This was a team project which I have cloned to show here. We worked for 2 weeks in teams starting with a basic MERN stack template and starter code. The app had the functionality to signup and logon, but no other functionality. We were given tickets to work on to improve the functionality, including: posting both text and photos; uploading a profile picture; following friends; profile screen and feed screen.
Overall we were proud of the final result of the project. We created a functioning app in JavaScript / React / node.js following only 2 weeks of learning prior to starting this project. We had also never seen a MERN stack before - this was by far the most complex app we had ever been exposed to, so much of the first two days was spent getting our heads around the data flow through the application. Time was short and ultimately ran away with us. There are lots more aspects we would have liked to have implemented, and especially we would have liked to have done more testing to improve the coverage.
In this project, you are task with working on an existing application. A significant part of the challenge will be to familiarise yourself with the codebase you've inherited, as you work to improve and extend it.
This repo contains two applications:
- A frontend React App
- A backend api server
These two applications will communicate through HTTP requests, and need to be run separately.
More documentation of the codebase and its architecture can be found here. It's recommended you all read the suggested docs after making sure the whole setup below worked for everyone. Then work together on a diagram describing how the application works.
If you haven't already, make sure you have node and NVM installed.
- Install Node Version Manager (NVM)
Then follow the instructions to update your
brew install nvm
. - Open a new terminal
- Install the latest version of Node.js, (
at time of writing).nvm install 20
Have one team member fork this repository
Rename the fork to
acebook-<team name>
Every team member clone the fork to their local machine
Install dependencies for both the
applications:cd frontend npm install cd ../api npm install
Install an ESLint plugin for your editor, for example ESLint for VSCode
Install MongoDB
brew tap mongodb/brew brew install mongodb-community@6.0
Note: If you see a message that says
If you need to have mongodb-community@6.0 first in your PATH, run:
, follow the instruction. Restart your terminal after this. -
Start MongoDB
brew services start mongodb-community@6.0
We need to create two .env
files, one in the frontend and one in the api.
Create a file frontend/.env
with the following contents:
Create a file api/.env
with the following contents:
For an explanation of these environment variables, see the documentation.
- Start the server application (in the
directory) in dev mode:
; cd api
; npm run dev
- Start the front end application (in the
In a new terminal session...
; cd frontend
; npm run dev
You should now be able to open your browser and go to
to create a new user.
Then, after signing up, you should be able to log in by going to
After logging in, you won't see much but you can create posts using PostMan and they should then show up in the browser if you refresh the page.