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Atomic form primitives for Jotai

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  • Renders what changes and nothing else
  • Strongly typed allowing you to quickly iterate on durable code
  • Tiny (<3kB gzipped) but powerful API
  • Nested/array fields without parsing field names
  • Dynamic fields - you aren't stuck with your initial config
  • Controlled inputs because no, uncontrolled inputs are not preferrable
  • Ready for concurrent React - validation updates have a lower priority
  • Familiar API that is very similar to other form libraries
  • Async field-level validation with Zod support

Quick start

Check out the example on CodeSandbox ↗

import { fieldAtom, useInputField, formAtom, useForm } from "form-atoms";

const nameFormAtom = formAtom({
  name: {
    first: fieldAtom({ value: "" }),
    last: fieldAtom({ value: "" }),

function Form() {
  const { fieldAtoms, submit } = useForm(nameFormAtom);
  return (
      onSubmit={submit((values) => {
      <Field label="First name" atom={} />
      <Field label="Last name" atom={} />

function Field({ label, atom }) {
  const field = useInputField(atom);
  return (
      <input {...field.props} />


Jotai was born to solve extra re-render issue in React. Extra re-render is a render process that produces the same UI result, with which users won't see any differences.

Like Jotai, this library was built to solve the extra re-render issue with React Forms. It takes a bottom-up approach using Jotai's atomic model. In practice that means that formAtom() derives its state from fieldAtom(). For example, validation occurs at the field-level rather than the form-level. Normally that would pose a problem for fields with validation that is dependent on other state or other fields, but using fieldAtom's validate function allows you to read the value of other atoms.

The form-atoms minimal API is written to be ergonomic and powerful. It feels like other form libraries (even better in my opinion). You don't lose anything by using it, but you gain a ton of performance and without footguns.

Table of contents

Field atoms Description
fieldAtom() An atom that represents a field in a form. It manages state for the field, including the name, value, errors, dirty, validation, and touched state.
useField() A hook that returns state and actions of a field atom from useFieldState, and useFieldActions.
useInputField() A hook that returns props, state, and actions of a field atom from useInputFieldProps, useFieldState, and useFieldActions.
useInputFieldProps() A hook that returns a set of props that can be destructured directly into an <input>, <select>, or <textarea> element.
useTextareaField() A hook that returns props, state, and actions of a field atom from useTextareaFieldProps, useFieldState, and useFieldActions.
useTextareaFieldProps() A hook that returns a set of props that can be destructured directly into a <textarea> element.
useSelectField() A hook that returns props, state, and actions of a field atom from useSelectFieldProps, useFieldState, and useFieldActions.
useSelectFieldProps() A hook that returns a set of props that can be destructured directly into a <select> element.
useFieldState() A hook that returns the state of a field atom. This includes the field's value, whether it has been touched, whether it is dirty, the validation status, and any errors.
useFieldActions() A hook that returns a set of actions that can be used to interact with the field atom state.
useFieldInitialValue() A hook that sets the initial value of a field atom. Initial values can only be set once per scope. Therefore, if the initial value used is changed during rerenders, it won't update the atom value.
useFieldValue() A hook that returns the value of a field atom.
useFieldErrors() A hook that returns the errors of a field atom.
Form atoms Description
formAtom() An atom that derives its state fields atoms and allows you to submit, validate, and reset your form.
useForm() A hook that returns an object that contains the fieldAtoms and actions to validate, submit, and reset the form.
useFormState() A hook that returns the primary state of the form atom including values, errors, submit and validation status, as well as the fieldAtoms. Note that this hook will cuase its parent component to re-render any time those states change, so it can be useful to use more targeted state hooks like useFormStatus.
useFormActions() A hook that returns a set of actions that can be used to update the state of the form atom. This includes updating fields, submitting, resetting, and validating the form.
useFormValues() A hook that returns the values of the form atom.
useFormErrors() A hook that returns the errors of the form atom.
useFormStatus() A hook that returns the submitStatus and validateStatus of the form atom.
useFormSubmit() A hook that returns a callback for handling form submission.
Components Description
<Form> A React component that renders form atoms and their fields in an isolated scope using a Jotai Provider.
<InputField> A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is useful for fields that are rendered as native HTML elements because the props can unpack directly into the underlying component.
<TextareaField> A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is useful for fields that are rendered as native HTML elements because the props can unpack directly into the underlying component.
<SelectField> A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is useful for fields that are rendered as native HTML elements because the props can unpack directly into the underlying component.
<Field> A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is useful for fields that aren't rendered as native HTML elements.
Utility Types Description
FormValues A utility type for inferring the value types of a form's nested field atoms.
FormErrors A utility type for inferring the error types of a form's nested field atoms.
Validator Description
form-atoms/zod A validator that can be used with the Zod library to validate fields.


