A Fiddle For Files
tl;dr: Write simple scripts that manipulate files. Share them with your friends. Run them entirely in your browser.
Try out for yourself:
Fiolin is licensed under the MIT License. This includes the first-party fiolin scripts in this repository, unless otherwise specified. It does not, however, include third-party scripts accessed through the fiolion website but hosted elsewhere.
Read the developer documentation on fiolin.org.
This is for developing the core fiolin codebase itself. If you just want to write your own fiolin scripts, read the developer documentation.
# Run dev server on http://localhost:3000 Also, a fake third-party server will
# be run on port 3001; you can test script retrieval by entering this in the URL
# field of the third-party form: http://localhost:3001/cors-3p-script.json
$ npm run dev
# Tests (in watch mode by default)
$ npm run test
# Individual fiolin scripts can be run using node:
$ npm run fiol -- unlock-ppt --input some.pptx --outputDir .
# Deployment:
# Currently automatically builds latest commit to github