Integration between Rails and countries gem.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rails-countries'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rails-countries
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :my_attribute, countries_alpha2: true
# or
validates_countries_alpha2_of :my_attribute
validates :another_attribute, countries_alpha3: true
# or
validates_countries_alpha3_of :another_attribute
class Person
include ActiveModel::Model
validates :my_attribute, countries_alpha2: true
# or
validates_countries_alpha2_of :my_attribute
validates :another_attribute, countries_alpha3: true
# or
validates_countries_alpha3_of :another_attribute
<%= i18n_country_name_by_alpha2('US') %>
<%= i18n_country_name_by_alpha2('US', 'pt-BR') %>
<%= i18n_country_name_by_alpha3('USA') %>
<%= i18n_country_name_by_alpha3('USA', 'pt-BR') %>
<%= select_tag(:my_attribute, countries_alpha2_options) %>
<%= select_tag(:my_attribute, countries_alpha2_options('pt-BR')) %>
<%= select_tag(:another_attribute, countries_alpha3_options) %>
<%= select_tag(:another_attribute, countries_alpha3_options('pt-BR')) %>
<%= f.input :my_attribute, collection: countries_alpha2_options %>
<%= f.input :my_attribute, collection: countries_alpha2_options('pt-BR') %>
<%= f.input :my_attribute, collection: countries_alpha3_options %>
<%= f.input :my_attribute, collection: countries_alpha3_options('pt-BR') %>
To customize your error messages you can create a locale file like this:
countries_alpha2_invalid: '%{alpha2} is not valid'
countries_alpha3_invalid: '%{alpha3} is not valid'
Help us to improve the features and translations of this gem! Your contribution will be welcome 🎉