  1. How to validate on (blur, change, touch, submit)
  2. How to validate a field conditional to the state of another field
  3. How to validate a field asynchronously
  4. How to validate using a Zod schema
  5. How to create a nested fields
  6. How to create an array of fields

Projects using form-atoms

  • @form-atoms/field - Declarative & headless form fields build on top of Jotai & form-atoms

Field atoms


An atom that represents a field in a form. It manages state for the field, including the name, value, errors, dirty, validation, and touched state.


Name Type Required? Description
config FieldAtomConfig<Value> Yes The initial state and configuration of the field.


type FieldAtomConfig<Value> = {
   * Optionally provide a name for the field that will be added
   * to any attached `<input>`, `<select>`, or `<textarea>` elements
  name?: string;
   * The initial value of the field
  value: Value;
   * The initial touched state of the field
  touched?: boolean;
   * Transform the value of the field each time `setValue` is
   * called and before validation
  preprocess?: (value: Value) => Value;
   * A function that validates the value of the field any time
   * one of its atoms changes. It must either return an array of
   * string error messages or undefined. If it returns undefined,
   * the validation is "skipped" and the current errors in state
   * are retained.
  validate?: (state: {
     * A Jotai getter that can read other atoms
    get: Getter;
     * The current value of the field
    value: Value;
     * The dirty state of the field
    dirty: boolean;
     * The touched state of the field
    touched: boolean;
     * The event that caused the validation. Either:
     * - `"change"` - The value of the field has changed
     * - `"touch"` - The field has been touched
     * - `"blur"` - The field has been blurred
     * - `"submit"` - The form has been submitted
     * - `"user"` - A user/developer has triggered the validation
    event: ValidateOn;
  }) => void | string[] | Promise<void | string[]>;


type FieldAtom<Value> = Atom<{
   * An atom containing the field's name
  name: WritableAtom<
    string | undefined,
    [string | undefined | typeof RESET],
   * An atom containing the field's value
  value: WritableAtom<
    [Value | typeof RESET | ((prev: Value) => Value)],
   * An atom containing the field's touched status
  touched: WritableAtom<
    [boolean | typeof RESET | ((prev: boolean) => boolean)],
   * An atom containing the field's dirty status
  dirty: Atom<boolean>;
   * A write-only atom for validating the field's value
  validate: WritableAtom<null, [] | [ValidateOn], void>;
   * An atom containing the field's validation status
  validateStatus: WritableAtom<ValidateStatus, [ValidateStatus], void>;
   * An atom containing the field's validation errors
  errors: WritableAtom<
    [string[] | ((value: string[]) => string[])],
   * A write-only atom for resetting the field atoms to their
   * initial states.
  reset: WritableAtom<null, [], void>;
   * An atom containing a reference to the `HTMLElement` the field
   * is bound to.
  ref: WritableAtom<
    HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLSelectElement | null,
      | HTMLInputElement
      | HTMLTextAreaElement
      | HTMLSelectElement
      | null
      | ((
            | HTMLInputElement
            | HTMLTextAreaElement
            | HTMLSelectElement
            | null
        ) => HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLSelectElement | null)


A hook that returns state and actions of a field atom from useFieldState and useFieldActions.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseFieldOptions<Value> No Provide an initialValue here in additon to options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks.


