This web application allows users to list available spaces and book them for overnight stays of various lengths. It was developed as a group project using Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, providing a robust platform for listing and hiring spaces with customisable availability and booking management.
User Signup & Authentication: Users can sign up, log in, and manage their profiles. Listing Spaces: Any signed-up user can:
- List multiple spaces with a name, short description, and price per night.
- Manage their profile and update information Booking Requests: Users can:
- Request to book a listed space for any available nights.
- Approve or deny booking requests for their spaces.
- Booked nights are automatically blocked to prevent double bookings.
- Availability Control: Spaces remain bookable until a booking request is confirmed.
- Booking Approvals: Space owners must approve booking requests before the booking is finalized.
- Backend: Python, Flask
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Database: PostgreSQL
# Set up the virtual environment
; python -m venv makersbnb-venv
# Activate the virtual environment
; source makersbnb-venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
(makersbnb-venv); pip install -r requirements.txt
# Create a test and development PostgreSQL database
(makersbnb-venv); createdb YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
(makersbnb-venv); createdb YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_TEST
# Open lib/ and change the database names
(makersbnb-venv); open lib/
# Run the tests (with extra logging)
(makersbnb-venv); pytest -sv
# Run the app
(makersbnb-venv); python
# Now visit http://localhost:5001/index in your browser