Some free linux scripts (for systems manly)
You can customize it as needed regarding:
- it is built to work on CentOS and Red Hat based systems some changes may be needed to work on some other OS
- must have rwx permissions on the user that will run it
- ADMIN_CC can host multiple email addresses space between them
- line 13 - EXCLUDE_LIST - pipe any directory more that you want to exclude for being scanned (ex. some CIFS mounts or /tmp folder)
- line 33 - you can remove the "| head -n 25" to return the full listing;
- line 33 - the "| numfmt --to=iec" formats the output to human readable units
- line 38 - [email protected] must be changed to your domain
Call this script via crontab for example every 10 minutes:
*/10 * * * * /fullpath_to_your/
You can customize it as needed regarding:
- it is built to work on CentOS and Red Hat based systems some changes may be needed to work on some other OS
- must have rwx permissions on the user that will run it
- ADMIN_CC can host multiple email addresses space between them
- line 26 and 36 - [email protected] must be changed to your domain
Call this script via crontab for example every 1 minute:
*/1 * * * * /fullpath_to_your/