This script provides similar functionality to the Maven release script, but works nicely with git.
I created the script because to get the maven release plugin to work the way I wanted meant keeping a version of Maven 2.0 and not using concurrent builds; this was a huge pain.
Usage: [-a | [ -r RELEASE_VERSION ] [ -n NEXT_DEV_VERSION ] ] [ -c ASSUMED_POM_VERSION ] [ -s ] [-i]
Updates release version, then builds and commits it
-a Shorthand for -a auto -n auto
-r Sets the release version number to use ('auto' to use the version in pom.xml)
-n Sets the next development version number to use (or 'auto' to increment release version)
-c Assume this as pom.xml version without inspecting it with xmllint
-i Ignore untracked git files
-h For this message