interfaces might break without announcements up to version 1
react-router-dom is currently required to read the loginToken parameter for single sign on.
In your index.js, add the MatrixAuthProvider around your App.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import {createBrowserHistory} from "history";
import {Router} from "react-router-dom";
import {MatrixAuthProvider} from "./context/MatrixAuthContext";
const history = createBrowserHistory();
<Router history={history}>
<MatrixAuthProvider sessionName={"your-matrix-client-session-name"} ssoRedirectUrl={"https://custom/redirect/URL"}>
You can then use the useMatrixAuth()
const MyComponent = () =>{
const matrix = useMatrixAuth();
return <div>{matrix.isLoggedIn() ? "Logged In" : "Not logged in"}</div>
Check the MatrixAuthContextType
interface for all available properties and methods.
// this might be outdated, please check the source interface for 100% up to date definitions
export interface MatrixAuthContextType {
accessToken: string,
deviceId: string,
loginToken: string,
userId: string,
sessionName?: string,
ssoRedirectUrl?: string,
homeserverUrl: string,
authMethods: GetAuthMethodsResponse,
setHomeserverUrl: (url: string) => void,
loadAuthMethods: () => void,
logout: () => void,
isLoggedIn: () => boolean,