scope =refers to the context or the environment in which variables are declared and can be accessed
-dectates lifetime of avariable and its visibility
-determines where in your code a particular variable is valid and accessible
- It helps in writting error free code
- globa - refers to accessibilty of variable declared outside of a localscope anywhere in the code
-local scope -refes to accessability of variable declared inside a function or and block
- When a variable is declared inside a function, it is only accessible within that function and cannot be used outside that function while
a variable declared inside the BLOCK (if or switch conditions or inside for or while loops), are accessible within that particular condition or loop.
What are the implications of declaring a variable without any keyword (i.e., no var, let, or const)?
-It creates global variable -which makes code harder to understand and maintain or makes codes more difficult to read and debug
-scope chain refers to mechanism that javasScript uses to resolve variable reference
Start with the Current Scope: The engine first looks for the variable in the current scope (the function or block where the variable is being accessed).
Move Up the Scope Chain: If the variable is not found in the current scope, the engine moves up to the outer scope and looks for the variable there.
Continue Up to the Global Scope: This process continues until the global scope is reached. If the variable is not found in any of the scopes along the way, a ReferenceError is thrown.
lexical scope
Its easy to find the scope by reading the code
It depends on code is written
Structure of program defines which variable is referred to
dynamic scope
The programmer has to anticipate all possible contexts
It depends on how code is excuted
Runtime state of programme stack determines the variables
-Is a function that retains access to the variables of a scope even when the fuction is excuted outside that scope
.Javascript closures only comes into picture when the functions are nestled.