Command line utility for exporting dashboard charts from Hansoft to json or png files. For a simple setup have a look at the Hansoft docker.
Download HansoftSDK and unzip the content to the HansoftSDK folder.
For help please use the build-in help command: DashboardExporter --help
Usage: DashboardExporter [options]
Hansoft Dashboard exporter
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SERVER, --server=SERVER
Hansoft server address
-p PORT, --port=PORT Hansoft server port
-d DATABASE, --database=DATABASE
Hansoft database
-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
Hansoft SDK username
-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
Hansoft SDK password
-r RESOURCE, --resource=RESOURCE
Hansoft dasboard owner username
-c CHART, --chart=CHART
Hansoft chart id(s), use comma separated list for
multiple ids.
Image resolution <width> <height> <quality>
-j, --json Export data as JSON instead of image
Tested on OSX and Linux.
The following folders should be created next to the application: