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This is the source code behind the "O que falta em Coimbra?" concept. Make sure you check out the Usage Guidelines.

How does it work?

  • Sinatra app
  • Running on Ruby 2.3.1


Install Ruby 2.3.1 (if necessary). RVM is optional, but highly recommended.

rvm install ruby 2.3.1p112
git clone
cd oqfc

Install bundler

gem install bundler

Install the gems

bundle install --without production

Configure the app

  • duplicate config/config.rb.example
  • rename it to config.rb
  • open it and change the necessary settings

Run the server

ruby app.rb

Go to


App global settings are available on your config/config.rb. Here you can change the city name and background color, among other things.

For the Facebook Comments plugin to work you'll need to:

  • create a Facebook App
  • make sure the :site_url setting corresponds to the Site URL and App Domains settings on your Facebook App configuration
  • set your Facebook App ID in the :fb_app_id setting

You may also want to:

  • change public/img/favicon.png to your own color
  • change public/img/logo.png (this image is used by Facebook when sharing)
  • customize the Facebook sharing text via the :meta_description setting


The app is ready for deployment in Heroku. Troubleshoot here | Custom Domains.

Note: You need to remove the config/config.rb line from .gitignore so your configuration is sent to Heroku.


Fork, create a topic branch, change the code and create a Pull Request. Thanks!