96 commits
to dev
since this release
This release introduces major features taking full advantage of the underlying peritext data model. It still presents major and minor bugs.
NOTE : desktop builds for linux and windows are partially broken.
Windows : no installer, unzip release content then directly open "ovide.exe"
Linux: no installer, unzip release content then open a terminal in the unzipped folder then run ./ovide
- possibility to edit contents for resources (and use them as "sections" in the editions)
- new views for existing templates based on resources only
- 2 new web-oriented templates : callirhoe (card-oriented template) and chrysaor (multi-columns template)
- export and import in zip/git-friendly format
- inline contextualizations management (notably inline videos and inline images)
- video: possibility to specify start and end timecodes in order to display excerpts
- handle multiple short citations
- accept a custom contextualization edition react module in contextualizuation edition
- visualization contextualizations : possibility to use standard vega or vega lite
- drop youtube and maps API for more sustainable/free solutions
- edition creation : handle custom summary specification
- improve edition summary maker's design
- [technical improvement] use of diverse webworkers for a smoother experience, in editor, glossary and edition views
- copy-pasting bugs
- editor bugs in firefox
- production duplication not copying assets