Paper now published in Ecology titled: Shifts in competitive structures drive variation in species’ phenology published in Ecology
- to describe the breeding phenology of desert rodents under different biotic contexts; and
- to determine the effects of abiotic (i.e., NDVI, weather variables) and biotic (i.e., biomass of competitors) factors on their breeding phenology
- analyses: all files related to exploratory/preliminary analyses (unorganized and poorly annotated)
- figures: some of the manuscript figures
- RScripts: all final data cleaning and data analyses scripts
- ReproData: cleaned reproductive data used in building models
- data_curation_final.R: obtain cleaned and manipulated Portal rodent data and relevant covariates
- data_cleaning_function_Supp.R: Sarah's code for cleaning individual-level data (to make sure all records of reproductive individuals are correct)
- explore-lag models.R: used to determine the appropriate lag for weather covariates (warm and cool precip)
- figure_prep.R: code for creating manuscript figures