type UseFieldAtom<Value> = {
   * Actions for managing the state of the field
  actions: UseFieldActions<Value>;
   * The current state of the field
  state: UseFieldState<Value>;


A hook that returns props, state, and actions of a field atom from useInputFieldProps, useFieldState, and useFieldActions.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseInputFieldOptions<Type, Value> No Provide an initialValue here in additon to options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks.


type UseInputField<
  Type extends React.HTMLInputTypeAttribute,
  Value extends InputFieldValueForType<Type> = InputFieldValueForType<Type>
> = {
   * `<input>` props for the field
  props: UseInputFieldProps<Type>;
   * Actions for managing the state of the field
  actions: UseFieldActions<Value>;
   * The current state of the field
  state: UseFieldState<Value>;


A hook that returns a set of props that can be destructured directly into an <input> element.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseInputFieldPropsOptions<Type> No A type field and other options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseInputFieldProps<Type extends React.HTMLInputTypeAttribute> = {
   * The name of the field if there is one
  name: string | undefined;
   * The value of the field
  value: Type extends DateType
    ? string
    : Type extends NumberType
    ? number | string
    : Type extends FileType
    ? undefined
    : string;
   * The type of the field
   * @default "text"
  type: Type;
   * A WAI-ARIA property that tells a screen reader whether the
   * field is invalid
  "aria-invalid": boolean;
   * A React callback ref that is used to bind the field atom to
   * an `<input>` element so that it can be read and focused.
  ref: React.RefCallback<HTMLInputElement>;
  onBlur(event: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void;
  onChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void;


A hook that returns props, state, and actions of a field atom from useTextareaFieldProps, useFieldState, and useFieldActions.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseTextareaFieldOptions<Value> No Provide an initialValue here in additon to options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks.


type UseTextareaField<Value extends string> = {
   * `<input>` props for the field
  props: UseTextareaFieldProps<Value>;
   * Actions for managing the state of the field
  actions: UseFieldActions<Value>;
   * The current state of the field
  state: UseFieldState<Value>;


A hook that returns a set of props that can be destructured directly into a <textarea> element.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseTextareaFieldPropsOptions No A type field and other options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseTextareaFieldProps<Value extends string> = {
   * The name of the field if there is one
  name: string | undefined;
   * The value of the field
  value: Value;
   * A WAI-ARIA property that tells a screen reader whether the
   * field is invalid
  "aria-invalid": boolean;
   * A React callback ref that is used to bind the field atom to
   * an `<input>` element so that it can be read and focused.
  ref: React.RefCallback<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
  onBlur(event: React.FormEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>): void;
  onChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>): void;


A hook that returns props, state, and actions of a field atom from useSelectFieldProps, useFieldState, and useFieldActions.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseSelectFieldOptions<Value, Multiple> No Provide an initialValue here in additon to options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks.


type UseSelectField<
  Value extends string,
  Multiple extends Readonly<boolean> = false
> = {
   * `<input>` props for the field
  props: UseSelectFieldProps<Value, Multiple>;
   * Actions for managing the state of the field
  actions: UseFieldActions<Multiple extends true ? Value[] : Value>;
   * The current state of the field
  state: UseFieldState<Multiple extends true ? Value[] : Value>;


A hook that returns a set of props that can be destructured directly into a <select> element.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseSelectFieldPropsOptions<Multiple> No A type field and other options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseSelectFieldProps<
  Value extends string,
  Multiple extends Readonly<boolean> = false
> = {
   * The name of the field if there is one
  name: string | undefined;
   * The value of the field
  value: Multiple extends true ? Value[] : Value;
   * Whether the field is a multiple select
  multiple?: Multiple;
   * A WAI-ARIA property that tells a screen reader whether the
   * field is invalid
  "aria-invalid": boolean;
   * A React callback ref that is used to bind the field atom to
   * an `<input>` element so that it can be read and focused.
  ref: React.RefCallback<HTMLSelectElement>;
  onBlur(event: React.FormEvent<HTMLSelectElement>): void;
  onChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>): void;


