17 commits
to dev
since this release
This release introduces major features, and modifies views organization and wording.
It may still present MAJOR and MINOR bugs.
NOTE : desktop builds for linux are partially broken. No installer, unzip release content ; then open a terminal in the unzipped folder ; then run ./ovide
- tag system for all resources: they allow to organize writing and to leverage new composition options for editions
- example productions accessible from home and loadable for playing with the tool capabilities
- (unfinished) exports in XML, plain HTML and markdown for specific editions
- export print editions as fully editable HTML+CSS websites
- set a URL prefix for web exports
- web version now allows multi-page exports
- feedbacks form for bugs reports and suggestions
- electron version : next and previous page buttons
- global redesign
- sections renamed to notes
- resources renamed to materials
- app views organization: merge library and summary view into a single "materials" view
- app views organization: create a new "parameters" view
- edition view: more logical organization of the left pannel
- new productions start with no section
- edition templates have been improved