Please complete the steps in this README before your interview. This will give you as much time as possible in the interview to demonstrate your technical skills.
You may want to use an IDE such as VSCode or Pycharm. However, any text editor and terminal you are comfortable using will work.
To check which version of Python you have installed, run:
python --version
Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. Follow the installation instructions if you need to install it.
To confirm Poetry is installed, run:
poetry --version
Clone a copy of the repository to your machine:
git clone
To activate the virtual environment and install the required packages, run the following commands in the root folder of this project:
poetry shell
poetry install
There's one unit test that should pass when you run:
You can test that the module loads the test data as expected by running:
python3 derec test
Once you reach this point, the project is set up and ready to go.
You are welcome to explore the code base as much as you'd like. We will provide you with the tasks to complete at the start of the interview.