A hook that returns the state of a field atom. This includes the field's value, whether it has been touched, whether it is dirty, the validation status, and any errors.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFieldState<Value> = {
   * The value of the field
  value: ExtractAtomValue<ExtractAtomValue<FieldAtom<Value>>["value"]>;
   * The touched state of the field
  touched: ExtractAtomValue<ExtractAtomValue<FieldAtom<Value>>["touched"]>;
   * The dirty state of the field. A field is "dirty" if it's value has
   * been changed.
  dirty: ExtractAtomValue<ExtractAtomValue<FieldAtom<Value>>["dirty"]>;
   * The validation status of the field
  validateStatus: ExtractAtomValue<
   * The error state of the field
  errors: ExtractAtomValue<ExtractAtomValue<FieldAtom<Value>>["errors"]>;


A hook that returns a set of actions that can be used to interact with the field atom state.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFieldActions<Value> = {
   * A function that validates the field's value with a `"user"` validation
   * event.
  validate(): void;
   * A function for changing the value of a field. This will trigger a `"change"`
   * validation event.
   * @param {Value} value - The new value of the field
    value: ExtractAtomArgs<ExtractAtomValue<FieldAtom<Value>>["value"]>[0]
  ): void;
   * A function for changing the touched state of a field. This will trigger a
   * `"touch"` validation event.
   * @param {boolean} touched - The new touched state of the field
    touched: ExtractAtomArgs<ExtractAtomValue<FieldAtom<Value>>["touched"]>[0]
  ): void;
   * A function for changing the error state of a field
   * @param {string[]} errors - The new error state of the field
    errors: ExtractAtomArgs<ExtractAtomValue<FieldAtom<Value>>["errors"]>[0]
  ): void;
   * Focuses the field atom's `<input>`, `<select>`, or `<textarea>` element
   * if there is one bound to it.
  focus(): void;
   * Resets the field atom to its initial state.
  reset(): void;


A hook that sets the initial value of a field atom. Initial values can only be set once per scope. Therefore, if the initial value used is changed during rerenders, it won't update the atom value.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
initialValue Value No The initial value to set the atom to. If this is undefined, no initial value will be set.
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


A hook that returns the value of a field atom.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFieldValue<Value> = Value;


A hook that returns the errors of a field atom.


Name Type Required? Description
fieldAtom FieldAtom<Value> Yes The atom that stores the field's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFieldErrors<Value> = UseFieldState<Value>["errors"];

Form atoms


An atom that derives its state fields atoms and allows you to submit, validate, and reset your form.


Name Type Required? Description
fields FormFields Yes An object containing field atoms to be included in the form. Field atoms can be deeply nested in objects and arrays.


type FormFields = {
  [key: string | number]:
    | FieldAtom<any>
    | FormFields
    | FormFields[]
    | FieldAtom<any>[];


type FormAtom<Fields extends FormFields> = Atom<{
   * An atom containing an object of nested field atoms
  fields: WritableAtom<
    Fields | typeof RESET | ((prev: Fields) => Fields),
   * An read-only atom that derives the form's values from
   * its nested field atoms.
  values: Atom<FormFieldValues<Fields>>;
   * An read-only atom that derives the form's errors from
   * its nested field atoms.
  errors: Atom<FormFieldErrors<Fields>>;
   * A read-only atom that returns `true` if any of the fields in
   * the form are dirty.
  dirty: Atom<boolean>;
   * A read-only atom derives the touched state of its nested field atoms.
  touchedFields: Atom<TouchedFields<Fields>>;
   * A write-only atom that resets the form's nested field atoms
  reset: WritableAtom<null, void>;
   * A write-only atom that validates the form's nested field atoms
  validate: WritableAtom<null, void | ValidateOn>;
   * A read-only atom that derives the form's validation status
  validateStatus: Atom<ValidateStatus>;
   * A write-only atom for submitting the form
  submit: WritableAtom<
    (values: FormFieldValues<Fields>) => void | Promise<void>
   * A read-only atom that reads the number of times the form has
   * been submitted
  submitCount: Atom<number>;
   * An atom that contains the form's submission status
  submitStatus: WritableAtom<SubmitStatus, SubmitStatus>;


A hook that returns an object that contains the fieldAtoms and actions to validate, submit, and reset the form.


Name Type Required? Description
formAtom FormAtom<Fields> Yes The atom that stores the form's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFormAtom<Fields extends FormFields> = {
   * An object containing the values of a form's nested field atoms
  fieldAtoms: Fields;
   * A function for handling form submissions.
   * @param handleSubmit - A function that is called with the form's values
   *   when the form is submitted
    handleSubmit: (values: FormFieldValues<Fields>) => void | Promise<void>
  ): (e?: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => void;
   * A function that validates the form's nested field atoms with a
   * `"user"` validation event.
  validate(): void;
   * A function that resets the form's nested field atoms to their
   * initial states.
  reset(): void;


A hook that returns the primary state of the form atom including values, errors, submit and validation status, as well as the fieldAtoms. Note that this hook will cuase its parent component to re-render any time those states change, so it can be useful to use more targeted state hooks like useFormStatus.


Name Type Required? Description
formAtom FormAtom<Fields> Yes The atom that stores the form's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFormState<Fields extends FormFields> = {
   * An object containing the form's nested field atoms
  fieldAtoms: Fields;
   * An object containing the values of a form's nested field atoms
  values: FormFieldValues<Fields>;
   * An object containing the errors of a form's nested field atoms
  errors: FormFieldErrors<Fields>;
   * `true` if any of the fields in the form are dirty.
  dirty: boolean;
   * An object containing the touched state of the form's nested field atoms.
  touchedFields: TouchedFields<Fields>;
   * The number of times a form has been submitted
  submitCount: number;
   * The validation status of the form
  validateStatus: ValidateStatus;
   * The submission status of the form
  submitStatus: SubmitStatus;


A hook that returns a set of actions that can be used to update the state of the form atom. This includes updating fields, submitting, resetting, and validating the form.


Name Type Required? Description
formAtom FormAtom<Fields> Yes The atom that stores the form's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFormActions<Fields extends FormFields> = {
   * A function for adding/removing fields from the form.
   * @param fields - An object containing the form's nested field atoms or
   *   a callback that receives the current fields and returns the next
   *   fields.
    fields: ExtractAtomArgs<ExtractAtomValue<FormAtom<Fields>>["fields"]>[0]
  ): void;
   * A function for handling form submissions.
   * @param handleSubmit - A function that is called with the form's values
   *   when the form is submitted
    handleSubmit: (values: FormFieldValues<Fields>) => void | Promise<void>
  ): (e?: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => void;
   * A function that validates the form's nested field atoms with a
   * `"user"` validation event.
  validate(): void;
   * A function that resets the form's nested field atoms to their
   * initial states.
  reset(): void;


A hook that returns the values of the form atom.


Name Type Required? Description
formAtom FormAtom<Fields> Yes The atom that stores the form's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFormValues<Fields extends FormFields> = FormFieldValues<Fields>;


A hook that returns the errors of the form atom.


Name Type Required? Description
formAtom FormAtom<Fields> Yes The atom that stores the form's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFormErrors<Fields extends FormFields> = FormFieldErrors<Fields>;


A hook that returns the submitStatus and validateStatus of the form atom.


Name Type Required? Description
formAtom FormAtom<Fields> Yes The atom that stores the form's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFormStatus = {
   * The validation status of the form
  validateStatus: ValidateStatus;
   * The submission status of the form
  submitStatus: SubmitStatus;


A hook that returns a callback for handling form submission.


Name Type Required? Description
formAtom FormAtom<Fields> Yes The atom that stores the form's state
options UseAtomOptions No Options that are forwarded to the useAtom, useAtomValue, and useSetAtom hooks


type UseFormSubmit<Fields extends FormFields> = {
  (values: (value: FormFieldValues<Fields>) => void | Promise<void>): (
    e?: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>
  ) => void;



A React component that renders form atoms and their fields in an isolated scope using a Jotai Provider.


