LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a network protocol for remote directories. LDAP is mainly used for authentication of users into the mails servers, enterprise applications or biometric systems.
This implementation allows Pharo to communicate with such LDAP directories. It is fully written in Pharo and does not require access to native libraries.
Metacello new
baseline: 'LDAP';
repository: 'github://{repo}/LDAP/src'; "For example 'github://pharo-contributions/LDAP/src'"
Load the project using the configuration and the commitish corresponding to the legacy tag, branch or even SHA as the following:
Metacello new
configuration: 'LDAP';
githubUser: 'pharo-contributions' project: 'LDAP'
commitish: 'd8f505b34dd2489eb29f61cf85512eb943b35e5a'
path: 'src';
version: #stable;
At this point, no branch or tag exist, so use the most current SHA at that point: LDAP legacy. See How to load a git project for more information.
| connection bind command |
connection := (LDAPConnection to: 'ldap.domain.org' port: 389).
bind := LDAPBindRequest new username: 'cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=org'; password: 'password'.
command := connection request: bind.
command wait.
Use a LDAPSConnection
instance for the connection.
| connection bind command |
[ connection := (LDAPSConnection to: 'sldap123.someuri.org' port: 686).
bind := LDAPBindRequest new username: 'uid=myuid,ou=people,o=someuri,c=org'; password: 'password'.
command := connection request: bind.
command wait.
connection isValid ] on: Error do: [ 1 halt ]
| attrs add command |
attrs := Dictionary new
at: 'objectClass' put: (OrderedCollection new add: 'inetOrgPerson'; yourself);
at: 'cn' put: 'Doe John';
at: 'sn' put: 'Doe';
at: 'mail' put: '[email protected]';
add := LDAPAddRequest new dn: 'cn=jdoe,cn=base'; attrs: attrs.
command := connection request: add.
command wait.
| ops mod command |
ops := { LDAPAttrModifier set: 'sn' to: { 'Doe' } }.
mod := LDAPModifyRequest new dn: 'uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=org'; ops: ops.
command := connection request: mod.
command wait.
| ops mod command |
ops := { LDAPAttrModifier addTo: 'loginShell' values: { '/bin/bash' } }.
mod := LDAPModifyRequest new dn: 'uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=org'; ops: ops.
command := connection request: mod.
command wait.
| command search resultEntries |
search := LDAPSearchRequest new
base: 'ou=people,dc=domain,dc=org';
scope: LDAPWholeSubtreeScope new;
derefAliases: LDAPNeverDeferAliases new.
command := connection request: search.
resultEntries := command result. "Wait and return a collection of LDAPSearchResultEntry instances"
| command search resultEntries |
search := LDAPSearchRequest new
base: 'ou=people,dc=domain,dc=org';
scope: LDAPWholeSubtreeScope new;
filter: ((LDAPFilter with: 'cn' equalTo: 'Jos') not &
(LDAPFilter with: 'sn' equalTo: 'Doe')).
command := connection request: search.
resultEntries := command result.
| command del |
del := LDAPDelRequest new dn: 'uid=doe,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=org'.
command := connection request: del.
command wait.
connection disconnect
- Migrated from the original repository at http://smalltalkhub.com/PharoExtras/LDAP/
- Port to Pharo 9.0
- New object model