-This repository contains three different projects : 1.Student Grade Genarator 2.Speed Detector 3.Net Salary Calculator
From the project,I am required to have a function The function must prompt the student to enter his/her marks which should be between 0-100 Since I am going use the marks entered by the student to grade him .I must store the entered marks in a variable. Once I have stored the entered marks in a variable I must convert the marks to a Number . The next step is to check the validity of the marks entered whereby the marks should lie between 0-100 and must be a valid number.If the marks entered are valid the marks will be evaluated,if the marks are not valid ,the student will be requested to enter valid marks which lie between 0-100 Once the marks entered are valid .I should determine the grade of the students based on Marks. To determine the grade I have used conditonal statements .The conditional statements I have used is if (){}else if (){} ,this is because the problem requires us to evaluate multiple conditions. The output is displayed on the console or the document using the alert function