Name Type Required? Description
atom FormAtom<FormFields> Yes A form atom
store AtomStore No A Jotai store
component React.ComponentType<{state: UseFormState<Value>; actions: UseFormActions<Value>;}> No A React component to render as the input field
render (state: UseFormState<Value>, actions: UseFormActions<Value>) => JSX.Element No A render prop


A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is most useful for fields that are rendered as native HTML elements because the props can unpack directly into the underlying component.


Name Type Required? Description
atom FieldAtom<Value> Yes A field atom
initialValue Value No The initial value of the field
type Type No The type of the field. Defaults to "text".
store AtomStore No A Jotai store
component React.ComponentType<{state: UseFieldState<Value>; actions: UseFieldActions<Value>;}> No A React component to render as the input field
render (state: UseFieldState<Value>, actions: UseFieldActions<Value>) => JSX.Element No A render prop


A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is most useful for fields that are rendered as native HTML elements because the props can unpack directly into the underlying component.


Name Type Required? Description
atom FieldAtom<Value> Yes A field atom
initialValue Value No The initial value of the field
store AtomStore No A Jotai store
component React.ComponentType<{state: UseFieldState<Value>; actions: UseFieldActions<Value>;}> No A React component to render as the input field
render (state: UseFieldState<Value>, actions: UseFieldActions<Value>) => JSX.Element No A render prop


A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is most useful for fields that are rendered as native HTML elements because the props can unpack directly into the underlying component.


Name Type Required? Description
atom FieldAtom<Value> Yes A field atom
initialValue Value No The initial value of the field
multiple boolean No Is this a multi-select field?
store AtomStore No A Jotai store
component React.ComponentType<{state: UseFieldState<Value>; actions: UseFieldActions<Value>;}> No A React component to render as the input field
render (state: UseFieldState<Value>, actions: UseFieldActions<Value>) => JSX.Element No A render prop


A React component that renders field atoms with initial values. This is most useful for fields that aren't rendered as native HTML elements.


Name Type Required? Description
atom FieldAtom<Value> Yes A field atom
initialValue Value No The initial value of the field
store AtomStore No A Jotai store
component React.ComponentType<{state: UseFieldState<Value>; actions: UseFieldActions<Value>;}> No A React component to render as the field
render (state: UseFieldState<Value>, actions: UseFieldActions<Value>) => JSX.Element No A render prop



A function that walks through an object containing nested field atoms and calls a visitor function for each atom it finds.


Name Type Required? Description
fields FormFields Yes An object containing nested field atoms
visitor (field: FieldAtom<any>, path: string[]) => void | false Yes A function that will be called for each field atom. You can exit early by returning false from the function.



Utility types


A utility type for inferring the value types of a form's nested field atoms.

const nameForm = formAtom({
  name: fieldAtom({ value: "" }),

type NameFormValues = FormValues<typeof nameForm>;


A utility type for inferring the error types of a form's nested field atoms.

const nameForm = formAtom({
  name: fieldAtom({ value: "" }),

type NameFormErrors = FormErrors<typeof nameForm>;



Validate your field atoms with Zod schemas. This function validates on every "user" and "submit" event, in addition to other events you specify.

Check out an example on CodeSandbox

import { z } from "zod";
import { formAtom, fieldAtom } from "form-atoms";
import { zodValidate } from "form-atoms/zod";

const schema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(3),

const nameForm = formAtom({
  name: fieldAtom({
    validate: zodValidate(, {
      on: "submit",
      when: "dirty",


Name Type Required? Description
schema ((get: Getter) => z.Schema) | z.Schema Yes A Zod schema or a function that returns a Zod schema
config ZodValidateConfig No Configuration options


type ZodValidateConfig = {
   * The event or events that triggers validation.
  on?: ZodValidateOn | ZodValidateOn[];
   * Validate if the field is:
   * - `touched`
   * - `dirty`
  when?: "touched" | "dirty" | ("touched" | "dirty")[];
   * Format the error message returned by the validator.
   * @param error - A ZodError object
  formatError?: (error: ZodError) => string[];

Wait, it's all atoms?

Wait it's all atoms? Always has been.




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